Episode 15: TDA My Predictions Part 1

This is my first story. I will continue it as long as people R&R, but of course I'll make Part 2, but that will be it without reviews. I hope you enjoy it. I do not own TDA's characters or the show. Wish I did, but I don't. This story is a total GxD. Don't comment if you don't like the pairing.


On another episode of Total Drama Action

Today we have 6 campers left. On the last episode Leshawna was voted off for lying to our team, but what they don't know is that we have a surprise for them.

Chris said excitedly, "We're letting a contestant come back." Everybody eyes lit up with shock.

"Didn't you say that when you leave that you're never allowed to come back?" Heather questioned.

Chris said with a smirk, "About that, I lied." Heather was angry. She knew that if another member of the Killer Grips came back, they would be at the biggest disadvantage.

"Well, who is it?" Duncan asked.

"By our viewer's vote we're letting Gwen come back," Chris shouted with a giant smile on his face.

Out of nowhere Gwen said nicely, "Hey guys." Everyone stared at her not believing their eyes especially Harold. He was still angry that Gwen had hit him with a shovel. No way was he going to forgive her. There was also Courtney who despised Gwen for being so close to Duncan. Lastly, to our surprise, Duncan's eyes lit up. Why? No one knows. Everyone knew they were best buds, but he had this intense stare.

Courtney quickly questioned, "What are you doing here?"

Gwen answered, "I was asked to come back, Courtney." It's not like she didn't know. Chris just told them that she was asked to come back. But seriously, that was a stupid question. Was that "What are you doing here?" as on earth or "What are you doing here?" as why are you back on the show.

"Gwen will be on the Screaming Gaffers team since Leshawna was voted off," Chris announced. Gwen looked at her old teammates.

"Welcome back, sunshine! Guess you made it back," Duncan welcomed her.

"Of course, no way was I going to miss out on a million bucks," answered Gwen. Then, she gave Duncan a high-five which made Courtney filled with utter jealousy. Gwen went back to the trailer to put away her stuff.

"Hi, Beth. Hi, Lindsay," Gwen said. Both of them ignored her, and left the trailer. It's not like it was her fault that Trent was throwing challenges for her. That wasn't the way she wanted to win.

Confessional Cam:

"I guess I'm being totally ignored," Gwen sighed.

End Confession Cam

A voice came in from behind the door "Don't mind them," Duncan said. She had noticed that it was Duncan's voice.

"I guess I'm back. So you better watch out Duncan. I'm here to win." Gwen told Duncan in his face.

Duncan shook his head, "Sorry sweetheart, but you're not getting in my way of winning a million big ones." Gwen changed the subject.

"What's up with you and Courtney?" Gwen surprisingly asked.

Duncan said with an angry tone, "Why should I tell you?"

Gwen asked worriedly, "Did you two break-up?"

"As if," Duncan blew it off. No, they did not break-up, but at the same time they weren't really getting along with each other.

Gwen jokingly said, "I bet you cheated on Courtney, and now she wants to break up with you," then she paused and continued, "Not like that would happen."

Duncan clearing things up, "First things first, girls don't dump me, I dump them." Duncan had a slight smirk on his face, "Second, who said I didn't?" Duncan pushed Gwen against a bed with himself on top restraining her. He leaned close to her lips.

"Get off me!" Gwen yelled.

Duncan burst out with laughter, "I was just kidding!"

Gwen sarcastically said, "Ha, ha, ha. That was so funny." Gwen punched Duncan in the arm.

Duncan reacted, "Ouch!"

Gwen replied, "You got off easy." Duncan left the girls' trailer and returned to the boys' trailer. After a good 10 minutes Courtney came into the room.

Courtney said with an angry expression, "Seems like you and Duncan are getting along."

Gwen reluctantly replied, "We're just friends."

Courtney was now pissed because she sounded hesitant. "Yeah, right. You have your Goth hooks in him. You'll be hearing from my lawyer."

Gwen rolled her eyes, "You seriously need to be more easy-going."

Courtney exploded, "I AM EASY-GOING." While that was happening in the girls' trailer let's see what was happening in the boys'.

"How does Gwen get to come back? What about Leshawna?" Harold asked Duncan.

Duncan replied, "It was an audience's choice thing."

Harold thought out loud, "At least now we have the advantage."

"Yea, whatever," Duncan replied as Duncan jumped into bed ready to go asleep. Everyone was soundly asleep until...

Chris shouted through the megaphone, "4 A.M. wake-up call." Everyone screamed bumping their heads. All the contestants came out of their trailers looking drowsy. "Good morning, campers today your team will be making a film-lot with broken cameras and screens which you have to put back together."

Confessional Cam:

Harold: Luckily, I took film camp.

Gwen: My brother was once into cameras so I learned a bit from him.

End Confession Cam.

Chris said with a smirk, "All teams are disbanded."

"What!" everyone shouted.

Chris replied, "Good luck."

"It's every camper for themself," Justin nervously said.

Lindsay clinging onto Justin, "But I'll stay with you."

Beth added, "Me too, Justin."

Duncan grunted, "This is really lame."

Courtney came up to Duncan, "Why don't you ask me to work with you?"

Duncan replied, "Sorry princess, because of what you did before, you're on your own."

Courtney yelled, "Duncan!"

Heather thought to herself, "I need someone to do it for me."

Harold smiled, "I'll help you, Heather."

Confessional Cam:

Heather: Harold might be annoying, but he'll make a good alliance member.

Harold: Even though I don't really like Heather. I wouldn't work with Duncan or Gwen.

End Confession Cam

Gwen walked into all the junk that Duncan had on the ground to create the film lot. Gwen spoke, "How's everything going?"

Duncan answered, "I'm more of a dismantler than a putting-back-together type."

Gwen laughed, "Just like when we went to beach."

Duncan questioned, "Are you done yet?"

Gwen replied, "Almost done, just a few more things. I'm just checking out the competition."

"Whoa, didn't think you had it in you. Can you hand me that piece over there?" Duncan exclaimed and asked.

"You mean this piece?" Gwen asked.

Duncan answered, "Yeah." Gwen walked over to Duncan and tripped on a piece knocking Duncan down as she fell. To our surprise, that was not all. Her eyes had been closed and noticed that her lips were on top of Duncan's. She blushed and left quickly leaving a confused Duncan.

"Did we catch all of that?" Chris asked with a smile on his face. Chef nodded. "This will definitely boost the ratings."

Thank you everybody for reading. Please R&R. I really enjoyed writing this. I can't wait to see what happens next. I'll continue writing. I'm thinking of coming up with a story for Fin and Reef on Stoked! I'll update as soon as possible. If you have any ideas, don't be afraid to send a msg.