Ian sighed, removing his black converse from his tired feet and heaving himself into bed. He punched the pillow to fluff it a bit, then rested his head deep into it, therefore, squishing it again. He sighed again, unable to help it. School sucked. Plain and platonically simple. He hated school with a major passion. All of his classes were boring and worse, he had to watch the girl he practically already loved, all day, sit alone, rebuking any visitors to her assigned "Loner" table. She wouldn't even let him get close to her and someone had made a remark they came from the same planet.
Right then in there Ian was almost expelled for a good fist fight. No one said those things in front of Ian....or you'd be screwed.
He pulled the blankets tighter around him, shivering and thinking to himself. He was in 8th grade, (they had just started back last week) and he went to a small, Christian school. He had gone there since 1st grade, and hadn't had eyes for anyone but Erin Ulmer since 5th. Though, he took it with open arms she talked to no one....INCLUDING HIMSELF! He huffed undignantly, wondering what type of person she actually liked, (if any) as he drifted off to sleep.
'Erin." he mumbled in the pillow as his breathing became even, and his dreams, filled with his red head, loner, emoish beauty.
Why couldn't she just be nice enough to say hi!? He yelled before the alarm clock woke him up, and he stood....ecstatic for another day of school.
Ian could never control his sarcasm. ;)
a\n: sorry a short, quite frankly horrible beginning...but I needed to write something for Ian and Erin. Anywho, this will mirror my school year this year when i start back, and all of the facts are true so far. Except I don't have a nice looking deep thinker, black wearer, casual T and hoody, accepting, loving, caring, Christian, gorgeous Ian kind of guy....I don't asl for much danggit! Lol. Its soooo frusterating...Im officially on boyfriend patrol....
God bless and please review.