Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Yu Yu Hakusho. Do I have to say this every chapter?
Comment Special:
Woo! Comments! Well I've received a good chunk of review and all of them good so I'll answer some of the questions without giving too much away. Hah.
ChaosLord SilverLink310: Yes, I totally agree with you, the Spirit Sword will be the only thing included from YYH. Although I might have him learn the Spirit Gun during the Chuunin Exams depending on how I feel by then. Hah. And your comment about Genjutsu I was gonna try to stick in the story hopefully. But I don't know if I'll let Naruto use Genjutsu and keep him at the Genjutsu as canon (maybe I'll let him be able to dispel but not cast any).
Spear-of-the-doomed: Yea I might have Naruto help people around the village either during the second year of training or after all the training before he graduates. And about the Yakumo Kurama thing I probably won't do anything with her sorry about that but I hope you keep reading.
Blackfang1983: Yes my plan was to have jutsu take care of long range issues so no there's a good chance that he will not learn the Spirit Gun (see first comment ^^).
tacktician: No, Genkai will not be training him it will be Kyuubi who teaches Naruto about Spirit Energy.
Well I hope that answered your questions guys keep sending them in, so without further a due the 3rd installment of "Naruto: Wielder of the Spirit Sword".
Chapter 3: The First Year: Spirit Energy 101
Last time:
"Good, now focus on it. What do feel while holding the sword?"
"It feels like… something warm is… flowing out of my hand and into the wood."
"Good, now memorize that feeling it will be the 'key' to accessing your Spirit Energy. Now put the sword away and sit down. Try to look inside yourself and find that warm feeling."
"Yes sir!"
-Training Ground 28 10:00 am-
"Spirit Sword!" Naruto called out as he summoned his weapon from the end of the chunk of charmed wood.
"Heh, 50 seconds not bad for only 2 hours of work," Kyuubi said after timing how long it took for Naruto to summon his Spirit Sword.
"Damn straight," Naruto yelled.
"I said it wasn't bad not that it was good. We've got a lot of work to do. Now go find the closest waterfall."
-Waterfall 2 miles from Training Ground 28 11:00 pm-
"Alright Kyuubi I'm at the waterfall now what?" Naruto asked.
"Go meditate under the waterfall. The cold water will numb your physical body making it easier to find that warm feeling that is your Spirit Energy."
"Why will sitting under a waterfall make it easier to tap into my Spirit Energy?"
"Because water is a physical element so it will only affect you 'physically' leaving your Spirit untouched so distinguishing between your Spirit and Physical Energy should be easy even for an idiot such as yourself."
"Well then let's get to meditating then, yosh!"
"Sigh. You do know how to meditate right?"
"ummm… ye-no… hehe"
"First sit in any position you like that comfortable and stable. Then empty your mind and relax."
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"Well guess I'll get started then."
-1 month later-
Naruto's Spirit Training was not exactly what he was expecting. First he had to start meditating under that cold waterfall until he could find his Spirit Energy in the blink of an eye. Lucky for him though he was able to do that in about 10 days, but when he thought that now he could summon his sword without the chunk of wood though he was sorrowfully mistaken. So Kyuubi had him meditate without the waterfall such as at home and during Academy classes. Naruto had the same goal as when he meditated under the waterfall, finding his Spirit Energy in a second. Unfortunately this took significantly, about 3 weeks. But finally he was ready to try again to summon his Spirit Sword without the chunk of wood.
"Alright kit let's try again." Kyuubi said as Naruto stood in the middle of Training Ground 28.
"… Spirit Sword!" Naruto called out as he summoned his Spirit Sword without the use of the charmed wood. "Woohoo! I did it! I finally did it!"
"Yes kit very good. But it took you too long to summon your Spirit Energy. Now we're gonna work on summoning your sword faster, within a second or two. Now hop to it."
-1 month later (2 months total)-
Naruto after grueling and boring month of summoning, dismissing, and summoning his Spirit Sword again and again was finally able to summon it at a moment's notice.
"Alright good job kit. Now the real training can begin. We'll start by going to the library and getting a scroll on basic kenjutsu. Then we'll work on manipulating your sword, surprise is a shinobi's greatest weapon after all."
-10 months later (1 year total)-
Finally the first year of training had come to a close but not without great improvement on Naruto's part. Although this was only the beginning his ninja training started tomorrow and he knew it wasn't going to be easy. As Naruto went to bed he couldn't help but be excited at his progress. He was excited about tomorrow because if his ninja training goes as good as his Spirit training went he was positive he would pass his Genin Exam and graduate from the Academy to become a full fledged ninja.
Chapter End
Yea I know that chapter was really short but I want to get through the training filler chapters lol
Naruto's Spirit Sword abilities summary:
Basically he has the same attacks as Kuwabara: Sword Extend, The sword curving thing when Kuwabara was fighting Rinko (the kid with the yo-yo's), the Spirit Blast thing he used when fought the Elder Toguro Brother (the dude that can stretch), Underground Piercing the thing Kuwabara used against the guy in the Poltergiest Report movie (he seands his spirit sword into the ground and then it shoots up cutting or stabbing the opponent).
Poll 1
Which elemental alignment should Naruto have?
-2 elements (if you pick this one tell me what 2 you want)
Poll 2
What team should Naruto be placed in? (sensies will stay with the original team i.e.: Kakashi=Team 7, Asuma=Team 10, Kurenai=Team 8)
-Original Teams
-Team 8 (tell me what character you would want switched)
-Team 10 (tell me what character you would want switched)
-Jumbled Teams (tell me what characters should be on which teams)
tell me in a review please and thanks for reading till next time, PEACE!