AN: So...yeah, this is my first DlxL nice plz and I'll be nice to you.

Pairing: Dark LinkxLink

Chapter Rating: K

Disclaimer: Link and his dark side belong to Nintendo or something. Not me. Don't sue me, I have absolutely no money what-so-ever. I'm just a hobo.


"Hey, Link! You're going the wrong way! Listen! It's this way Link...Link?"

Link continued to run towards the lost woods as he continued to feel as though he were being pulled by an invisible force.

"Link!" Navi nagged. "Are you listening to me? As your faerie, I demand you recognize my words of wisdom. We have to go to the Desert! I Feel a strange and evil force emitting from it. I believe it is the next boss you must kill. Link!"

Link ignored Navi, something completely out of character with him. Usually he'd listen to her so he'd have an idea of what to do next, so he could help people, save them and stop any sort of suffering. But he continued his way into the lost woods, leaving Navi completely confused for his actions. "Link, what's wrong? I don't believe there's anything of importance in the lost woods at the moment...what are you doing?"



"Navi, I said quiet!"

Navi sighed and followed the hero through the maze of hollowed out trees and hedges until they came to a dark clearing where nothing but a sapling grew in the middle of the clearing with...a strange and shadowy figure sleeping (or what appeared to be some form of resting) against it.

"Who is that, Navi?" Link asked confused. Navi fluttered her way towards the figure and examined it.

Link felt somewhat compelled to the figure but felt turned away as well. He recognized it...some how...from somewhere not to long ago. Link thought about it as he watched Navi flutter around the sleeping persons head. Link's eyes widened with realization and rememberance. And before he could cry out "Look out!"

The figure came to life and reached into the air with lightening quick presition and plucked the faerie right from the sky. A dark chuckle emitted from the figure as it rose to it's feet. It pulled a bottle from it's tunic and placed the faerie roughly inside before turning to Link and opening his blood red and glowing eyes, "Hello Link. So we meet again."


I've been itching to write a Link Slash and this is my first Link story and I haven't played Ocarina of time in...forever so excuse me if my details are a little rusty.