Sorry for those who think that this is an update. I regret to tell you its not T^T its just an A/N to officially declare hiatus for this story.

First of all, I would like to deeply apologize to all my faithful readers that I have been MIA-ing for this story. I realize that I don't fair well with chaptered stories. Nevertheless, I will still finish it. Don't worry, though you guys would have to wait a little longer for me to catch my muse and also for me to finish my pile of homework and revision T^T Stupid major national exam next year...

Second of all, I would like to inform all of you, if you guys don't already know, Bani no Usagi has organized a Yullen week in December! The link for the information is on http : / / forum(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/topic/49938/26894109/1/

And the date would probably be from 19 December to 25 December. Of course I will be participating in it and doing short oneshots for the themes :D (Kami-knows I don't have time for long chaptered stories to keep up T^T)

Once again, thanks to all of you who have supported me for the entire length of the story and I do hope you would continue to support me for the remaining chapters (when I get around to post it which I will :D )

I've created a livejournal account as a platform for updates and communication through posts over there so yeah. Do check it out. The link is on my profile page ;)

Sore dewa, ja ne!
