A/N: Okay guys, please don't hate me! I'm NOT dead obviously, since I'm back with continuing on with this story after, oh... 2 years. Hehe.

I apologize to keep you in such a long wait; but school and family got in the way. But it's summer for me now, the second to last summer of my high school life - because this year I'm a junior ;) BOO YAH!

Again, I'm really really really sorry for the long break from this and my other stories; and with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 3 :

Faces and Places, New and Old

Out of the white blanket that enveloped the brunette's surroundings after the attack, she made out a figure walking towards her. As of now, all she could tell from the stocky silhouette was that it was definitely a guy. As the bright flash from Eevee's shadow ball gradually faded, she got a clearer view of the mystery person in front of her; it was someone she didn't know.

He was a bit taller than her, with brown eyes that were staring into her blue ones, as his gaze turned to her Eevee. He was clad in a black and red suit with black combat boots to match; his spiky red hair resembled that of a flame.

"That was a nice move, I can tell your Eevee is well-trained." He was still looking at the little brown fox as Eevee walked to a closer spot near her trainer. The brunette picked her up and was now nestled in her arms.

"Thanks, I was training her in perfecting her Shadow Ball so she'd create it faster and hit with it stronger... I didn't expect it to merge with the tree though." May admitted with a small smile.

"Well it caused a beautiful scenery none the less. I was actually flying up in the sky when I saw a bright white flash down below, so I decided to check it out and inspect what it was. Safe to say, I'm glad to conclude it wasn't anything nefarious."

May almost faltered when she said that last word. "Er, nefarious, not at all!" she exclaimed. "I'm a pokémon coordinator just training is all."

"Yes, you do seem familiar now that I examine you up close. I think I've seen you on TV before in contests." He stated while May nodded to verify. "I apologize to have mistaken what you were doing as anything villainous; I'm a part of the Pokémon G-Men, an organization that works to stop people from improperly treating pokémon by investigating and traveling the countryside. Lately there has been a lot of criminal activity relating to the sort, so I hope you understand and forgive my misjudgement."

"It's perfectly alright, you were just doing your job." May smiled and reassured, as she extended her hand out. "My name's May Maple from Petalburg City, in Hoenn."

"Nice to make your acquaintance May. You can call me Lance. Hoenn's quite a distance from here in Johto." The person known as Lance firmly took her hand into his as they shook. "Since you're a coordinator, I take it you must be here for the Grand Festival then that's going to take place in Blackthorn City."

"Yeah, that's right!" May exclaimed. "Eevee-eevee!" Eevee let out a little cheer of excitement, nearly jumping out of May's arms.

"Blackthorn City was where I was raised and grew up along with my cousin; she's now the gym leader there. I drop by every now and then to visit; hopefully I see you there when the time comes." He politely smiled as he took a pokéball out and threw it up in the air. A white beam shot out from the ball, as it re-shaped itself to form a huge figure into that of a dragon. Two antennae popped from it's head, and it was orange in body with vast blue wings. Despite it's intimidating physique, it had friendly eyes and May could tell it was as soft and gentle as it was powerful and strong no doubt. Eevee looked up into the dragon's eyes and greeted it. "Eevee-eee!"

"Dragoniiiiiiiiiite!" the dragon roared back in a meant-to-be friendly reply. By this time, Eevee had jumped out of May's arms and onto the ground in front of the pokémon in front of her, as Lance bent down to gently pet the small brown fox. "Eevee-eev!" The pokémon responded back affectionately as she turned her head so Lance could stroke her fur, and better behind the ears where she likes it.

May giggled at the sight. "Definitely, just 2 more ribbons for me and I'll be on my way." By this time Lance finished petting the fox and had climbed up on the back of his own pokémon, ready to take off.

"Cheers to then May, and good luck in your pursuit for more ribbons. Forgive my early leave, but I'm needed to investigate an area up north as soon as possible."

Eevee had jumped back into May's arms as she bade them a farewell greeting. "Eevee-eevee!"

"Oh, and one more thing." he added on, "Keep up the training with your Eevee. I see a lot of potential in her; you just have to unlock it."

And with that, he took to the skies and soared off.

After her meeting with meeting with Lance, May continued on her journey to Goldenrod City. She would be within the city's borders in no time, estimating another 10 minutes or so of walking. After the encounter, she had to admit to herself; she felt great, better than before. Better than how she felt yesterday.

'Sometimes all it really takes is a couple of nice words to brighten up your spirit.' she thought to herself. She appreciated Lance's words of support.

Before she knew it, May was snapped out of her thoughts as scene of the city came into view. Checking her PokéNav, the screen blinked 2:15 PM. She figured Ash and Brock's cruise would have just docked by now since it's been a couple of hours since their talk, so she picked up her pace as she broke into a light jog towards her destination.

Goldenrod City was a bustling urban metropolis, very lively with people on each street everywhere you turn. Along her way she came across a bike shop, and as she made her way deeper she found herself staring at a massive all glass made six-story building that read 'Department Store' in bold letters above the entrance.

'I gotta remind myself to go shopping there after I meet up with the guys!' May thought cheerfully outloud.

"Well, we can check it out right now if you really want to!"

As May turned around, she felt something crawl up and make its way to her shoulder, and found herself staring into two familiar faces smiling back at her.


"GUYS! You're here! I can't believe it!" the brunette squealed as she took the yellow mouse off from her shoulder and gave it a tight hug. After nearly suffocating the poor creature, she set Pikachu down and gave his trainer the next big hug, which he returned.

"May, it's nice to see you again!" Ash said as he slowly released his former traveling companion so she could hug an equally ecstatic Brock, who also returned the embrace.

"I missed you guys so much! Don't tell me you guys have been waiting here in the city long, I just got here myself a couple minutes ago and was about to find you. I got a little sidetracked though when I saw the mega store in front of me." May grinned sheepishly.

It was Brock's turn to speak up this time. "Nahh, don't worry about it. We docked about 15 minutes ago and since we saw you weren't anywhere to be found we went to explore around for the time being. It's been so long since we've been back here in Goldenrod!"

"It seems like it was only yesterday when we first traveled here, and I was going to get my third gym badge from Whitney!" Ash commented, his face in a big grin as he began reminiscing old times.

"Coming back to Johto must bring back a lot of memories." May replied, when all of a sudden a loud grumble erupted from within her. The brunette sweat dropped as she held her tummy.

"Woops, sorry guys. I had a small brunch a couple hours ago before I set off on my way here, but I haven't eaten since then..." she admitted.

Brock chuckled, "That's fine May, how about we all head to check in at the Pokémon Center and then we can go out to eat at a nice café that I know! And later on when we get back, I'll whip up a special dish for dessert like I promised to celebrate our reunion." May nodded in agreement as Ash pumped his fist in the air.

"Alright! I was dying from the cheap cruise food they served on the way here, time for some real food! And if you're talking about the same café that we first ate at on our stay here Brock, then I'm all for it!"

"Sounds like a plan!" May smiled. 'It's just like old times.'

As if reading her thoughts, Ash added on. "Finally, a chance to catch up in person!"

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed as he hopped off his usually spot on Ash's shoulder and led the way for the trio, walking towards the Pokémon Center so they could check in a room and Ash and Brock could unpack their things. After they got settled, Brock led the group out into the city again so they can dine and finally have their much needed time to get updated with each others' lives.

So, did I get anyone in the beginning there with Lance? Sorry to disappoint if you were wishing it was somebody else! ;P

I was originally going to have the group's convo at the café included in this chapter, but decided to save it for the next one. If you have any questions so far, hit me up and I'll be glad to clear up any confusion. :)