I think this one is longer than the last one, and as draco's annie pointed out I had accidently put Merlin as Secretwarlock in the beginning of my last chapter, that was completely unintentional.

I'm still not sure where I'm headed with this, I'm just making it up as i go along, so it will probably stray from the original storyline. Anyway Enjoy!

Disclaimer: No matter how many chapters I write I doubt I'll ever own Merlin (tvshow) but you'll be the first to know if I do! lol

Born2rule – Arthur

Truedreamer – Morgana

Loyaloddity – Merlin

Humblemaid – Gwen

Truedreamer has signed

Loyaloddity has signed on

Truedreamer: Hello Merlin, Gwen should be on soon

Loyaloddity: I'm not sure about this…

Truedreamer: Merlin. We both know that IM isn't magic, but no one else is going to believe us unless we have proof

Born2rule has signed on

Born2rule: You are both insane!

Humblemaid has signed on

Born2rule: Are you trying to get arrested!

Humblemaid: What! Can't even say hello?

Born2rule: Umm, no, I mean, Hi

Loyaloddity: How exactly are we going to get proof, hi Gwen

Humblemaid: Hi merlin

Truedreamer: That's the hard bit, we have to find out who first brought IM to Camelot before we can do anything else

Born2rule: We are going to get caught. I should not be doing this, we should not be doing this

Truedreamer: Take a chill pill

Loyaloddity: Besides we're in PRIVATE chat, this time no one else should be able to log on =)

Shadowknight has logged on

Born2rule: You were saying, Idiot

Shadowknight: I heard you were looking for proof

Truedreamer: That is correct

Loyaloddity: How did you even get on this! You need an INVITE!

Truedreamer: Merlin, I invited him

Born2rule: And I repeat – insane

Loyaloddity: This is how we're gunna get caught

Born2rule: Finally someone's on my side!

Humblemaid : I'm confused

Truedreamer: I got a note say from this shadowknight saying he had info, that's why I got you all to log on

Loyaloddity: Did you bring IM to Camelot?

Shadowknight: Me? no.

Born2rule: Then who are you?

Shadowknight: That's for me to know and you to never find out

Born2rule: I could arrest you

Shadowknight: I doubt that considering you don't even know who I am, that's the beauty of IM, you could be talking to ANYONE

Humblemaid: That's not creepy

Shadowknight: Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it bad, am I right Lady Morgana

Truedreamer: Yes, you are

Shadowknight: I think merlin also agrees with me

Truedreamer: Merlin?

Born2rule: Merlin?

Loyaloddity: What! Umm sure

Shadowknight: You know what they say about secrets, Merlin?

Loyaloddity: What?

Shadowknight: Secrets stay in the shadows, and I love the shadows.

Shadowknight: Meet me here again in 24 hours, if you're not up to it, don't show.

Shadowknight has signed out

Born2rule: What was all that about

Humblemaid: He sounded crazy

Loyaloddity: He is insane

Truedreamer: And how would any of you know! But seriously Merlin, what's your shadowy secret?

Loyaloddity: I don't have a shadowy secret

Born2rule: I knew it!

Humblemaid: ?

Born2rule: He's in love with me, I'm sorry merlin but I don't swing that way

Loyaloddity: Ha Ha Ha, you are so funny

Born2rule: I am, aren't are?

Humblemaid: Sorry to interrupt but can we discuss this Shadowknight?

Truedreamer: Gwen's right,

Born2rule: I'm going arrest him as soon as I find him

Truedreamer: I doubt it will be that easy

Loyaloddity: I want to know how he knows about us, did you tell him anything?

Truedreamer: Only our names, he seemed to know who you were though, weird huh?

Loyaloddity: Weird

Humblemaid: Yeah

Born2rule: It's not weird at all, Merlin is known across the kingdom for his excellence in polishing armour!

Loyaloddity has signed out

Humblemaid: I think you upset him

Humblemaid has signed out

Truedreamer: You are getting really mean, Merlin isn't completely useless

Born2rule: I know

Born2rule has signed out

Truedreamer: Some secrets weren't meant to stay in the shadows

Truedreamer has signed out

Sorry if it's a bit crappy. Hope you liked. I figure if they have IM, they can have chill pills. As usual please send in your comments, suggestions and thoughts on Shadowknight. Might be a while before I upload again, but I will upload again.