Disclaimer: Don't own.


Chapter Five

Who Says Double is Trouble?


If there's one thing in the world that Miguel hates almost more than Barthez, that's being forced to wait, and yet, there he was. He was currently pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room with Tala, Bryan, Ray, Lee, Max, Claude, Kenney, and Hillary. He was forced to stay there with them when Kai was rushed back into the surgery room for an emergency C-section. Due to the nurses and doctors having to work quickly, Miguel wasn't allowed in, and it was going on three hours.

A cough interrupted his thoughts, and he looked up, spotting Dr. Strandland instantly. Quickly moving over to him, Miguel pleaded for answers to his questions with his eyes. The doctor laughed a little and pat Miguel on the shoulder.

"Kai is just fine. We had a little difficulty because he being our first pregnant male and all, but everything went smoothly."

"And the baby?" the blonde asked.

Strandland bit the inside of his mouth which caused the alarm bells to ring in the Spaniard's mind. That was, until the good doctor smiled broadly. "Congratulations, Miguel Lavalier," he stated, "you are now the proud father of two healthy baby boys."

"Oh, thank go-" he stopped. 'Huh?' the inner Miguel questioned. 'Did he just say-'

"Did you just say two boys?" Tala asked, coming up beside the blonde.

'That's what I'm screaming!' inner Miguel cried, blue eyes wide.

Strandland nodded. "Yes, Kai was pregnant with twins."

"Twins?" Tala echoed.

"Twins?" Miguel stated, mouth open.

"Twins," Strandland confirmed, smiling at the Spaniard's more-than-baffled look. "Kai should be awake by now. I'll take you to his room. The twins are there with him, but I'm afraid I can only allow the father in at the moment. At least until Kai is completely off the medication."

The others nodded as the doctor lead the still shocked gargoyle away.


Miguel gulped as he entered his boyfriend's hospital room. Peeking his head in, he spotted Kai already sitting up with two blue bundles in his arms. The phoenix glanced up, feeling eyes watching him. He smiled as he caught sight of the gargoyle's blue orbs.

"Come on in, Miguel," the phoenix urged.

The blonde Spaniard didn't need any more said as he quickly shut the door behind him and went over to Kai's bedside. Sitting down, he let his gaze fall upon the two, identical-looking faces. Two upturned noses that were Kai's, somewhat heart-shaped faces with the defined chin that was definitely Miguel's, two tufts of slate hair with golden tips, and when their eyes opened, two beautiful sets of violet orbs: one with a hint of blue, the other crimson.

"Wow," the blonde breathed, smiled softly at his two sons. "They are wonderful."

Kai smiled and leaned his head on the broad shoulder of his lover. "Care to name them?" he asked.

Miguel looked at each of the boys. "I can't think of any," he stated, rubbing a gentle finger along one of the twins' brow.

Kai looked down at the one with the more crimson orbs. "I would like to call this one Taiyo."


"It means sun in Japanese. After the day that you asked me out for dinner, remember?"

Miguel chuckled, remembering his awkward way of asking the phoenix on a date. "I remember, and you're such a sap."

"Your fault."

"Alright, then the other is Tsuki."

"Moon?" The phoenix looked up into sea blue eyes.

Miguel nodded. "Yes, for the night of our first official date, and the night of our first official 'coming together'." He winked.

The young Russian blushed red. "When people ask, we tell them the first one."

"Of course," the blonde laughed. He leaned over and kissed his lover on the temple. "I love you, Kai."

"And I you, Miguel."

If either had chanced a look out the window, each would see a darkened sky, a bright, silver moon shining behind the black clouds, its rays catching on the small pieces of ice floating down. A winter's night is always a sight when the clouds open up and snow drifts down to purify the lands once again.




Information: This is Part Two of a three part storyline

Highlights for the sequel: "Spring Mornings are for Souring"

Four years after the birth of their twins, Kai and Miguel are living happily when Kai starts feeling strange again. What now? And with the twins child-curiosity, life is never boring.


Like I said, sorry it's so late being uploaded, and sorry it's so short/rushed. I really wanted to get to the third part. ^^ You will see.

Chapter one of the third part in the trilogy is now up. Enjoy!

Hope you have enjoyed this fic! Don't forget to review! ^^

Special thanks to all who alerted, reviewed, and favorited! You all are really appreciated! Sorry I didn't get back to a lot of you! ^^;

Ja Ne
