Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender. However, I do own this. Enjoy!

Author's Note: I got these prompts from the 1sentence community over on LJ. However, due to my inability to follow rules, I did some of them in a drabble style instead of just one sentence. Also, there are a few prompts that I changed because they simply don't fit into the Avatarverse, so "potatoes" became "rice" and "telephone" became "messenger hawk."

1. Comfort

As a princess, Azula was afforded every luxury imaginable, yet none of those things came close to the comfort she felt in Ty Lee's embrace.

2. Kiss

Azula's kisses feel like fire as they trail along Ty Lee's flat stomach.

3. Soft

It amazes Ty Lee how Azula's golden eyes soften when she gazes at the acrobat.

4. Pain

Tears spring to Ty Lee's eyes, and she hisses in pain as Azula's sharp nails run up the inside of her thigh.

5. Rice

Sharing meals had become quite an interesting affair, Azula reflected, as Ty Lee, who was sitting in her lap, alternated between hand-feeding Azula and lavishing her with kisses sweetened by rice wine.

6. Rain

They were oblivious to the rain soaking their clothes as their lips and tongues clashed together.

7. Chocolate

Azula runs her tongue along the underside of Ty Lee's left breast, lapping up the melted chocolate that drips across the girl's chest, before closing her mouth over a nipple and suckling.

8. Happiness

There were certain things Ty Lee knew Azula had to sacrifice to become Fire Lord Ozai's favored child, but the acrobat refused to let happiness be one of them.

9. Messenger Hawk

The only thing Azula looked forward to anymore were the weekly letters from Kyoshi Island.

10. Ears

Azula shivered as she felt Ty Lee's hot breath against her ear. She gasped as the acrobat's wet tongue licked along the outer shell before biting down on her earlobe and suckling. She moaned as the girl whispered into her ear, telling her exactly what she planned to do next with her talented tongue and where.

11. Name

Azula loves the way her name sounds when it spills from Ty Lee's lips at the height of pleasure.

12. Sensual

Ty Lee didn't know whether it was the effects of the wine or not, but there something decidedly sensual about the way Azula brought the cup to her lips.

13. Death

Nothing made Azula feel more alive than when she took Ty Lee right after staring death in the face.

14. Sex

Sex is Ty Lee's way of showing Azula what the princess would otherwise burn her for saying.

15. Touch

Ty Lee's nimble fingers played along the swell of Azula's hip before pausing in their exploration and hovering over the heated flesh between her legs, making Azula ache for her touch.

16. Weakness

Ty Lee was determined to prove to Azula that love was not a weakness.

17. Tears

Ty Lee was the only one to see Azula cry after her mother disappeared, quietly kissing away the tears.

18. Speed

The princess's breath quickens as deft fingers slip inside her robe, eagerly seeking bare skin.

19. Wind

They lay entwined on top of the sheets, sated and spent, as a light wind drifts in through the curtains, brushing against their naked bodies.

20. Freedom

When Azula takes her first steps out of the asylum, Ty Lee is right there at her side.

21. Life

Despite how selfish Azula is, Ty Lee doesn't like to think about what her life would be like without the princess in it.

22. Jealousy

Azula's eyes narrowed and her gut burned as she took in the sight of the boys stumbling over themselves to talk to Ty Lee at the party.

23. Hands

Azula's hands press Ty Lee down onto her bed and roam over the girl's naked body. The acrobat writhes under her touch, further encouraging the firebender's exploration. It doesn't take long before Ty Lee's hands clutch at the cloth of Azula's tunic as the princess's skilled fingers move within her moist heat.

24. Taste

Azula thoroughly kisses Ty Lee, tasting herself on the other girl's tongue.

25. Devotion

Despite everyone telling her she was wasting her time with the fallen princess, Ty Lee's devotion to Azula never wavered.

26. Forever

As Azula felt her bending blocked, she was hit with the painful realization that Ty Lee's promise of forever had been broken.

