
"The roots will heal in time, as will the entire world. The sacrifices have been made. Just as the orcs, humans and night elves discarded their old hatreds and stood united against a common foe, so did nature herself rise up to banish the shadow forever.

As for me, I came back to ensure that there would be a future, to teach the world that it no longer needed Guardians. The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands. And now that my task is done, I will take my place amongst the legends of the past."


In the wake of the cataclysmic battle and the aftermath of such a devastating war, the races of Azeroth were left shellshocked. Lordaeron had been annhiliated, as had most of Quel'thalas; the northern half of Kalimdor had been utterly ravaged, and countless lives from every race had been lost. The elves had sacrified their immortality in order to bring down a hated enemy, an enemy to all living things. The orcs had lost one of their greatest heroes in freeing themselves from the shackles of corruption, and the humans and their allies had no home to return to. With nothing else but a grim future to look forward to, the various races began picking up the pieces...


Having led his people from the human lands, this was the opportunity for the orcs to take ahold of their future. Thrall gathered up the Horde and led them to the coastline of Kalimdor to the harsh lands which he named Durotar, in honour of his father, and began to erect the city of Orgrimmar, in homage to one of the Horde's legendary heroes. Thrall had no desire to lead his people to war with the night elves or humans, despite tensions in the aftermath of the war, and so bade the orcs to keep to themselves, for the time being...

Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina did likewise, leading her people further down the coastline and founding the city of Theramore within the murky Dustwallow Marsh. The marshlands proved hazardous and the least likely place to call home, but the hardy humans and their allies eked out a living here. They began trading with the orcs and trolls to the north, giving rise to a tentative truce, almost an alliance. For a time it almost seemed that peace had at last settled between the two former enemies, until old hatreds were roused again by the vile hand of the Burning Legion...

Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage

With the Legion defeated, the night elves were forced to come to terms with the reality of being mortal once more. Age and sickness quickly set in, something that took the once-timeless elves completely by surprise. Together, Tyrande and Malfurion brought order to their people, but there were those who refused to submit to mortality. A sect of wayward druids hatched a plan to plant a new World Tree, despite Malfurion's dire warnings that nature would never bless such a selfish act - but soon after, Malfurion was mysteriously lost within the Emereald Dream, leaving only Tyrande to rule her people alone once more...


The powerful shadow hunter led his people to the Echo Isles off the coast of Durotar - a place they were finally able to call home. For a brief, shining moment, the Darkspear tribe was at last safe from the dangers of living with other troll tribes - until the power-crazed witch doctor Zalazane shattered that dream. Forced to relocate, Vol'jin founded Sen'jin Village, named after his late father, and began formulating plans to dispose of the corrupt witch doctor and take back their home...

Cairne Bloodhoof

With the peaceful future secured for the tauren by the orcs, Cairne Bloodhoof suddenly found himself the inadvertent leader of all the tauren tribes - a role which he did not seek, but was surprisingly apt at fulfilling. With a land to call their own, the ancient tauren and his tribe erected the city of Thunder Bluff, where tauren of any tribe were welcome - tauren that were ever ready to fulfill their blood oath to the Horde for granting them a home for the first time in many, many centuries...


Akinos led his own regiments in the battle, and single-handedly slew scores of undead and demons alike. After the battle he chose to retire for what he hoped to be a quieter life of diplomacy under the name of Akinos Steelclaw, but found this life was not suited to him, instead returning to represent the Horde, many years later, at the Argent Tournament. He never found out the 'deserters' in the Third War had in fact survived...

Valnok Windrager

Valnok continued to serve faithfully within the military might of the Horde as the lead windrider, and began the training of new windriders that they could be used for transport as well as battle. His service was rewarded accordingly, and he was eventually elevated to the Kor'kron, eventually serving years later at Agmar's Hammer in Northrend as the Kor'kron Wing Commander...


After the battle, Sapph disappeared mysteriously without a trace. Torgall and his companions searched for her to no avail, and even attempted to contact her rangers and other military officials within the human forces, but no records of a Sapph ever serving the Alliance could be found; even her rangers denied having ever heard of her. Bewildered, Torgall seemed forced to conclude that she had simply never existed, and yet her pendant still remained...

