I'm REALLY sorry that I haven't updated, but I've been really busy and forgetful lately. So without further ado, here's I chapter 3.
The four long days having completed themselves, I rolled my suitcase down the driveway and into the trunk of my rusty, old truck.
"Bye, Bella!" Jessica, Mike, Eric, and Angela yelled for the fifteenth time from across the street. I waved back at them.
Charlie was going to speak to me soon, I could tell. He got in the passenger's seat stiffly, while I got into the driver's seat. He usually didn't let me drive when he was in the car because he was scared for my sake (or so he told me, he was probably scared for himself), but I think not talking to me had become a habit. Or I hoped not. If I was going to Jacksonville, I would have to go all the way across the country to Forks. That means a long way back, that means Renee saying no, and that means not going back to visit for a long time.
"Hey, Dad?"
He grunted. That means he was listening. But trying hard not to.
"Um, Dad?" I turned to him and tried again. "Please talk to me. I really want to have a chance to say good-bye. I know I annoyed you, and startled you, and frustrated you. But Dad, it's just because Forks... isn't working out for me. The weather for one. It's just too wet and rainy for me here! Second, I want to see more of Phil. I barely know him. I'm really, really sorry if you got the impression that I don't appreciate you. I love you, Dad. You know that. And I don't ever want you to think that I don't. Dad?"
I finished my speech in hope that he would at least turn my way. Instead he grunted again. I slammed my hand on the wheel in frustration.
"Ugh! Charlie! I can't live with you anymore! Maybe this is why I'm going back to Mom! She actually talks to me!" (So much for trying not to offend him).
And with that I turned on the ignition and drove off. This really didn't emphasize anything, considering he was in the car with me. I wanted to leave in a dramatic exit, but seeing as I had nowhere else to go, this was the only other alternative.
The ride to the airport was agonizing. I was trapped inside a never-ending awkward silence. I wanted so badly to apologize, but I kept wimping out. We finally got there after two hours of annoying myself.
"Come on, Dad." At least I had the courage to say anything to him. He didn't grunt, but just followed my way out of the car and into the building.
I found my way to my gate without his help, and just waited there until my plane was supposed to come (and of course there was a delayed arrival).
"So..." I pretty much mumbled. Or I might as well have, he wasn't listening. I tapped my foot. He stayed like a statue. "Dad... Dad." I decided to be stable and brave. He was my Dad after all. He had to talk to me. "Talk to me. Please. Yes, I'm really leaving. So you might as well say good bye now and get it over with. Please, Dad. I might be gone for a while."
"Bella." Wow. He actually said something. I expected his voice to be hoarse, but it wasn't. He turned to face me.
"Dad." I tried to answer in as calm a voice as possible.
"Bella," he said again, "I don't want you to leave."
"I know that, Dad. That's why you've been giving me the silent treatment. But I am going, so let's just get that truth straight out."
"Sometimes the truth can be cruel." He sighed. "But you just got here, Bells. Are you sure you want to leave just yet? I know I'm not the most exciting of people, but-"
"Dad, I'm not leaving because of you! Definitely not. It's just like I mentioned earlier. The weather is not for me in Forks. Too cold and rainy. Phil is another reason. I want to get to know him better. And my friends--they're kind of weird."
He laughed. "I'll tell Mrs. Newton you said that."
"It's not just Mike, Dad. It's Jess, and Eric, and just the environment. Angela's nice, though. But people like Edward Cullen really freak me out sometimes."
"The Cullens? Well you got to get used to them."
"But I'm leaving, Dad. Please accept that."
He just stared at me.
"Attention please, a plane has just arrived in Gate 7. All passengers to Jacksonville please board."
I stared back.
"Well. Dad, I'm really glad you started talking to me again. And I'll try to visit sometime soon. Really, I will. Now I have a plane to catch." I hugged him.
"Bye, Bell. It was really nice having you here for a couple of weeks."
"It was. Bye, Dad."
I made my way on line, and, looking back a few times, went on the plane.
The trip was long and boring. Well, I knew it was going to be of course, so I was prepared for it, but that didn't make it any less. There wasn't any movie showing, so that was always a down turn, but I had a few books. It took an hour and a half until any food was brought out. And a really annoying thing; the man next to me ate really loudly, went out every few minutes (and he was by the window seat), and when he wasn't doing that, he was snoring in his sleep.
But after a few hours of stiffness, my plane finally arrived in Jacksonville, Florida. Renee and Phil were waiting for me when I got off.
"Oh, honey!" Renee gushed. "I'm so glad you're here!"
"Hi, Mom. It's nice to see you."
"Hey, Bella," Phil said to me, smiling.
"Come on," Renee continued, "let's get something to eat, and then we'll go home. Oh, wait until you see the house! It's so cute and pretty! It's yellow with white trim and a porch and you'll have your own bathroom, and it's not far from the beach, and..." I let her continue her speech, not really paying attention.
It felt nice to be there. With Mom and Phil, in a warm, sunny place, where we'd have a nice house (with my own bathroom).
But though I felt happy, there was something missing.