
Scowling down at a howling child, the boy—ten, perhaps eleven—dramatically announced, "I wish the Goblins would take my sister away, right now!" Then he paused, holding his breath.

A minute passed… then two. Toby Williams tapped his foot, crossed his arms, and waited for the Goblins to arrive and, more importantly, his three-month-old sister's squalls to depart. When nothing happened, his brow furrowed; upon realizing what happened, Toby whirled around to race down the hall to his room.

Rapping his mirror three times, the reflection warped and rippled. Even before it settled, Toby called out, "My younger sister, Jareth!"

The mirror smoothed again, revealing the Goblin King's throne room, aforementioned King resting comfortably on his throne and wrestling with a protesting Sarah Williams. Grinning, Jareth drawled, "What's said, Toby, is said. Good night…" The mirror darkened of its own volition as Toby uttered an oath he'd picked up from some of the rowdier Goblins.

Two rooms away, the baby quieted, giggling happily.

Oro: I'm not dead! I don't own Labyrinth! The next one will be up in two minutes! EXCLAMATION POINTS!