A/N: PLEASE READ FIRST!: Okay, this is my first fan fiction ever. So please be nice! I've been reading a lot about Pokémon lately and decided to make a story of my own (: I'll try to update regularly (that's about a week max) or sooner. I'm starting high school in a couple weeks so forgive me if I update late!
Anyways, this fic has slight Contestshipping in it, but will change as I do have other plans for it (it's kinda like a rough draft so please bear with me :3) I will warn you though that this might contain Advancedshipping as well as Brunetteshipping (as the main shipping) later on. My original plan was (and still is) to have it Brunetteshipping at first but my mind might change, ya never know. And note that Dawn doesn't exist in my story- it's just an easier way for me to focus on the main characters. Sorry Dawn fans ):
Anyways, I think that's all I have to say. Enjoy (:
Chapter One :
Lost in Thoughts
It was a warm summer's evening with a yellow-tinted crescent moon dimly lighting the starry night sky. All was peaceful with the exception of nature's sounds, with the occasional scurrying of little Seedots and Zizagoon making their way through the forest. A gentle breeze blew by, picking up some of the leaves on the ground, causing them to gracefully dance with the wind. It just so happened that one slowly landed, swaying from side to side, in the gloved hands of a young Brunette girl.
The brunette was seated underneath a shady tree, admiring nature's scenery. It was late at night, her sapphire eyes fixed on a random spot staring out into space. For some reason she couldn't rest, let alone close her eyes for 5 minutes.
At times like this, she'd go and start a conversation with one of her traveling companions:
Brock - he was the eldest of the group, with a caring personality that made people look up to him as the gang's "older brother." He was the former gym leader of Pewter City, favoring Rock-typed Pokémon. Ever since he left that title to one of his younger bros, he began his studies as a Breeder, collecting knowledge of each Pokémon there is. His cooking skills are phenomenal, and you wouldn't know the difference between his food from a mother's home-cooked meal!
Then there was Max - he was the brunette's one and only little brother. He was a know-it-all, but that was one thing the girl liked about him (despite the times where it was just plain annoying!). He someday wanted to take the place of their father, the renowned Gym Leader of Petalburg City known as Norman.
And finally, there was Ash - the ever-so-confident Pokémon-loving trainer who dreamed to be Pokemon Master. He was there for her since the beginning of her journey. He was the one who showed the brunette how Pokémon were no reason to not like, and that they were to be treated and trusted as true companions through bonding and time. Of coarse he was speaking from personal experience, as he had his red-cheeked yellow mouse Pokémon companion, as well as his best friend, Pikachu.
But she couldn't do that now.
Her brother was back in Hoenn with her parents, and her other best friends were off in Sinnoh, so Ash could compete in the region's Gym Battles.
They had all gone their separate ways to live their dreams, just as she was doing now.
The girl traveled to the Johto region to compete in the Grand Festival, a tournament that only top-notched coordinators were allowed to compete in if they proved themselves worthy by acquiring 5 ribbons.
So far the girl had 3, but was lately having a hard time with her winning streak.
She was on her way to Goldenrod City, coming from Azalea Town. She was currently at a Pokémon center, a couple miles away from the city borders. It was nestled in a little forest with a big clearing in the center, where she ended up after her walk to ponder and organize her thoughts.
The brunette looked down to stare at the green colored leaf still in her hand. Green. It reminded her of a certain rival that just so happened to beat her in her latest contest.
-Flashback (2 Days ago)-
30 seconds on the clock; points for both coordinators are tied with half and half
"Go Masquerain, use Bubble Beam!" The Pokémon then sent colorful bubbles in the direction of the brown haired fox.
"Eevee! Jump and climb through those bubbles and use Shadow Ball!"
The Pokémon swiftly jumped onto each bubble with ease, making its way up to the Butterfly-like creature.
"Hmph. Good move, but not good enough!" The coordinator smirked and commanded his Pokémon:
"Masquerain, Air Slash!"
Just as Eeevee neared the top and aimed the powerful ball of darkness, the Pokémon unleashed a mighty wave of wind that slashed through it's attack, and wounded up bashing into the furry creature and slamming it against the floor. The collision of the attacks caused an explosion, and smoke filled the arena.
"And it lookes like the winners of the Azalea Contest is….."
Both coordinators turned their heads to the screen and waited for the smoke to clear out.
"Drew and Masquerain!"
The audience applauded as her rival gracefully took a bow with his Pokémon perched on top of his head.
"Eevee-eee, Eevie!" The Pokémon spoke with sorrow in its eyes, knowing that it had failed it's master.
The girl carefully picked up it's companion and held it caringly in her arms.
"Eevee, you were great. You go on and have a nice long rest, there's always next time!"
