Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Gallagher Series. All credit goes to Ally Carter.
A/N: This is the sequel to my first story, Meeting the Real You. Cammie and her friends are placed into her old school district as a CoveOps test by Mr. Solomon. Their purpose is to find out who are the 4 undercover spies {all good. remember CoveOps test} at the school. Cammie meets up with old friends and who she thought she would never see again. Can Cammie survive school and keep her true life hidden after she comes face to face with her old rival?
Now we start at the beginning of the story.............................
It's been a whole summer since I've seen the girls and I've missed them so much. I looked out the windows waiting for the girls to show up. When I saw the first car pull up, I ran down to the entrance doors. It was a surprise and a first to see who it was when the door opened.
"Bex!" I screamed as a ran to hug her. Bex hugged me back. "You're early? Hell has defiantly frozen over." I joked.
"Hardy, har, har! That was so funny." Bex mock punched me on the arm, but she put less mock and more punch into it then needed.
"Ow, you haven't changed a bit." I mumbled, rubbing my arms.
"Oh suck it up, Cameron. Help me with my bags?" She asked.
Before I could even answer, another voice chimed in. "No, cause she's helping me with mine." The girl ran toward us and gave us a hug.
"Hey Macey." Bex and I said.
"Hi, now Cam, help me with my bags. I won't take no for an answer." Macey demanded. Before Bex and her argued over who bags I should take, I decided to get a bag from each one of them and headed to our room.
We got to the room and Liz was already unpacked and situated. I never even saw her pass me and she wasn't in the room when I left to meet Bex.
"Liz, how did you get passed me?" Liz was way too clumsy to get pass me and Bex at the same time.
"Wait you guys didn't see me. Awesome!" We looked at Liz hurt that she didn't even say anything to us. Well, Bex and I did. Macey just sat on her bed and pulled out a Vogue magazine. "I didn't want to help with the suitcases." Liz answered our unasked question. I shrugged it off and we began to talk about our summer vacations. As usual, I spent mine with my grandparents, Macey spent her's on the road with her parents (boring, she calls it), Liz with her parents in Texas but this time didn't get sunburned (thank god), and Bex with her parents going on low leveled missions.
After catching up, we went into the dinner hall where we saw the newbies from this year and old friends from last year. My mom stood, getting ready to start our anthem (as Bex calls it).
"Women of Gallagher Academy, who comes here?" she asked.
We, the Gallagher Girls, stood, "We are the sisters of Gillian."
"Why do you come?" my mom asked.
"To learn her skills. Honor her sword. And Keep her secrets."
"To what end do you work?"
"To the cause of justice and light."
"How long will you strive?"
"For all the days of our lives." We finished and sat down. Then, rudely if I might add, Mr. Solomon came into the dining room.
"Ladies," he said.
"Hey, Mr. Solomon." we all answered.
"Good to see you all back."and with that he left and went to sit by my mother. They smiled at each other and then my view of them disappeared.
"Tina, is your mother a window maker?" Macey asked.
"No, of course not." Tina said. We all knew who Tina mom was. Tina inherited all her traits.
"Well, move cause we can't see through you!" Macey spit at her. Even I had to say that, that was mean, but Macey never really did like Tina.
"Well, I just came to ask Cammie something," Tina slid into a sit next to me, "Is it true that your mom and Mr. Solomon went on a mission to kill the president of an unknown country and had to act as if they were married to each other? Then, they actually fell in love and got married in Cuba?" Where does she come up with this stuff?
"No, Tina. It's not true." I told her and turned back to my food. She huffed but got up and went back to where she was sitting before she came to irritate me.
"How does she come up with some of this stuff? Earlier she asked me if it was true that my parents went on an underwater mission without oxygen tanks and lived inside of an octopus to survive. I mean, what's underwater that they would have to get?" Bex asked and at that I had to laugh. First, at how ridiculous that sounded, and then, at the fact that Tina didn't even question her source as to how they could live in an octopus. The girls joined in until my mom stood to make an announcement.
A/N: Who will be going on the mission? Why does Tina say the craziest things? What is the mission? Answers to the first and third questions (Tina doesn't really have a reason to why she comes up with crazy things to say.) in the next chapter of Blast from the Past!!!