(Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Stephanie Meyer)

Chapter 1

I didn't realise I was still holding Burns' hand, when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. It was Ian of course.

"I'm sorry I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment I never thought I'd see the day!"

"No problem, this is really weird for me too!"

He smiled down at me as I released his hand. I couldn't help but return the smile, his eyes were so kind. Ian cleared his throat again. I turned and gave him a reassuring smile, he looked anxious. I then realized that we were still out in the open, of course Ian would feel anxious. Burns noticed the sudden change in my facial expression and stepped back.

"I'm sorry to keep you all; you must be on your way out for a raid."

"Why yes of course, I almost forgot." I hadn't even noticed Ian sneak up behind and wrap his arms protectively around me. I looked up at him and noticed that he was glaring at Burns. This look confused me, Burns was like me, he liked the humans, so why was Ian looking at him with such distrust in his eyes? I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when Jared spoke up.

"Where were you guys heading?" He looked tense as well; I concluded that he felt a little un easy at the fact that these people had found our hiding place for the van and moving truck so easily.

Nate noticed the apprehension in his voice too and was quick to respond. "We were on our way home from a raid as well, we live about two hours from here and I needed a pit stop, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I walked up further into the desert so no one would see me and I noticed something shiny poking out in the distance. Don't worry though it's a really good spot, I just knew what to look for, the souls would never notice it!" Jared's face looked slightly relieved at Nate's response. I started to feel really uncomfortable that we were still out in the open, I always felt exposed when we were outside and Ian seemed to grasp that fact so he started to walk towards the van. Burns noticed and followed us.

"Do you guys have a cell phone so we can stay in touch?"

"Uhh no sorry we don't, maybe we should get one while we're out, maybe you could come with us, show me some pointers on raiding, I'm sure you've had a lot more experience than me, I'm still very new to this and I would love it if you could help me out." The arm that was still around my waist suddenly tensed at the word 'love'.

"Sure, I'd be happy to help you out, that is if you could drive me home when we're done." His smile was infectious, so kind, so welcoming, of course I couldn't help but smile back, he was a soul, he was my family.

I almost forgot that Ian was there when he started shifting his feet. "I'm sorry how very rude of me, this is my partner Ian." I looked up at his face lovingly, only to find the same glare he wore a moment ago.

Burns put out his hand, "it's very nice to meet you Ian."

Ian hesitated at first, and I don't know why? Surely my Ian couldn't be prejudiced, he did love me, the soul…didn't he? I suddenly felt very insecure. What if he didn't love me, what if he was just pretending? Shut up Wanda of course he loves you.

"Its …nice to meet you too." Ian couldn't have recoiled from his touch any quicker and I could see the confusion in Burns eyes. There was a moment of awkward silence before Burns turned to fill Nate and the others in on our plans.

I took this opportunity to confront Ian on his rude behavior.

"What is it Ian? Did I do something wrong?" I tried so hard to hide the hurt in my voice, but failed miserably, this body will surely be the death of me! Ian's face softened as he wiped away the single tear that ran down my cheek.

"Of course not sweetheart, you could never do anything wrong...I guess I was a little….jealous"

Ian was jealous! I couldn't believe it, so he did truly love me. But why on earth would he be jealous?

"I don't understand." I looked over at Burns, he was beautiful in his own way but he was nothing compared to Ian. I could never see anyone else the way I saw Ian, and now that I was out of Melanie's body even Jared didn't appeal to me the way Ian did. There was absolutely no confusion at all anymore; Ian belonged to me, not the body but me, Wanderer, the soul.

Ian looked down at his feet while he spoke, "I guess it just makes sense for you to be with someone like Burns, you know...cos he's like you."

I reached up on my toes and grabbed his face with both hands and pulled him down to my eye level, "you listen here Ian O'Shea, you are my life, you hear me! I will always be by your side no matter what, I love you! I already told you that you will always be my only partner." I suddenly crashed my lips to his and without warning he picked me up off the ground with my feet dangling in the air. I could feel the molten rock moving through my body, aching to erupt, I wanted this feeling to last forever but I needed to come up for air. I was still gasping for air when I realized I was holding Ian's face a little too hard and let out a giggle as I let him go.

"What's so funny?" he looked a little hurt.

"I'm sorry, I was holding your face so tight that I made you look like a fish!" he chuckled.

He took my hand in his, which is where I hoped it would always be and walked over to the group.

Jared was in deep discussion with Nate about raiding when Ian and I walked up. Mel smiled at me and affectionately nudged me with her elbow.

"Ahh guys I think we should get going before the sun comes up." It was Brandt that spoke up. Everyone said their goodbyes and safe journey's and the seven of us piled into the van. Jared was driving of course, with me riding shotgun just in case. I was suddenly very excited again, I knew this raid was going to be great and I was grateful that Burns was here to teach me everything he knows, I suddenly felt confident because even though I wasn't very useful inside the caves, I had a feeling that this raid was going to change everyone's lives for the better and it warmed me to know that I was the one to do it.