This is it!!! The end of yet another adventure – it's always so sad!
Though, on a brighter note, I will be posting a sequel to my Tom Fletcher story, Plan: B. The sequel is currently unnamed and not complete enough to being posting. Keep an eye open for it =]
Anyway, it's been an awesome run guys. You're all ridiculously awesome and I thank you SO much for getting me… jesus nearly 340 reviews. That's… just amazing! Thank you all SO much!!!
Overlooking my sense of sight was never something I'd taken for granted. The other four senses – touch, taste, scent and smell – none of them compared to the indescribably uncomfortable feeling of losing my vision. It was as if I'd been revoked of my natural ability to identify and compare the objects around me; it was as though I'd lost the privilege and now had to rely on less clear mediums to obtain the same information. The feeling made me squirm.
"Please – can I please take the blind-fold off?" I begged, my heart pounding in my chest as I was led blindly to an unknown location.
"Wait until I say it's okay," he replied, ignoring the desperate edge to my voice. My stomach felt queasy as I was led clumsily over uneven concrete ground. This was not how I'd imagine my day going.
"I promise I'll keep my eyes closed. Just let me take the-"
"I know you'll cheat. It stays on." Was all he replied as he quickened our pace, his arm wrapped encouragingly around my elbow and trekking over the hard ground. I bit my lip and sighed, trying to fight down the panic attack that was slowly budding inside of me.
He knew that I feared losing my sight. He was completely aware of my horrible distaste towards going blind. Why else would I eat so many goddamned carrots? It was tactless for him to treat me this way, especially today of all days-
"We're here," he breathed, our pace slowing to a much less urgent walk. I was able to tell the difference of the ground beneath my feet. What once used to be hard concrete had turned into soft grass, cut short yet smoothly. The dirt below the grass was soft, causing the bottom of my heels to sink slightly from the pressure of my body.
Now I wanted to take the blindfold and my shoes off.
I reached my free arm up to the knot on the back of the black fabric around my eyes. Before I even had time to loosen it his hand caught me and batted me away.
"I didn't say you could take it off yet. I just said that we were here," he laughed lightly, still blindly leading me to our unknown destination. I continued to frown, not sure if I even wanted to know where we were going. I'd lost almost all interest.
As we continued through the grass I was suddenly more aware of my surroundings. The grass beneath my feet was becoming more and more firm, and in the distance I could hear the light sound of faint music blaring away. The air had become slightly more dense; as if we'd walked into an area much more humid than the one we'd previously been. It was so heavy I could taste salt – from an ocean?
"Seriously, where are we?" I asked, baffled. Most of my previous anger and frustration had dissipated into extreme curiosity.
He just laughed. "Ella, have some faith. We'll be there in less than a minute, I promise," there was an assurance within his tone that had me faithfully trusting him. He could've led me to the end of the world and pushed me off, and I would've followed loyally behind him.
But I knew he would never do that.
There was no warning as we came to a sudden and sharp halt. The sound of music had grown much louder and the lyrics were now clearly audible. In the further distance I could hear waves crashing, yet I felt no sand beneath my feet. The wind blew my hair across my face and the familiar scent of salt water met my nostrils once again.
"You can take the blindfold off now," he whispered in my ear as he stood securely behind me. I took a deep breath and for a moment the thought of leaving the blindfold on crossed my mind. But only for a second. I wasn't that crazy.
I removed the blinding fabric and slowly pulled it away from my eyes. What I saw surprised me more than anything.
"SURPRISE!" I jumped backwards and would've fallen over if it weren't for him standing right behind me. His hands rested securely on my shoulders as my eyes widened in a shock that was border-lining fear.
I let out a sharp scream as my eyes slowly took in the overpowering sight before me. It was like waking up out of a very long sleep; my eyes were blurry and I had to blink rapidly before taking in any of the sights. Everything was beautiful.
Nearly a hundred people stood before me, champagne glasses in each of their hands as they laughed at my appalled expression. They were all familiar faces: my mother and father, Dougie, Tom, Gio, Maddy, and Harry. My friends continued on for rows and rows of people, all craning their necks to watch me make a fool of myself.
"Hi!" I squeaked, still not completely composed. Everybody laughed and began congratulating me, their voices full of joy and reunion. I could only nod in appreciation as my eyes were still bouncing around the scene set up before me.
There was no other way to describe it apart from beautiful. Open golden tents were place strategically and carefully on top of a large rocky cliff. Tables covered with sharp white table cloths had been precariously placed around the flattest part of the cliff-top, which had been transformed into a dance-floor. Golden and white candles were lit and place sporadically around the scene, setting the entire night into a glowing ambience dream. I felt like I was going to cry.
"Surprise," I felt him whisper in my ear, a smile touching his lips as he bent to hug me around my waist. I bit my lip and spun around in his arms, holding him to me as laughter erupted from my throat.
"Thank you, Danny!" I sniffed as he hugged me back, his beautiful brown locks pressing against my forehead.
"Anything for you," he easily replied, squeezing me once more before releasing his hold, taking my hand as a substitute and leading us towards the crowd of our friends.
"Happy birthday, Ella!" "Congrats, Ella!" "You look like you haven't aged a bit!"
I blushed deeply at all the comments as we made our way through the crowd, happily talking and chatting with everyone and anyone. The sky was lit pink in the setting sunset and the breeze was just right on my bare shoulders. It couldn't have been more spectacular-
"Mummy!" I spun around immediately at the sound of my daughter's angelic voice. Through the crowd I could see her tug away from Tom and Gio as she caught sight of Danny and me. She'd been dressed in a light gold summer dress and her dark curls had been neatly brushed.
