A/N I don't own characters and I don't own Sonny with a Chance.

Hope you like this!



Erm hi there this is Josh, the mail man for So Random. I don't really know much about this whole blogging thing, there are two reasons why I started this:

1. Chad said I should when he was following me around for tips on how to act like a mail man for his movie role.

2. I have seen some pretty funny and juicy stuff around set and so has Bert, who is an assistant and mail man onMackenzie Falls and we thought people may be interested to know about them.

So you may be thinking eww why would I want to read the blog of a mailman but you have no idea how many things I have seen happening at So Random and so has Bert for Mackenzie Falls. Our jobs are actually quite exciting, we get to see celebs everyday which is something not everyone can say!

Oh if you are wondering why Bert is not writing, he will write tomorrow as we are going to take it in turns to write about the things we see. He has something really good to tell you about the going ons at Mackenzie Falls but I won't tell you know as it would ruin the surprise.

Today when I was outside Tawni and Sonny's dressing room I heard Sonny saying that too Tawni that she has started to get feelings for someone but didn't say who. Hmm, I wonder who the lucky boy is.

Also I heard while delivering the mail in the prop house that Nico and Grady have a new plan to try and embarrass the Mackenzie Falls cast, which somehow has cheese pants involved. I can't wait too see what happens there.

Well I am afraid that's all I have time for, people to see, mail to give out and celebrities to get gossip on!



SonnyFan14: Oooh! So obvious who Sonny has a crush on!

TawniLover: This is a great blog, but can it include more Tawni?

Anonymous: It's wrong to spread their life over the internet without telling them!

GossipQueen92: Uh Anonymous they are celebs their life is always on the internet

FutureMissChadDylanCooper: I can't wait to hear about Chad! I can't get enough of him. I am going to marry him.

Freak11: Hmm I wonder what Zora is up to in the midst of all this?

MackenzieFallsRules: I can't wait for Bert's blog entry about Mackenzie falls!


Hope you like it review please :D