A/N: Hello everyone, and welcome to Living Hell. This is my first time posting one of my fanfics on a public website, so I am kind of nervous; but overall, I am eager to receive feedback on my writing so I can get into the swing of writing for a public audience. After all, since I want to be a writer when I'm older, I think this is the perfect way to get into the swing of things!
This story does feature a dark and heavy plot that deals with serious subject material; so if any of you younger readers feel uncomfortable reading a more mature themed story, I do not suggest reading any further. For those of you who can stomach this plot, kudos to you! This story is a part of the Dragon Ball Z / Dragon Ball GT story line, so it does make references to certain aspects of the show. However, this story is a slight AU, meaning there are several differences and situations that I have changed to better situate the story. Hey, it is a fanfic after all. If I want to change any aspect of the show for the sake of my plot, I can do that. Anyways, enough ranting. On with the story!
Important Character Information (Everyone's Ages Have Been Altered for this Story):
Goten: Age 28
Bra: Age 21
Trunks: Age 30
Pan: Age 22
Marron: Age 25
Greg: Age 24
Bulma: Age 68
Vegeta: Age 68
Goku: Age 61
Chi Chi: Age 61
Videl: Age 41
Gohan: Age 43
Disclaimer: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. I do not own any of the show's characters or any elements of the original plot/story. I am simply borrowing these aspects for entertainment purposes only. Please do not steal, copy, or reformat any aspect of my fanfic for your own personal use. All original characters and plot points featured in this story are of my own creation; so please, be respectful and keep that in mind. Thank you!
"Make a Wish"
It was a warm September evening in the small mountain village of Mount Pows. The furry inhabitants of the forest were busy turning in for the night while the nocturnal animals stretched their legs to pick up where they left off the night before. Owls kept an eye out for prey through the shroud of darkness while cicadas resumed their songs, all of them listening to the sounds of the river flowing in the background.
At the edge of the forest was a small capsule house, its windows glowing warmly as the occupants inside howled in laughter. Son Goku and his family occupied the house, but the great Saiyan was currently out on a bonding experience with his wife, leaving their youngest son and his friends behind to keep up with the house.
Bra, Marron, and Pan sat at the kitchen table laughing while Pan retold a story from one of her, Trunks, and Goku's many adventures during their quest to find the Black Star Dragon Balls nearly ten years before, and the girls were enjoying every minute of the tale. Goten and Trunks walked into the kitchen carrying bags of takeout from their latest excursion into town. Coming back to find the girls laughing was an interesting sight, and they too wished to be clued in on the joke.
"What's so funny?" Trunks asked as he raised an eyebrow and set the bags down on the counter top.
"Oh nothing." Pan said as she flashed him a mischievous grin. "I was just telling the girls a few stories from the good old days."
"Oh really?" the lavender haired male said suspiciously as he folded his arms across his chest. "And what stories would those be."
Trunks's younger sister Bra could barely compose herself as she tried to suppress another giggle. "Tell me big brother, what was it like being engaged to a giant fish creature? I think Trunksette is a lovely name. It really suits you."
Goten snickered as the girls burst into another fit of laughter. Meanwhile, Trunks's face darkened to a deep shade of crimson as he grit his teeth angrily.
"Of all the stories you could have told you decided to tell that one?" he asked in disbelief.
"Oh come on Trunks." Pan said as she held her sore sides. "I thought you made a very pretty girl. It's a flattering story if you think about it."
"You are so gonna get it." Trunks said as he shot her a playful glare.
"Alright, alright." Goten spoke over everyone as the laughter died down. "The food's here. What do you say we eat?"
Everyone nodded in agreement before moving to take the Chinese carryout from the bags.
"I'm so full." Goten groaned as he rubbed his tight stomach.
Pan sighed as she leaned back in her chair and stared up at the florescent lighting overhead. "Me too. It wasn't as good as grandma's cooking, but it was definitely worth the buy Uncle Goten."
"What do you say we go for a walk or something?" Marron suggested. "It's such a nice night out, and we could all use the exercise after all that eating."
Everyone agreed before tossing their scraps into the trashcan and heading out into the warm evening. Twenty minutes later, the five young adults were trekking through the middle of the woods talking and laughing among themselves. It had been so long since they'd been able to hang out like this. It had been years since any major threats had disturbed the earth so the half Saiyans had abandoned their usual lifestyle of remaining impeccable warriors to try and live life like humans.
Trunks had studied business management and had taken on the business roles of Capsule Corporation after his grandfather's passing, while his aging mother continued to whip up inventions in the lab. Goten worked for Trunks in a lower division and usually handled board meetings while making negotiations with investors. Marron had finished training at the police academy and was one of Orange Star City's greatest detectives on the force, leaving her life at Kame House behind for her studio apartment. Then, there was Pan and Bra. The two of them were still making their way through college, Pan focusing on medicine and Bra on fashion. They had lived normal lives after Shenron had taken off with the Dragon Balls; and after getting over the initial fear of not having them around to bail them out of trouble, they had become quite normal. Sure, they still had to maintain their training. Goku and Vegeta would never let them become a bunch of slackers regardless of how peaceful things had become as of late; but they had lived normal lives, and that was more than they could have ever hoped for.