She gave it a re-assuring smile and the Pokémon let out a sigh of happiness. Although they did not win, she was happy that they got this far and one loss wasn't going to stop her from her goal.
With Eevee still in her hands, the boy looked over at the girl with his usual smirk, and walked off the stage after receiving the Azalea Ribbon.
"This concludes the Azalea Town Pokemon Contest! I'm your Johto contest host, Julianne, signing off and hoping to see you in another contest soon!"
The audience cheered and soon made their way out of the Contest Hall, followed soon after by the runner-up duo. The girl was still carrying the Pokémon in her arms and was getting ready to leave when she heard a voice from behind.
"Hn. So I see you still need to work on that style of yours, eh?"
She turned around expectantly to see her green haired rival.
He hadn't changed much from their last encounter back in Kanto. He still wore his trademark purple lavender shirt, unbuttoned to reveal a black tank which replaced his long sleeved one. Instead of tucked in, it hung loosely, but aside from that, he was pretty much the same old Drew with a tad longer hair.
"Yeah. Congrats on your win, I see your Masquerain's grown stronger!" the girl smiled warmly at him, and he just shrugged it off.
"Psh. Did you expect less? Can't say I say the same for you though!" The boy chuckled at his own comment.
(A/N: Oh, did I say "the same old Drew?" I forgot to mention his bigger ego!)
"WHAT WAS THAT?" the Brunette was now yelling at this point.
"I said, I can't say the same for your Eevee! I see you still need work on that Shadow Ball" he retorted, as he did his signature flick of his hair. "You could've won if you just put more power in it ya know" he added.
He waited for the girl to answer as he noticed the change in her outfit. Her signature bandana was still the same, but the color was now a deep emerald green, much like his eyes. Her trademark red outfit was now an orange vest with a black tank under and popped up black collar, with matching black biker shorts and gloves, same as before. And of course, her once yellow fanny pack was traded in for a green one, to go along with her look.
The girl had a solemn look on her face, taking in what her rival had just said.
Drew expected her to burst out into a fit of rage, knowing that he had just insulted her Pokémon. Since the first day they met at the beach, he remembered her exact words when she scolded at him….
"HEY! You can make fun of me all you want, but don't you DARE make fun of MY POKEMON!"
But instead, the girl just agreed with him.
"Huh?" he spat out.
"I said you're right…" the Brunette muttered.
And with that, the girl turned to walk away, leaving a confused Drew puzzled outside the Contest Hall.
- End of Flashback -
So there she sat, still pondering about what she said a couple of days ago.
The brunette known as May knew why she said it- but also didn't.
Truthfully, she had considered herself to be lucky for her last 3 wins, because she didn't encounter any of her big league rivals…up until the other day.
She had managed to train and perfect some of her Pokémons' moves while here, but she felt like she couldn't push herself to reach her full potential.
And that's exactly how she felt with Eevee in the contest- why she wasn't really that upset with it, and probably why she said what she said to Drew.
The little brown-furred companion was laying comfortably on her trainer's lap. May shifted her gaze towards her Eevee, and pet it fondly.
'What's stopping me from doing my best?' she wondered.
Her thoughts then went back to her friends. She missed them so much, and wished she could to talk to them and hear their comforting words.
She was interrupted in her thoughts when she suddenly let out a big yawn. She checked her PokéNav for the time and realized it was late. 11:11PM blinked on the screen.
She looked at her Eevee who had fallen fast asleep on her lap, and returned it to its poke ball for a well deserved rest. She picked herself off of the ground and let the leaf in her hand blow away with the wind.
She started to make her way back to the Pokémon center, feeling a little tired herself. Just when she was about to head up to her room, Nurse Joy motioned for her to come over.
"Something wrong Nurse Joy?" May worriedly asked.
"Oh no dear!" She smiled warmly. "But are you by any chance May from Petalburg City?"
"Yeah, that's me. Why?"
"Well Miss, I was told to tell you to contact this number." Nurse Joy said as she handed her a paper with numbers on it. May analyzed it and then looked back at the pink haired woman.
"Thanks Nurse Joy!" May thanked her with a smile.
"You're Welcome." Nurse Joy returned her smile. "You may call them when ever you feel like, the telephones are just over there. But I think it's be best to call tomorrow don't you think?" She said while pointing to the round Hoot Hoot clock perched on top of the main desk.
"Yeah I think so too." May giggled. "Thanks again! I'm gonna go ahead and rest now. Good night!" She said as she turned and ran towards the stairs leading to her room.
Once May had reached her room, she placed the paper on top a desk seated near the window, along with her other gear and poke balls. She quickly removed her vest so it was just her tank top, and changed into PJ shorts. Once she brushed up, she lazily flopped on her bunk and pulled the sheets over.
Before closing her eyes, she glanced at the paper and drifted off to sleep….