27. Blood

Azula is surprisingly gentle the first time she enters Ty Lee, but it still hurts, and the crimson sheets do nothing to hide the blood that stains them.

28. Sickness

When Ty Lee learned how sick Azula had become, she dropped everything—including her anger at the princess's betrayal—to be by her side.

29. Melody

When the nightmares would come, the only thing that soothed the princess was the sound of Ty Lee's gentle humming as she held her.

30. Star

Ty Lee leaned into Azula, soaking in her warmth, as they lay on the beach watching the stars.

31. Home

In the darkness of Azula's tent, Ty Lee's naked body pressing against hers cured any homesickness she felt.

32. Confusion

Even after all these years, Ty Lee's kisses still leave Azula feeling dizzy, and how she does it bewilders the princess.

33. Fear

Ty Lee's motivation is not so different from Mai's, and she strikes down Azula for one reason: she loves her more than she fears her.

34. Lightning/Thunder

There was something about making love to a woman who could bend lightning—pure yet deadly power—that made Ty Lee's passion for the princess burn even stronger.

35. Bonds

It was true that the circus was Ty Lee's calling, but Azula would always call louder and that was just fine with Ty Lee.

36. Market

Azula rolled her eyes in affectionate disgust as an excited Ty Lee dragged her by the hand through the marketplace.

37. Technology

As the War Minister drones on about the technological achievement of the drill, Azula finds herself more interested in watching the pink girl sitting beside her.

38. Gift

While Azula was considered to be one of the most gifted benders and thinkers on the planet, she was utterly clueless when it came to romantic interactions and found herself blushing furiously as Ty Lee shamelessly flirted with her.

39. Smile

Ty Lee's hot mouth trails kisses, licks, and bites down the princess's body, and Azula moans, causing the acrobat to smile against her skin.

40. Innocence

Ty Lee brushed Azula's dampened bangs from her flushed face and tenderly kissed the princess, basking in the afterglow of having been given the privilege of taking the only thing that had still marked Azula as innocent.

41. Completion

"You know the ceremony isn't officially completed until you make love to your consort," Ty Lee said with an impish smile as she pushed Azula onto her back.

42. Clouds

When they were children, Ty Lee would point at the clouds and tell Azula stories about all the amazing things she saw there—dragons and phoenixes and even the Sun Spirit herself. And even though Azula pretended to be uninterested or even annoyed, she secretly enjoyed listening to her imaginary tales.

43. Sky

The night sky exploded with brilliant flashes of every color, marking the union of the Fire Nation Princess and her consort.

44. Heaven

When Azula looked at Ty Lee, it was like praying with her eyes, and she wondered if the acrobat wasn't a divine gift from the spirits in the heavens above.

45. Hell

After Ty Lee's betrayal, the barrier that kept the hellish visions lurking in the corners of Azula mind at bay finally snapped.

46. Sun

Ty Lee leaned back and closed her eyes, and for a moment, she could pretend that the rays of the sun kissing her skin were Azula's lips.

47. Moon

Sitting beneath the courtyard's largest tree, Ty Lee nestled her head against Azula's shoulder as the two girls watched the moonlight reflecting off the pond.

48. Waves

An ecstatic whimper escapes Ty Lee's lips as Azula pushes her up against the rocks of Ember Island's shore and kisses her hard. She wraps her legs around the firebender's waist as Azula's fingers find their mark. A wave crashes against the firebender's back, forcing them impossibly closer.

49. Hair

Ty Lee lay beneath Azula, her fingers tugging at the golden flame-shaped pin that held Azula's hair in the royal topknot, causing long ebony strands to spill down her back. Ty Lee's breath caught at the sight. Azula smirked and leaned down to kiss the girl. Ty Lee shuddered as those strands brushed against her naked skin.

50. Supernova

The Fire Sages said that the supernova would bring a firebender even greater power than Sozin's Comet. And still, even after experiencing the exhilaration that came from possessing all the power in the world, it couldn't hold a candle to the bliss Azula felt in the arms of Ty Lee.