Bra thought these things over as she looked up at the sky overhead. It was like looking at a black canvass sprinkled with an endless amount of glitter, and the sight was absolutely mesmerizing. Bra's attention was pulled from the stars by the sound of Goten's laughter. Her aqua eyes found the spiky-haired Saiyan's and she couldn't help but to smile at how carefree and happy he seemed to be. Her stomach fluttered nervously and she could feel her cheeks warming as he directed a smile at her.
She'd been doing this a lot lately, staring and finding herself thinking about the youngest of Son Goku's children. For as long as she could remember, Goten had always been a part of her life. She could remember playing with him and her brother when she and Pan were both little girls. She remembered the games of tag, swimming in the Great Pow River, the time he'd kissed her knee after she'd fallen out of a tree in the garden back at Capsule Corp, and even the time she'd convinced him to play dress up with her and Pan. He was like a brother to her and she'd always seen him as such; but lately, there was something more in the way that she saw him. She no longer saw a goofy boy who simply served as a playmate for her and her best friend, his niece. She was starting to see the man that he'd become. Yeah, he was still goofy and a bit clumsy; but he was also becoming more responsible, and dare she say, charming? Perhaps it was his rigid jawline and his defined muscles? Maybe it was his smile and the way it brightened up her whole world? Maybe it was the lingering looks and the occasional brush of his fingertips against her hand? Somehow, he had gone from being her best friend to someone she had developed a deep longing for.
Goten could feel Bra's gaze on him and he raised an eyebrow before looking in her direction. Bra giggled before looking back up at the stars shining overhead, doing her best to clear her mind of such forbidden thoughts. She had to keep reminding herself that it would never happen - the two of them being together. After all, he was seven years older than she was; but age was just a silly number, wasn't it?
"Shit." Marron cursed suddenly, pulling everyone's attention from Pan who was busy telling another story.
"What's wrong?" Trunks asked as they stopped walking.
Marron's fingers swiped across her cell phone screen as she bit her bottom lip. "I'm supposed to be reviewing a case early in the morning and I totally I forgot. I promised my commander that I'd come in at six to sort through the files so we could go over the evidence tomorrow afternoon. It's getting so late, and I live three hours from here by car. I have to go guys."
"Hey, I'll take you home." Trunks said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "There's no need to panic. Besides, we'll get there much faster if we fly anyway."
"Thanks Trunks, you're a life saver." Marron said with a smile.
Trunks nodded before waving at the others and scooping Marron into his arms bridal style. He offered a small wave at the others before levitating up into the air.
"I'll text you guys tomorrow." Marron called out as she and Trunks shot off into the sky, disappearing into the stars and leaving the others behind.
"I should probably get going too." Pan said as she stretched her arms above her head. "I have a huge exam in the morning and I could use the extra sleep. Night Uncle Goten. See you later Bra."
Bra and Goten waved as Pan shot off in the opposite direction that Trunks and Marron had gone in as she headed towards her family's compound. As silence filled the area, Bra and Goten shared a quick glance before looking away nervously at the realization that they had been left alone together.
Bra cleared her throat as Goten looked in her direction. "I guess I should be getting home to." Bra said as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Actually Bra, I was kind of hoping you'd like to stay for a little while longer." Goten admitted as he scratched the back of his head.
Bra's eyes widened as her heart began to thump loudly in her chest. "You want me to stay? Uh, sure. I don't see why not."
Goten smiled as he resumed walking in the direction they had originally been going in. Bra watched his retreating form for a moment before following after him. Goten led her through the forest in silence for an agonizing ten minutes before the tree trunks disappeared and the area opened up into a clearing of beautiful bluebells resting just above the waterfall. Bra was in awe at the beauty surrounding her. The light from the moon seemed to illuminate the bluebells with a faint blue glow, making the area seem somewhat magical. Goten continued walking until he was at the center of the clearing before he sat down and took a seat, leaning back on his palms to stare up at the midnight sky. Bra smiled softly at the childlike look in his eyes before moving to join him.
"It's so beautiful here." she said as she looked anywhere but at his face. "I could stay up here for hours."
"Yeah." Goten agreed. "My dad used to bring me here all the time when I was younger. He said it was his favorite spot in all of Mount Pows. Apparently, his grandfather would bring him here when he was a boy too."
"That's sweet." Bra complimented as she looked up at the stars.
"Sometimes, you can see shooting stars from here." Goten continued to speak. "Gohan and I would come here a lot and we'd wish on the stars as they flew past, and every single time, I'd wish for the chance to meet my dad."
"That's so cute." Bra said as a warm feeling filled the pit of her stomach. She wasn't too sure why Goten had suddenly decided to be so open with his childhood memories, but she wasn't complaining. If anything, it increased her admiration for him.
"Gohan used to tell me stories about the Dragon Balls and how they could grant any wish, but I always believed that shooting stars had more magic. When I finally got the chance to meet my father, I was glad that my wish had finally come true."
"Why are you telling me all of this?" Bra asked softly as she rested a hand on her shoulder.