"Melody!" I smiled happily as she jumped into my arms. Danny laughed happily and leaned in to press his lips to her hair. She immediately giggled and she wrapped her arms around my neck, happy to be reunited with her parents.
"I missed you all day," her high, bell-like voice chimed as she pulled away and looked between Danny and me. Her tone sounded almost as if she was warning us to never leave her alone for such a long time ever again.
"We missed you too, love," Danny laughed, his hand resting on her back as I bounced her on my hip. It was getting harder for me to hold her as she got older. The thought terrified me.
"But you had fun with Uncle Tom and Auntie Gio, didn't you?" I asked, glancing over at them and smiling. They waved back and grinned, understanding smiles on both of their faces.
Mel bit her lip before she answered, her hand automatically reaching out to play with my necklace as she pondered her thoughts. She always loved looking at the moon and the sun embedded in the silver.
"Well, yeah but… but mum, they made me eat broccoli," she said the word as if it were a swear. Her eyes widened in disgust.
"I thought you loved broccoli?" I asked, slightly confused. This was a new development.
"Only the song!" She replied as though it were obvious. I made a noise of recognition and nodded my head while smiling lightly.
"Want me to go talk to him? We can't have him thinking that you actually like broccoli, now can we?" Danny asked, a humored smile carefully placed on his face. She wouldn't know that he was teasing her until she was older.
"Yeah!" She agreed, leaning out of my arms and into her father's chest. He skillfully got a hold of her and winked at me before walking away towards his friend. I watched in pleasure for a moment before spinning around and trying to locate another friend.
"Looking for me?" her voice sang happily as she tapped me on my shoulder. I spun in place to find Maddy clinging onto the arm of her husband, Dougie, large smiles placed on both of their faces.
"Of course!" I replied, pulling them both into an extravagant hug.
"You look lovely, lovely! What's your secret? It can't be having a child," Maddy laughed as she unabashedly patted my tummy. I rolled my eyes.
"It is having a child. I'm running around in ten different directions every day," I replied, chuckling sarcastically. Maddy and Dougie were completely aware of the requirements for parenting. They had a nine-year-old themselves. "Where's Jake?"
"He's home 'sick'," Dougie replied, finger-quoting his statement as he rolled his eyes.
"Oh will you stop with that! He really is sick! He had a temperature," Maddy explained, rolling her eyes at Dougie before she looked back at me, "we had to hire a babysitter for tonight."
"He's not sick," Dougie interrupted laughing, "I used to pull that stunt all the time when I was his age. If you shake the thermometer it reads as if you have a temp. Believe me – he's not sick," Dougie grinned, looking proud.
"And this pleases you?" I asked, intrigued.
"I think he's got himself a girlfriend," Dougie confided, his grin growing even wider.
"He's nine!" Maddy laughed, astounded.
"Well you know – they're starting young these days!" He laughed, holding his hands up in a surrendering type of way.
"Oh god. I'm locking Mel in her room till she's thirty," I shook my head, groaning as I considered her getting a boyfriend. My poor little four-year-old…
"Good luck with that. My mum tried that with me – and look how I turned out!" Maddy laughed, throwing her hands in the air exasperatedly as Dougie rolled his eyes.
"He's not sick," he added one final time, hoping that we completely understood.
"Yes he is!" Maddy replied, laughing some more.
I grinned before leaving them to their debate, walking through the groups of people around me. On the opposite side of the cliff I saw Harry, my wonderful older brother, dancing with his beautiful wife, Izzy. They both waved in my direction before tending back to their own little world. I smiled, content with the sight.
My walk continued to the edge of the cliff. Below waves were crashing in great white walls against the hard face of the rocky mountain. The water sparkled and shined in the setting sun's orange rays and I could feel a light sea mist touching my cheeks. Everything was perfect.
I glanced over my shoulder to where Danny was still laughing with Tom and Gio, Melody balanced expertly on his shoulders. His happiness made me happy. All of his successes were like my own. We had a beautiful daughter, a beautiful life, and we'd kept it strong for ten solid years.
I bit my lip and smiled, looking away as I reflected on everything that had gone on between us. Everyday my thoughts always went back to how lucky I was to have met Danny. We were that one couple that used to hate each other and in the end turned out to be the most in love.
Sure we had our low points. There were days when I wanted nothing to do with him, but then there were days when I knew that if he left, I would be a disaster. Life just wouldn't be complete without him in it.
"Hey…" his husky, familiar voice met my ears as I stared off into the sun.
"Hey yourself," I replied as his arms went around my waist. I leaned backwards into his chest, my moment of being making itself known. I was at complete peace.
"I love you," he whispered, kissing my hair and my cheek, staring out at the sun with me.
"I love you, too. Thank you," I sighed, spinning in his arms once again to hug him to me. His arms locked around my waist and he held me, swaying us back and forth in time to the music playing from the DJ.
I allowed him to rock me back and forth, just like the waves below would push and pull at the rocks swimming beneath the water. With each sway the rocks would grow softer and older, smoother and smaller. In Danny's arms I grew stronger and happier, calmer and braver.
Danny's hand took my own and he brought it to his lips. He individually kissed each one of my fingers, saving my ring finger for last. He kissed the diamond band he'd given me eight years ago, a cute smile touching his lips as he did so. And then he kissed the band below it; one with a moon and a star hovering in space. It was his token of his commitment and his apology.
But he'd already been forgiven long, long ago. As far as I was concerned, there was no need for an apology. As far as I was concerned, everything was completely and undeniably… perfect.
Sorry that I'm unable to respond to your reviews!!! I'm on a computer that has blocked them from being visual. I'll have to respond to them individually when I get to a better computer!!! SORRY!!!!!! ='[