Response to prompt with Spock/McCoy as parents involving a baby carrier.

Kirk had to admit it was one of the most hilarious yet adorable things he had ever seen in his adult life, second only to a very large Spock who looked as though he had swallowed a watermelon waddling around in a dress-like tunic on the bridge the month before.

He didn't want to think too hard about how his first officer and his best friend had actually managed to accidentally create their son together, 'cause the images did nothing for him libido, thank you very much.

But man, walking onto the observation deck and looking at them making googly eyes at the downy hair snuggled against Spock's chest definitely made him actually consider wanting a kid of his own at some point, which was an astounding thing in and of itself. He hoped it would pass.

Spock had the baby wrapped up in layers of fabric, somehow intersected and crossing his chest and back to provide support for both himself and the little being sleeping contently inside.

His other father's loud voice commenting, "Godammit Spock! The baby is getting so spoiled hearing your heartbeat that he is never going to sleep any other way soon!" did make Kirk wonder how the baby managed it though. Guess he was used to hearing McCoy and Spock snipe at each other in the womb. Probably sounded like a lullaby to the little guy.

"Leonard, we have discussed Vulcan child rearing practices in the past. Allowing an infant the warmth and security of a sling is only logical."

"Yeah, you also told me that we have to let him sleep in bed with us until he is an adult, which means we aren't following any damn Vulcan ideas of how to raise a baby, if I have any say in it!" was the grumbled reply. Oh, Jim would so be taking advantage of this information. Should he mention to Bones that his own mother didn't succeed in pushing him out of her bed at nights until his stepfather demanded it? Make him think he would never get any time alone with Spock, for years ;)

"He will only sleep with us in our quarters until he reaches the age of schooling. It is traditional in my culture."

Bones looked as though he was ready to tear his own hair out so Jim headed towards his two friends in order to smooth things over between them. He should have realized Spock would have everything in hand though.

Spock turned so that the baby was between he and his mate and said gently,"Would you rather your infant son be alone, and cold, and crying with discontent? I can feel his thoughts and emotions, and his panic when one of us is not holding him. Would you want him to feel the unhappiness your human practices of creating independence would cause?"

Bones reached out and gently touched their son's peaceful face. He felt himself giving in, and made one last ditch appeal. "Jo turned out just fine..."

That earned a sharp glare from Spock. "I am not your ex-wife and Joanna is not my biological daughter. I want this child to have all we can give him to become a secure and well-adjusted adult. It is most logical."

"Aw, dammit Spock. Show me how to put on this infernal contraption so I can help carry the little hobgoblin."

Jim left the room grinning. He knew whipped when he saw it. That baby boy had Bones wrapped around his little finger already.