Disclaimer: I own nothing.
moment can reveal just
how bad it could hurt to lose
you never really had.
A/N: This takes place during the 6th book.
Draco Malfoy stared down at his feet, attempting to ignore the pain he had endured for months now. His chest ached like his heart had been shattered, and perhaps it had been. He had grown a bit taller and a bit stronger, while his emotional strength had weakened quite a lot. Though he'd never admit it, he often stayed up crying while alone in his bedroom. He felt as if the walls were closing in around him, like an invisible hand was trying it's hardest to smother him. Sometimes he even literally struggled to breathe. Maybe Briney had been right about him, maybe he was just a naïve little boy who was blinded by power and had gotten in over his head.
He was certainly in over his head now. He had been branded by the Dark Mark. There was no going back now. No, it was too late for him. Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater, one of them. His parents had been so proud when he was inducted, his father mostly (even though he was on Voldemort's blacklist because of his mess-up at the Department of Mysteries). His son had become a mirror image of himself, a follower in his footsteps. Now he must go a step further. He was asked to complete a very important task by Voldemort, himself. He was assigned to kill Albus Dumbledore, arguably the greatest wizard in history.
He stood outside Voldemort's study, waiting his signal to enter. The butterflies in his stomach grew sharp bat wings and soon swarmed his gullet like mad. He swallowed hard to keep them at bay, frightened they may escape.
Tonight he had a legitimate reason to be terrified because, for once, Draco Malfoy was going to be brave. He was going to propose something to Voldemort that could quite possible earn him an early grave. However, Draco would not back down now. He would not veer away from what he was about to do. There was nothing more terrifying than what may happen if he didn't deliver his proposition. A slight shiver shot down his spine as he thought of the consequences. He shook his head slightly, clearing away the thoughts. The door suddenly opened, causing him to jump a bit. Voldemort sent him a malicious smile and welcomed him into his chambers.
"Young Master Malfoy, come in," Voldemort said, beckoning him inside.
"Thank you, My Lord," Draco bowed before scurrying into the dreary room.
Voldemort motioned for Draco to take a seat across from him, the same seat Briney had occupied just over a year earlier. Draco tried to appear confident in front of Voldemort, though he was petrified beyond belief.
"So, Master Malfoy, I assume Bellatrix has disclosed the details of your task to you by now," Voldemort smirked, linking his boney fingers together atop his mahogany desk.
"Yes, My Lord," Draco said quietly.
"And you of course accept your mission," Voldemort said with an upward inflection.
"Yes, My Lord," he repeated.
"Yet, you have requested still to speak with me," he said. "You know what you must do. What more is there to say?"
"It's just-" Draco began quietly. "I mean-"
"Spit it out, boy," Voldemort demanded viciously.
"If I complete my task," he choked out. "I would like your assurance on something."
"You are bold to ask me for something in return, Draco," he hissed coldly.
"I apologize, sir, but I-" Draco began again.
"However, I will humor your request," Voldemort smirked, enjoying Draco's uneasiness. "What is it that you desire as compensation upon your success?"
"Safety," Draco said simply. "I want the safety of someone guaranteed by you, My Lord."
"And who might that be?" he scoffed.
"Nemesis Dolohov," Draco said firmly.
Voldemort's sickening smile faded immediately at the sound of her name. His grip suddenly tightened. His eyes surveyed Draco like a predator eyes it's prey. Malfoy's grey eyes avoided Voldemort's red beady ones, it took all he had in him to request something so bold.
"How dare you?" Voldemort spat, slamming his fists upon the desk top.
"Sir, I-" he began.
"SILENCE," he bellowed. "You have audacity to demand something so unfeasible? That girl deserves nothing short of death for the crimes she has committed against your Lord, and yet you have the gall to ask for her protection?!"
It wasn't difficult for Voldemort and the other Death Eaters to discover the true origins of Briney. When her body transformed back into her brother it was made blatantly obvious what had happened. She had killed her own brother, escaped, and was currently no where to be found.
