AN: First I would like to say thank you for all the reviews. They are greatly appreciated. I would also like to say I have over 700 hits now, so thanks again. Also if anyone is wondering, no I am not going to give Edward a make-over. I thing geeky Edward is cute and can be a complete turn on…..ahah ;)

Disclaimer: I DON'T own Twilight or any characters…=(


After everyone was dismissed, we headed to our next class. I had Biology with Edward. Great time to have, hopefully, the best conversation of my life.


Edward Cullen

After the principal dismissed us, I headed off to Biology. I was pretty much stunned at what just happened.

As a kid, I was always quiet and awkward. I never really had any friends, but I didn't have much time for that. I would always focus on my studies. My parents would always want me to get a good education and for me to go to any Ivey league collage.

I know that I am also considered a geek, because I would hear it every single day. If it wasn't from Mike and his friends, it would be from the big body builders at the grocery store that I accidently bump into.

Back in Chicago, I was always being teased and called random names. I would always look for comfort in my books. Every detail of my life, anything interesting that has happened, or the worst things that have happened, are all written in my notebook. Not that it would be filled by anything else.

When my parents decided to pack up and move to Forks, I was honestly happy. I thought that maybe I could have friends and get to live life like a normal high school teenager. So far I had no suck luck. The nicest thing that any one has ever done for me would have to be what happened today.

On my first day at Forks High, I knew that things wouldn't change. People here were going to treat me the same way. I would always sit in the back of my classes alone and stare out the windows. Of course I would hear the teacher talking, but it made me forget what my life was like at that moment. It would make me feel like anyone else.

Even walking through the halls going to class, I would get slammed up against the lockers, or tripped and end up with my books all over the floor. It was annoying but it's not like I could do anything to stop them. Mike could probably knock me out before I even got the chance and tried to hit him.

There was no physical evidence of him hurting me, but sometimes the things he said to me would hurt. I also wasn't going to be a big baby and show how much it would affect me. I would suck it up and pretend that it didn't bother me.

Every morning, at my locker or at my desk in homeroom, I would receive notes from Mike. They were meaningless threats and words, but I couldn't help but fear him a little. So, again I would have to suck it up and just put the papers into my notebook.

I would carry my notebook with me everywhere I went because I didn't want anyone to take it. If they got their hands on it, they would pretty much know my whole life story. That was something I wasn't willing to share with anyone, anytime soon. They would probably laugh and say I had no life. I couldn't agree more with them. It was a very personal object for me.

Mike and his friends seemed to stop bullying other people and purposefully bully me the most. I didn't mind it much. At least other students could enjoy their life now without being harassed daily.

I knew that Mike picked on me the most because he was jealous. I don't understand why he would be jealous of me. I know it had something to do with the fact that Bella stuck up for me. I didn't blame her for his jealousy, but I didn't ask for her help. I appreciated that she helped me, but I didn't want anything to happen to her because of me.

The nicest person I met so far, was Bella. She helped me when Mike and his friends pushed me down and took my glasses. She helped me pick up my books and offered her hand like I was any other student. She didn't make fun of me because of what I look like or what I was wearing. It was nice to see somebody so nice and caring.

That day in Biology class, when Mr. Banner decided that Bella should be my partner, I was nervous. Bella is a girl and I don't do so well with the opposite sex.

I wasn't blind. I knew Bella is a beautiful girl and it make it so much worse for me. I don't want to start stuttering, or blush like an idiot. That's just another quality people laugh at me for. I tired not to look at her because it would be easier to not blubber like a fool. She probably thinks I'm being rude, but that's not the case at all.

The day that Mike pushed me too hard into the lockers, I hit my head and had a big gash on my forehead above my eye. Of course the moment Mike leaves, Bella comes around the corner and had to see me on the floor. It couldn't have been any more embarrassing on my part.

But she completely surprised me again. She didn't laugh or make jokes that I couldn't stand up for myself. I know that I have very low confidence and self-esteem levels. But don't all geeks?

When she asked me what was wrong, I didn't want to tell her that Mike did it, but by the look on her face, she already knew what happened.

I knew that I was bleeding and needed to get it cleaned up. She came with me and acted like she was my best friend. I wish things were that way. She probably has something better to do than hang out with the schools geek.

I now knew that I had a crush on Bella. Of course I would have a crush on the most beautiful girl in the school. Figures. It makes it all the more cliché. The Geek asks his desire of affection out on a date, and she bluntly refuses him. That's just the way the world works. We are from totally different social standards. If she knew, she would probably want nothing to do with me ever again.

When the bell rang for lunch, we parted ways. I headed to the library. I didn't want to eat what the school had to offer. I took comfort in books, and read till the bell rang and ended the lunch hour.

In Biology, I knew Bella was trying to get to know me better. I was ecstatic, but also nervous. It baffled me to think that she would want to try and peruse a friendship with me. I knew I sounded like a dick when she asked me where I came from, but I didn't know what to say to her.

When the teacher walked in the room, I breathed out a lung full of air I didn't know I was holding. It was kind of a relief but also kind of sad. I did want to talk to her, but I didn't know how to without sounding stupid. I would have to work on trying to start a conversation with her.

And then what happened today. I could tell by the facial expression Bella made every time she seen Mike bullying me. It was annoying her to no end. When Mike pushed me into the locker, I knew that was the last straw with Bella. I didn't really understand why she cared. Bella was an open book to read, most of the time.

Although the assembly was a little bit embarrassing for me because everyone knew that Mike liked to pick on me, it was a very nice thing for her to do. Which shocked me the most was that everyone in the school was wearing a pair of glasses like mine.

Throughout the whole assembly, Mike was glaring daggers at Bella and me. I didn't care that he looked at me like that, but he didn't have to do that to Bella.

It was nice to know that some people cared. Maybe I was wrong about this school being the same as the one in Chicago.

As soon as I walked into Biology, I noticed that Bella was already seated at our table. I was going to suck up enough courage and thank her for what she did for me.

"Hello Bella."

I guess she was shocked that I was the one to say something this time, but slowly the corners of her lips turned up into a smile. Her smile was beautiful and I knew that I needed to get her to smile more often.

"Hi Edward." She said as I took my seat and started to get my things out of my bag.

"Bella, I would like to thank you for what you did today. You didn't have to do that, but I appreciated it." I smiled my crooked smile at her and she looked dazed for a moment.

The teacher walked in at that moment and I turned to look at the board. From the corner of my eye I could see Bella shaking her head. I smiled to myself.

Mr. Banner gave a work sheet to work on. Throughout class we talked. She asked me many things about my family and what I liked to do in my spear time. While I told her things about me I blushed like mad. She probably thinks I'm weird for playing online games when I have nothing better to do.

In turn, I asked her many things too. From to her parents, down to what her favorite food was. I learned that her mom and dad were divorced. Renee, her mom, remarried a guy named Phil. He was a minor league baseball player. I also learned that Charlie, her dad, is the Police Chief of Forks.

When the bell rang, I asked her if I could walk her to her next class. I may be a geek, but I was raised to be a gentleman.

When we parted ways, I told her I would see her tomorrow. She agreed and I walked off to my next class. It was going to be nice now that I didn't have Mike constantly bothering me and pushing me around.

AN: So there is a look inside the mind of everyone's beloved Geeky Edward. He is starting to open up to Bella. He also realized that he has a little 'thing' for Bella. Hopefully the chapters keep coming to me easy so I can get them out. I hope that you guys like it. Tell me what you think. Please review.

Also, check out the poll on my profile page and tell me what you think. I need help in order to update my next chapter.

- xL