Gaznok Oilwrench

His unintentional service to the Horde finished, Gaznok took the opportunity to tinker and invent to his heart's desire after Orgrimmar was complete, and helped in its construction with his questionably safe inventions. He chose never to return to the Steamwheedle Cartel, having no desire to once more become a bruiser, nor be stationed in Winterspring ever again...

Major Davin

Following the war, Davin was grudgingly promoted to Major and put in charge of the generally peaceful Northwatch Keep; few knew that he was in fact a hopeless coward in battle, and had been the survivor of the fateful Legion encounter simply by hiding. He eventually handed in his resignation after the battle of Northwatch...

Colonel Lorena

Colonel Lorena, on the other hand, received her promotions through merit, and became the Lady's aid in all things military for Theramore. She proved instrumental several years later in finding and freeing the Lady and Aegwynn from the magical trap of Zmodlor, and uncovering and thwarting the demon's plans to re-ignite old hatreds between the Alliance and Horde...


Ever-loyal to his warchief, Nazgrel served as an advisor to Thrall during and after the construction of Orgrimmar. The orc proved to be the level-headed chief of military during the Horde's more trying times, particularly in the crisis perpertrated by the demon Zmodlor that threatened to undo everything they had worked for. Years later he would lead the Horde's expedition into their former homeworld of Draenor, now known as the Outlands, after the reopening of the Dark Portal...

Fenris and Kunasha Direhoof

Their people's contribution complete, Fenris and Kunasha led their tribe southward to the grassy plains of Mulgore along with many other tauren tribes to Thunder Bluff. However, having been so accustomed to the nomadic lifestyle of wandering the Barrens and other parts of Kalimdor, they eventually moved their tribe northward to the border of the Barrens and Ashenvale to resume their wandering of the land...

Lucethious Manadawn

The elven noble humbly received his accolades and commendations for his service to the Alliance and assistance in commanding the magisters during the final, crucial battle. His service done, he made preparations to return to a land that he thought still needed him, innocently ignorant to the terrible fate that had befallen his home...

Yulgash and Belpep

Despite his skills, Yulgash was still a novice magister, and having been expelled from the ranks of the Kirin Tor and with no other home to turn to, he had no choice but to remain with the military, intermittently being shunted back and forth between Theramore and Northwatch. Resigned to this lifestyle, he accepted his fate without complaint until he was able to take the reigns of his life - and follow a new calling...


Rakaji happily settled in on the Echo Isles alongside his Darkspear brethren, and despite the loss of his hand enjoyed a relatively peaceful life - up until the madness of Zalazane. During those intervening years, Rakaji became a skilled scout and hunter, even without his hand, and with the advent of the insane witch doctor, eventually assisted in the training of young trollish hunters and warriors to help take back the Isles...


Meilosh's dire predictions for the future of the furbolg race were sadly proven true. Unable to cope with the foul corruption left in the wake of the Legion's invasion, many tribes of furbolgs were driven to insanity, viciously lashing out at one another and other races. The Timbermaw, fearing retribution from their brief allies, retreated to the Timbermaw Hold, refusing any contact with the outside world in an attempt to preserver their way of life. As part of his experience with the other races, Meilosh became an ambassador of sorts to those races that proved themselves to the Timbermaw, while his subordinate Rageroar stalwartly returned to his vigil of Gatekeeper, steadfastly guarding the Hold from invaders...

Torgall, Torgus and Greshka

Still hardly daring to believe that they had survived the Legion's invasion, the trio set out to find their own destinies amidst the murky mists of fate. Greshka, never one to remain in one place for long, found the city life of Orgrimmar too dull, and found herself heeding the call of the wild. Torgus, now a veteran of three consecutive wars, found himself utterly exhausted by fighting and retired for a well-earned rest, though occasionally entering in the Ring of Valour. Torgall, suddenly returned to a way of life he thought he would never find again - with the exception being that now all the clans were as one, the orcs had reverted back to their shamanistic traditions and were no longer fighting for conquest or for the sake of fighting, but for their own survival - and found himself at a loss for what the future might hold...