Okay, definitely new at KND fanfics. So give me a break! I don't own anything KND, I own my story though! Its very OOC, but I hope you enjoy it!
"How do you know where I'm at when you haven't been where I've been?" - RATM.
Thats all she ever did.
Dodging the bullets aiming at her path, the raven haired teenager pounced in parallel, dodging everything being thrown at her. Everything was just a huge big blur to her, her hair whipped behind her as she clutched upon a paper bag. Everyone was after her, and she knew they would all stop at nothing to kill her, no one could stand the existance of this girl.
Sprinting around the corner of the cold brick building, she peeked her violet orbs from behind, she could see the darkness caught the pursuers in confusion. Praying to whoever heard her prayers, surely they would have some sort of mercy on the 17 year teenager and let her live to see another day.
Oh, please tell me you'll leave me alone.
"She's not here."
"Damn. Number 1 is going to be furious."
The girl slowly moved her face from shield of the brick wall, watching through the darkness as the two officers retreated back into the street lights, and they finally left the poor girl alone.
Relieved, she hugged her paper bag with a smile as she slid down the wall, head gazing up in the ash grey clouds. Brushing away the sweat that ran down her creamy coloured face, she felt the heat rising upon her rosy red cheeks. You would've thought that with this much running, she would've developed some sort of physique or even a higher fitness level.
Instead, she stood at one hundred and seventy centimetres, she was indeed taller than the average girl, but she always seem to be smaller than the average guy. Her hair was raven clack with the odd hints of chestnut, it ran down to the tip of her slightly big breasts, with her hair pulled back in a high messy ponytail and sweaty tainted bangs.
She was wearing black skinny jeans with a dark green adidas hoodie, fashion was of no matter when you're running away from the worst underground agency, ever.
Quickly lacing her chuck tailors, the girl stood up as she stalked the shadows carefully. There was always a chance that other operatives were lurking in the shadows, or even on rooftops ready to assault her once again. Of course, she was wanted dead or alive, either way, she was going to end up dead anyway, so what was the point in debating that question?
Making a quick turn, she ended back out on the streets, walking down the pavement. Holding her paper bag up above, she used it as a means of not only looking at the people who passed her by, but to cover her face if the people she passed ended up being operatives.
The cold air was enough to make anyone shiver, the atmosphere caught those who remained outside in their lasting chill. A small squall passed through the girl, 'Heeyyy, nearly home.'
She jogged a bit outside of the towns into a small suburb, she turned the corner past a small white picket fence, walking up two wooden stairs as she looked around once more, making sure no one followed her, or even watching her. Then she rung the doorbell,
'Authorisation required.'
"Kuki Sanban."
A small panel beside the doorbell peeped open, where she pressed her index finger upon the green grid pad, she peered back from the outside world to her wooden door.
'Welcome home, Miss Kuki Sanban.'
Quickly walking inside, Kuki threw the paper bag on the kitchen bench, setting up defence perimetres around her house and locks on the inside and back. No one couldn't know where she lived, her life depended on it.
She walked to the bench, and she took out her belongings. Milk, Butter, Chocolate Caramels, Takeouts!
She placed everything in her small fridge. When she opened it, she could tell she was already losing food and sleep over this hunt. Her house was small, two roomed and comfortable. She always made sure to keep her house clean, even through all that happens to her. Right now, her house was probably her only safe haven.
Well... Kuki sat upon the couch, placing a small helping of fried rice in her mouth.
Suppose its just me for a while.
"You lost her again, didn't you?"
The brown haired operative bowed his head in the presence of his superior.
"We're sorry."
The bald haired leader turned his back for a second, staring at the ground in thought. Of course, she was always going to be a formidable opponent from the start.
"Okay, you're dismissed."
He heard the footsteps of his two amateur officers exit out of the steel like room. Folding his hands, the bald superior walked down past two chambers, into one room where he was surrounded by superiors like himself. Pulling his dark brown cargo pants down a bit, he sat himself on a seat at the round table of strong people like himself.
"She got away again." He wore a red putton up shirt as he adjusted his jet black mysterious glasses. His name was Nigel Uno, and he was also possibly one of the most powerful of this clan.
"We're running out of options." A man who stood just taller than Nigel turned his chair around, turning off his head gear with speaker and headphones. He had rustled cinnamon brown hair, wearing black baggy pants with a white singlet and an unbuttoned blue shirt over it. At the press of a button ignited by this technician, a hologram was pulled up from the centre of the room.
"She managed to evade the first lot of operatives by running through the crowds at the markets, then she managed to outrun them in the corner of this alley." Another press of a button, it zoomed into where the runaway made her escape. Nigel frowned, the last thing he needed nor wanted, was a reminder of his ongoing failure to capture the girl. "I know number 2, but we need another plan. She was able to use simple techniques to escape from even some of the best operatives out there."
"I know. But we can't locate her. She managed to override her locations on our local GPS." Hoagie Gilligan sat there amazed, never had anyone been able to prove him otherwise in technology.
"We do have another option." Nigel pushed himself further away, watching the hologram fade back into the ground. "Call number 5 here, she'll know what to do,"
It wasn't like Hoagie to go against his best friend, but he wasn't ready to do it to his girlfriend.
"We're not calling Abbie on this case, she's been through enough as it is."
Nigel turned around, angrily.
"I don't like this anymore than you or Abbie does for that fact, but it needs to be done."
Hoagie shifted between his feet, glaring at the ground. This is going to hurt her. But I can't go against Nigel or KND. I'll end up just as bad as her.
"Fine, I'll call her in tomorrow."