Title: Boromir son of Denethor Woke Up Gay (1/1)

Author: that insane Liz Huisman

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I lost my Tolkien-costume sometime ago.

Find all my crazy fics at: http://westwinger.tripod.com/lotr

Summary: See title.

A/N: So I lied when I said not another one until I'm done with 'And the Angels Were Silent'. This couldn't wait either. This one's pretty crazy, I'll say that! (And yes, I'm nearly finished with the third chapter of 'And the Angels Were Silent'. Have no fear!)

One beautiful morning, Boromir son of Denethor woke up gay.

He knew something was wrong as he watched five of the Fellowship prance around, singing, and ignoring Gandalf's odd looks.

Boromir wanted to join in!

He thought it over, and decided to instead sit and watch them prance. They had all of a sudden started looking rather cute, and Boromir was thinking many lustful thoughts.

Frodo looked at Boromir as he pranced around. Today, Boromir, instead of wearing his confused, concerned 'Gandalf-look', was wearing a rather curious smile.

He pranced over to Boromir, and plopped down next to him.

"So you woke up gay, too?" Frodo asked.

"So that's what happened!" exclaimed Boromir. "I was wondering why I was so giddy this morning, and not giving my usual 'Gandalf-look'."

"Isn't it great?"

"Better than yesterday's mood, that's for sure," Boromir replied thoughtfully. He paused for a moment.

"Do you know if, well, anyone has any Interest in me?" he asked Frodo hesitantly.

"I don't know," Frodo told him honestly.

"Well, do you know if anyone has any, well, Freetime soon?" Boromir asked, almost guiltily.

"I am not pimping out my friends!" exclaimed Frodo. "If you want to know, find out yourself. I'm not the pimp around here."

(Gandalf, at this time, was becoming quite worried about the curious behavior of his Fellowship. Note the 'Gandalf-looks'.)

Frodo thought a moment. "Boromir, is there someone you have a special interest in?"

"Nope! I'll spend Quality Time with anyone who would spend it with me!"

"You slut!" said Frodo, eyeing him, but smiling all the same.

"I think I might just see." Boromir stated, standing up.

"Just stay away from Merry!" Frodo told him as he walked away.

But Boromir had his thoughts on someone else at that moment. A certain blonde, elvish someone.


(Gandalf just threw out another 'Gandalf-look' and gave up being concerned for one day. He'd eventually find out the truth, anyway.)


(Had to add the pimp lines. Sorry!)