AN: This is a little something I wrote. It is based off a real dream I had last night in which I was kidnapped by James. Almost everything is exactly the same as it was in the dream, except I used the diner from the movie in this instead of the diner I just quit my job which was in my original dream. So anyway, hope you guys like it! Feedback of any kind (minus outright flames) in greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: Twilight is not mine.

Last note: Unless you want really bizarre dreams, do NOT eat chocolate of any amount or kind before going to bed.

Smiling cheerfully, I rode my bike down the road, enjoying the sunlight. This was Forks, the rainiest city on the planet no doubt. Any day it wasn't raining was a good day.

I still couldn't figure out why I was riding a bike for the first time in seven years. I shrugged it off. At least I haven't fallen yet.

Weird. It was sunny AND I was being graceful. There was only one explanation for this.

I was dreaming.

Suddenly, I hit a rock and went tumbling to the ground, bike and all. Okay, maybe I'm still a klutz. From a short distance, I heard a car rolling down the street going abnormally fast. I only knew of one family that drove that fast, and I couldn't stop the smile from emerging on my face. However, it quickly vanished when I realized...

That wasn't a Cullen car.

The car was a pale yellow color. I didn't have time to study it further before it pulled up beside me. The passenger side door opened and a strong hand reached out and grabbed me, pulling me inside. I didn't know who it was until it was too late.


I tried to open the door but couldn't. There was no lock, either. "Funny how there's no lock, eh?" he sneered, cackling.

I tried to speak but found that I couldn't. Despite the pending danger, I felt oddly calm, as though Jasper was hiding in the trunk or something. I still clung to the thought that this was a dream, especially because it was still abnormally sunny.

The sky started growing darker, as if it was suddenly night, even though I thought it was only noon. Then, a loud noise filled the air. Thunder.


So much for dreaming.

James sped down the back street, gaining speed quickly despite the rain that had started moments ago. The rain, like the car, continued to gain power. What I didn't understand was why was he driving towards town?

I still couldn't speak. I wasn't scared, but talking was obviously not an option. I tried to open my mouth, but that was even an impossibility.

"I'm going to stop at a restaurant. You are going in and robbing it, got it?" he said, breaking our silence. Unable to ask why, I simply nodded."And," he started, not looking at me. "If you're wondering why I won't answer." Okay, well that answered that.

He stopped in front of that diner Charlie takes me to because he can't cook. Ack! If I rob this place I'll be banned! Which, that might not be such a bad thing...But, still, I don't like being thought of as a juvenile delinquent.

'Edward,' I spoke his name in my mind, although I knew he couldn't hear me, dream or not, but maybe I'd get lucky and he would hear me. THAT would prove that this is a dream. 'Edward, help me!' I called again.

"Go!" James ordered, interrupting my thoughts. Without complaint, I opened the door, surprised that it actually opened this time. Of course it would when I didn't want to.

I walked to the entrance. I could make a run for it, or hide out in here. But, it felt as though my legs were not under my control as I made my way to the register. There was a waitress standing there ringing a customer up. She didn't notice me. In fact, no one turned as I entered. Um...hello? I should have a big sign on my forehead saying "I've come to rob you!" I doubt they'd even get it then.

The waitress and the customer soon left the register. I walked behind the counter and studied the buttons. There was one that was larger than the rest. I pushed it and the drawer flew open. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There was exactly one dollar.

Still unnoticed, I made my way back into the car. I handed him the dollar and he snatched it from my hands without a word. As he started driving away again, I started calling for Edward again. 'Edward, this is your cue!' I thought.


Before I knew it, we were speeding through the forest. Finally, he stopped the car again and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me roughly out of the car. I felt like a rag doll as he drug me through the woods, too fast for human speed.

Within seconds, we reached a small cabin. What the heck was a cabin doing out here in the middle of nowhere? I had no idea but I didn't question it. I continued to desperately call for Edward. 'Edward, you're supposed to save me!'

I heard a cricket chirping from a few feet away. That was the ONLY sound I heard. No rapid running, no footsteps, no roar of an engine, no anything.

Some vampire boyfriend he was.

I didn't realize we were in the house until we were actually IN the house. He shoved me into the wall. I slid down to the ground, my head throbbing. Wow, talk about deja vu.

"Edward!" I cried, suddenly regaining my voice.

The window busted as if on cue. Finally, I thought, my heartbeat quickening. Any dream would end good if he was involved.

A large figure slid through the window, and much to my surprise, it wasn't Edward.

It was Emmett.

Why hadn't he used the door? Oh right, this was Emmett we were talking about.

As if Emmett wasn't there, James grabbed me by the neck and everything started to go black. It was over. He killed me.

"No! No!" I cried, thrashing about. I was dead, but I didn't exactly feel dead. Maybe an in-between state.

A cold hand touched my arm. This proved it. The grim reaper was real. "D-don't take me away! I'm not ready to die!" I cried.

The hand suddenly turned out to be an entire body, holding me, restraining me. "Bella, love, it's me." My eyes shot open. I knew that voice anywhere. Okay, so he wasn't exactly the grim reeper. I was tired, okay?

"Edward!" I cried, hugging him tightly, not quite thinking. He pulled back a little bit.

"Bad dream?" he guessed. "You kept saying my name. Was it about me?"

"Not really," I replied. "It was just really strange. James kidnapped me and forced me to rob a diner that only had a dollar."

He studied me for a long minute, possibly wondering where my sanity went. Finally, he spoke, "Bella?"


"No more chocolate ice cream."