"I am sorry, My Lord," he stammered. "I care deeply for her, you see. We grew up together. She's like my sister, and I cannot sit idly by and watch her be killed."
"You choose to defy me," Voldemort said, venom dripping from every syllable.
"No, My Lord, not at all," Draco said hoarsely. "If I defied you then I would not be asking for your authorization. My allegiance lies solely with you, My Lord, I assure you."
Voldemort stood from his chair and strolled swiftly to the thick glass window adjacent to them. Draco's stature stiffened at Voldemort's quick movements. The tall man's hands were laced firmly behind his back, gripping his wand that Draco hadn't been able to take his eyes off of. Voldemort contemplated Draco's childish request. He did not expect the young Malfoy to succeed with his delivered task. Not in the slightest. Voldemort merely saw Draco's emotional strain and inevitable death upon his unsuccessful attempt to kill Dumbledore as an easy way to punish Lucius for failing to obtain the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries and for being banished to Azkaban.
"I cared deeply for Miss Dolohov, and she betrayed me," Voldemort said quietly. "She is a devious succubus, yet you wish for me to spare her life. Why, Master Malfoy?"
"It's like I said before, My Lord," Draco said. "We grew up together, and I fear for her safety-"
"You love her, don't you?" Voldemort said so coolly that Draco swore he felt the temperature drop several degrees.
"No, sir-" he began.
"LIAR," he shouted. "You think you love that foul creature?"
"Of course not, My Lord," Draco stuttered.
"You lie, Draco," Voldemort said with slight amusement in his tone. "I feel I must warn you, she will not return your affections. She has sold her heart to that despicable blood traitor, that Weasley."
"I do not expect her to return nonexistent affections," Draco said. "All I ask is that her safety be ensured after I complete my assigned task. I ask for nothing more, My Lord."
"Such a selfless act," Voldemort scoffed, turning to face him. "A fools errand, I must say. But I will agree to your conditions, Draco, as long as you consent to mine as well."
"Anything, My Lord," Draco nodded hopefully.
"Then give me your arm, boy," Voldemort said, swiftly striding in front of Draco.
Voldemort took Draco's wrist against his to perform the Unbreakable Vow. He touched the tip of his wand against their skin and mumbled the initial spell, shooting golden binds around their forearms.
"If you do not succeed in your mission then not only will Miss Dolohov's life surely be lost, but your own as well," Voldemort said. "Are you willing to potentially sacrifice yourself for her?"
"Yes," Draco breathed.
"You, Draco Malfoy, vow that if Albus Dumbledore is not dead by the first of July you will so solemnly forfeit your own life?" Voldemort began.
"Y-Yes," he repeated.
"And you, my Dark Lord, vow that you will not allow any fatal harm to happen to Nemesis Dolohov so long as I accomplish my task?" Draco asked.
"Yes," Voldemort agreed. "I so solemnly vow."
The golden binds were broken at this, allowing the pair to separate. Voldemort then looked square in Draco's eyes, paralyzing him in fear.
"I swore not to slay her as long as you achieve your task," Voldemort explained. "So I suggest you be quick to complete it, because none of it will matter if she is already dead."
A/N: Where in the world is Briney Black? Thanks for all the wonderful reviews throughout 'A Death Eater's Daughter,' I greatly appreciate it yet again. I hope you enjoy this story even more. I know I already am. Loads of angst. We won't find out where Briney is for a few more chapters. Sorry, mates. Also, I randomly decided to add in that AU reason for Malfoy to accept Voldemort's mission. I thought it works well, and it gives me a lot more scenes to create. I'll wait until I get like 25 subscribers or favorites on this fic before updating again. I'm quite excited about it, really. I so solemnly swear that this going to be WAY better than Part I. Get ready!!
PS: Don't forget to take my profile poll on the story. It's on the top of my page. Thanks, loves.
Coming Soon: Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Dumbledore speaks to Harry about Briney's 'death.' The Unbreakable Vow.