Okay, so I just finished Along For the Ride about...two hours ago and I started this immediately after! I must say, I absolutely love that book. The only books I haven't read of Sarah Dessen so far are That Summer and Lock & Key. I want to read them so badly because I just love all her books! So, this is the first fan-fic I have written of hers. I really hope you guys like it. Leave me lots of reviews to let me know if you like it and if you want me to continue, because I have lots of ideas for this story!

Disclaimer: I don't own it. Ms. Dessen does sadly, but she does a darn good job.

Chapter One

My graduation day from Defriese got here faster than I expected, even though it had been, indeed, two years since I'd first started at the school. I was going around my room calmly getting ready for the ceremony while Maggie raced around, on the verge of a mental break, it seemed, just because she couldn't find her silver strappy heels.

"They must be around here somewhere!" she said frantically as she looked under the couch. She was wearing an ivory colored dress with cap sleeves and an elegant scoop neck, lace detail on the soft fabric. Her silver heels went perfectly with it, so I could kind of understand why she was stressing about it. Kind of.

I walked into my room of the loft we'd been sharing since our first day at Defriese and I checked behind a chair that was in the corner. "I found them," I announced as I walked back into the living room, the heels hanging from my fingers by the straps. "Must've left them in there when I had to glue that rhinestone back on."

Maggie took the heels, looking at them like they were the Holy Grail. "You are a lifesaver Auden," she said before she sat down on the couch, slipping the heels on her feet. "You look gorgeous in that dress by the way."

I looked down at the soft dress I was wearing. It had an a-line skirt and it was white, in the style of a halter dress. It had a satin ivory colored ribbon around the waist and it fit my form just perfectly. Along with it, I had on a pair of silver ballet flats. I didn't trust myself to walk across that stage with the big stairs leading up to it in heels the size of Maggie's. I honestly didn't know how she walked in them.

After I grabbed a cute little silver clutch purse that Heidi had gotten me for my birthday and asked Maggie if she was ready to go. We were nearly late since all the graduates had to be to the stage an hour before the ceremony started.

Maggie grabbed our graduation gowns and draped them over her arm and I grabbed the caps before we walked out the door, locking the loft behind us.

All the students were milling about, talking excitedly and we found a group of girls we usually hung out with sometimes. We all got our gowns on and made last minute adjustments to our hair before one of the student advisors said, "Ten minutes and we start the progression!"

There were walkway after walkway around the Defriese campus and Maggie and I sat on a ceramic bench. She looked at me and smiled, "Auden, why are you nervous?"

I stared at her for a moment. Why was I nervous? Oh I don't know, she didn't to worry about stammering! "Mags, you don't have to deliver a speech to five thousand people," I told her, and I did feel quite pale.

She unzipped her little clutch purse and took out a compact of blush and swiftly applied some to my cheeks. "You look like you're about ready to pass out."

"I feel like it too," I told her, and I did feel a bit nauseous.

Moments later, the student advisor came back and told us all to line up, two in a row, our last names in alphabetical order. I was last in the row with a girl who's last name was Zimmerman.

The traditional graduation march began and everyone in the crowd turned to look as the first two people started down the aisle towards where our seats were. I was sitting in the second to last seat. The dean of Defriese instantly began to talk as everyone finished getting seated. His speech was long and boring, but finally he said, "Now for our valedictorian, Auden West."

The crowd applauded and the loudest applauding and calls came from a group several rows back from the front row.

I stood up from my seat and walked up to the stage where Dean Ashford was waiting for me to come up. I had my speech cards in hand, ready. I shook hands with him and told him thank-you before I took my place at the podium, having to lower the microphone so I could be heard.

"The past isn't dead," I began. "It isn't even past…"

I was going to say those exact words at my high school graduation, but my mother had told me that it was over the top. So I figured now would be a good occasion for them. My speech wasn't too long – it got to the point and everyone was listening to me intently. Finally, I ended it and stepped down from the stage, going back to my seat. I could see my family from where I had been standing on the stage. My mother with her long black hair, looking serious but proud. Hollis sat by my mom, looking excited with Laura right at his side. Then my father with Heidi and Isby sitting on her lip. Then, on the other side of Heidi, was Eli. His hair was a little shorter and more tame and he had actually dressed up in a dress shirt and slacks. He looked good, long story short.

The ceremony progressed and name after name was called before Dean Ashford called out, "Auden Penelope West," and I walked up to the stage from where I had been in line and shook the Dean's hand as he handed me my degree. We had to pause for a picture, and then I could continue down the opposite side of the stage, going back to my seat as my family and Eli still clapped and called out to me. When all the graduates were seated again and we put our tassels to the opposite sides of our caps. After the ceremony, I walked over to where my parents were and hugged them both and Heidi. I went over to Eli and wrapped my arms around his neck and he gave me a sweet kiss. "I'm so proud of you," he said, brushing his hand through my hair since I'd taken my cap off.

I smiled up at him. "Thank you."

Isby fussed at me from where she stood holding Heidi's hand and she looked up at me. I had to pick her up. After all, how could I deny my little sister? I hugged her and grinned, "Hey kiddo."

"Pretty," she said, touching my hair that Maggie had curled for me.

I laughed and kissed her little cheek. She already looked so much like Heidi, but she still had eyes just like mine.

After many pictures and more hugs, my dad said, "We'll meet you at the restaurant, okay? Eli, were you driving her?"

Eli nodded, "Yes sir," he said. He was always respectful towards my dad, not wanting to get on the wrong side of him, I guessed.

"Alright," my dad said and put his hand on Heidi's waist. "See you there."

My mother went with Hollis and Laura to the car and Eli walked me to his car. He no longer had his Toyota, but he'd traded it in for a Ford truck. He helped me in after I took off the long black gown that I'd had on over my dress and I put it and the black cap in the back cab portion of the truck sitting back and putting my seat belt on.

Eli got in the driver's side and took in my appearance, his eyes seeming to melt. He leaned towards me and pressed a kiss to my cheek and then to my lips, keeping the kiss going for several long moments. "You did incredible. And you look gorgeous."

I smiled at him and ran my fingertips through his hair. "Thank you," I said again. His graduation had been two weeks before and I had gone and cheered him on just as he had me.

He smiled and kissed me softly again before he started the truck and started to drive towards the restaurant that my dad had reservations at for everyone.

Okay, so there it is! The first chapter. Thanks for reading it. I really want to continue it, but I won't if you don't REVIEW! So make sure you REVIEW!
