Chapter One: Opposites Don't Attract; They Clash

Disclaimer: None of the characters shown in this story belong to me, they belong to their respective creators.

Welcome to story 3! I hope you enjoyed the previous two, and you'll feel the same with this one here! Read, review, and enjoy!

She looked around and she left she got back on the sidewalk and continued walking. She saw her house in the distance, she stopped in her tracks to see coming out of a pair of bushes in front of her was a fire like dog creature, its body was a living flow of lava it growled at her, she backed up and tripped and now was scared to death she put her hand in puddle when not looking except it was a lighter blue, a hand came out of it and then another one the puddle was gone as a body figured. It was all water with all green eyes and inside its strange pink brain was located in it.

The creature turned toward her and tilted its head and he pointed to her house meaning it wants her to run for it. The water creature turned toward the fire dog with his fists raised, the fire dog lunged first toward it, the liquid creature responded with a punch sending it to the right the blue creature followed it and Kuki was surprised of course.
She just ran to her house and hastily went in and locked the door and ran up to her room and she looked out her window, she saw the fire dog evaporate as the liquid figure choked it with one hand. She saw the water blue creature look at her, she hid and slowly looked back out to see the water creature staring at her right in front of her window she screamed and jumped back, it look confused and it turned itself into a stream of water and squeezed itself through a slight crack in the window and it formed in is body again. She was shaking of course it strangely waved it hand at her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you?'' she asked. It stood there and tilted its head, "What's your name?'' he went up to her desk in her room and got out a piece of paper and pencil and she noticed that he only had three fingers or pointed fingers, he formed his hand into a hand with five fingers and wrote on the paper. He changed his hand back to normal and handed her the paper and written on it was: "Chaos''.