"Because I've been wishing something for a while now, and I was kind of hoping that my story would...help give me the courage to ask you something."
Bra's eyes widened at the confession, but they slowly softened as she squeezed his shoulder gently. "What have you been wishing for?"
Goten took a deep breath as he raised his right hand and gently cupped her cheek. "Bra, I can't seem to get you out of my mind. I've known you your entire life and you and I are great friends. I care about you and I would do anything to protect you, you know that. It's just that lately...I've been having these feelings and I just don't know how to handle them. You aren't that adorable blue-haired girl with pigtails in her hair anymore, you know? Somewhere along the line, you turned into this compassionate, intelligent, and beautiful woman and I just can't seem to get you off my mind."
Tears clouded the blue-haired beauty's eyes as she stared at the boy she had grown to love. "Goten I...I feel the same way."
"You do?" he asked, surprised.
Bra giggled as she rubbed at the tears that were threatening to fall. She then snaked her arms around his waist as she leaned her head against his chest and sighed deeply as she listened to the rapid thumping of his heart.
"I can't seem to get you off my mind either." she admitted. "I never would have imagined that you felt the same way. I mean, you're so much older than I am and you have been a part of my life since the day I was born. I just didn't want to weird you out or anything by telling you how I felt."
"I don't think it's weird at all." Goten said as he gently lifted her chin, his charcoal eyes meeting her own as he smiled at her lovingly. "People can't help who they fall in love with."
Bra smiled before leaning up and catching Goten's lips in a slow kiss. Her hands moved from his waist, sliding up his back until her fingers found the spikes at the back of his head. She combed through his hair gently as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. Air became minimal as heat began to pool between the two lovers, the kiss having ignited a fire. Every touch, every kiss, every moan seemed to intensify the heat and when Goten finally pulled away for air, the two lovers' heads were left spinning. Bra smiled at her lover before resting her head against his chest. Slowly, Goten laid back bringing the aqua-haired beauty down with him, her head remaining on his chest the whole time.
Bra was completely content and felt there was absolutely nothing that could ruin her happiness. Slowly, her eyes drifted closed as she listened to the steady rhythm of her lover's heart.
A loud buzzing sound could be heard as Bra's eyes slowly slid open. She blinked in confusion at her surroundings as she slowly regained consciousness and tried to make sense of what was happening around her. She was still lying in the field of bluebells, but the moonlight had faded away and the earning morning glow of the sunrise was bathing everything around her. The bluebells were covered with early morning dew, and the bluejeans she had been wearing were slightly damp for sleeping among them. Goten was snoring softly, the sound vibrating against her ear, but it wasn't the source of the buzzing that awoken her. She realized that it was her phone buzzing in her pocket. Slowly, she sat up and slid a finger across the screen.
"Hello?" she answered.
"Where the hell are you?" a voice boomed on the other side.
Bra's eyes widened as she quickly sat up, disturbing Goten from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes tiredly before giving Bra a questioning look as she grabbed a handful of her hair and began wracking her brain for a quick excuse.
"There had better be a good reason that you aren't at home right now." Vegeta spoke angrily on the other line. "Your brother returned home hours ago saying you were still at Kakarot's house; and here I am getting ready for a training session and the gravity room only to find that you still aren't home. Where are you?"
"I'm sorry daddy." she spoke quickly. "I was having so much fun that I got tired and decided to stay over at Goku and Chi Chi's. I'm sorry I worried you, and I know I should have called; but I fell asleep watching movies. It won't happen again, I promise."
"Bra, if you are with that blasted Greg boy again, you'll be grounded until I say otherwise."
Bra's eyes widened at the mentioning of Greg. How could she have forgotten him so suddenly? Here she was waking up next to the man she'd been pining for for nearly over a year, completely forgetting the fact that she had a boyfriend who cared for her deeply. The relationship was nice, she could admit that, but she had realized not too long ago that she had merely dated him as a passing fling. As far as his feelings for her were concerned, she had no idea how deeply they ran. He was definitely going to have to be relieved of boyfriend status before things got too complicated.
"I swear dad, I'm not with Greg. I'll be home soon, I'm sorry for worrying you."
"Make it quick." Vegeta ordered before hanging up abruptly.
"I am so sorry." Goten apologized as he sat up scratching the back of his head. " I had no intention of us falling asleep out here. I really didn't mean to piss off your dad either. I hope I won't get on his bad side."
"Don't worry about my dad. I'll handle him. I should probably get going though. I have class in a few hours. Besides, I have some things I need to take care of."
"You're talking about Greg." Goten stated without even inquiring what she was referring to.
"Yeah." she admitted with a single nod of her head. "Things with him and me weren't going anywhere in the first place. I think breaking up with him is the right thing to do. I just hope he'll understand that you and I are meant to be together. Not me and him."
Goten smiled before giving her a quick kiss. "Then I guess you should get going. The sooner you break up with him, the better. Besides, you and I have to make plans for a date."
"Ooh, a date?" Bra said with a sly grin. "What exactly did you have in mind?"
"As long as we get to spend time together, I don't care what we do." Goten admitted. "Being with you is enough for me."
A/N: Review!