Character: Kyle

Warnings: None

Rune Factory 2: 100 Themes

Theme 062: Spring


The first day of spring was always a beautiful thing. When the near-blinding whiteness finally receded into color, when the blanket of winter lifted so that things might rise from the earth, that was a wonderful thing worthy of celebration. I could feel the earth humming with joy and life underneath my feet after being held in frozen dormancy for so long, and it brought a little spring in my step, a smile to my face that only it could beget. It brought a feeling of being alive, of contentment, that for some inexplicable reason seemed to be torn away from me whenever Jack Frost curled his icy grip on the world.

It was a freeing thing, to see the silent, muffling white turn to bright color that whispered in the wind, and I loved every second of it. The feeling of soft earth under my hands, digging itself a home under my fingernails, covering every inch of my hands and knees and face as I wiped the sweat from my brow. The satisfaction of digging and planting and watering and toiling away under a hot sun, day after day, and watching as little seeds grew into seedlings, into young plants, and finally into beautiful tall vegetation with bright green waxy leaves and fruit that was soft and delicious and ripe. It was my life's blood, the thing that brought meaning to it all—the thing I wished for every second of the winter months.

All through the long winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring, I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth. I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar.


A/N: The little italicized bit is a quote from Helen Hayes. So yeah, not mine. XD

AND NO THIS THING IS NOT DEAD. I've just been a bit busy… I have a bunch of other projects in other fandoms that I've been focusing on, in addition to getting a day job and toiling away at that. ^^; Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things again.

Shameless self plug: Duplicity is back up, for those of you who have been following that before I took it down and haven't noticed. :D So if you remember it and were interested, go ahead and check it out~