Are You There?

Rated: PG

Category: Gen, Drabble, Mal POV.

Spoilers: None.

Summary: Mal's all alone. Or is he?

Note: Written in response to the LJ prompt of 'Are You There?' on WhedonLand.


It's cold.

Colder than I thought it'd be. And with my foxhole made of snow, that's sayin somethin.

I shiver, and that's when I remember why I'm in this frozen hellhole.

I'm gutshot.

Bleedin and leakin in all the wrong places.

Not that there's right places for that.

It hurts and I'm cold and alone.

Wait! You were here, weren't you? You ain't now.

Where'd you get to?

Did they snatch you?

Are you here?

I try to look but only manage a feeble, flailing moan.

Still, an answer comes.

"Go back to sleep, sir."

Sorry. Stupid question.

Should've known.