Hey everyone I am taking this story over from lordofhentai some modifications not many and after I pass his last chapter I'll start making this my own story but for now it's just his chapters passed through spell check.
a devious plan
"Shampoo!" Ranma screamed as he chased her through the streets. "Shampoo, you give that back! Right now!"
"No want to!"
"Now Shampoo!"
"No! I no let you die!"
Ten Minutes Ago
"Oh! Nodoka-Oba-sama! How unexpected!" Said Kasumi as she answered the door.
"Yes, well I was just hoping that maybe Ranma was here?" She asked with a worried smile.
"Yes, he's in the living room right now, talking with Happosai-Ojii-sama, Otou-sama, and Saotome-Oji-sama about his training." Her angelic smile telling that she wasn't lying.
"Oh thank goodness. It's very important that I see him as soon as possible. This is a life or death matter." Her smile of worry was replaced by a look of horrific worry, as was Kasumi's.
Kasumi led Nodoka to the living room and knocked on the door.
"Come in." She heard her father say.
She opened the sliding paper door, and announced Nodoka's arrival. "Otou-sama, Ranma-kun, Saotome-Oji-sama, Nodoka-Oba-sama is here." She put her gentile smile back on.
Nodoka walked in, and stared at Ranma with tear-filled eyes. "R-R-Ranma?"
"Y-Yes Okaa-san?" He stood-up slowly, and awaited for her to deem him unmanly.
She didn't. She dropped the sword that she carried, and ran to Ranma. She hugged him like there was no tomorrow, while crying on his shirt.
All that Ranma could do was hug his mother back.
After a short silence, and between sobs of joy and happiness, Nodoka spoke. "P-Please Ranma, sniffle, tell me the rumors aren't true. Sniffle"
"What rumors?" Ranma had no clue what she was talking about.
"Sniff the ones about you being dishonest with Akane and cheating on her with three other women." She looked up into his horrified eyes.
Ranma had never cheated on Akane, and never would, not for a trillion yen! "W-Who told you that?"
"Someone wrote me a letter and signed it anonymous."
"Well, they're lying! And if I ever find out who they are," he cracked his knuckles, "I hit them so hard that even Dr. Tofu won't be able to fix them up!"
Kasumi left the room very quickly, and quietly. As she left she was thinking, 'I'm so sorry Ranma-kun. I know that it's wrong to lie, but I had to do something to get your Okaa-sama to meet the real you. Without Saotome-Oji-sama interfering.' She was now in the kitchen making miso soup for supper. 'Why do I feel this way? Why do I want to help Ranma-kun so much? With all his problems, Akane-chan, Nodoka-Oba-sama, the fiancés… Why!' Tears fell from her eyes as she realized why. 'I love him...' silently she wiped her eyes one her apron before resuming dinner preparations
In the living room, Ranma was "meeting" his mother.
"So…" said Ranma, choosing his words carefully, "this is the sword that'll kill me if I don't become a man among men?" He handed the sword back to his mother after examining it briefly.
"Yes it-"
BOOM! Shampoo blasted her way through the wall. She had tears in her eyes. "Ranma, you no die!" She charged at Nodoka, grabbed the sword, and took off into town.
"Shampoo!" Ranma screamed as he chased her trough the streets. "Shampoo, you give that back! Right now!"
"No want to!"
"Now Shampoo!"
"No! I no let you die!"
"I'm not going to die you idiot!"
"I no idiot!" She hit him in the head with her giant bonbori, sending him flying. Then she took off towards the Cat Café.
"Great Grandmother! Great Grandmother!" She yelled into the deserted building. "GREAT GRANDMOTHER!"
"Be quiet Shampoo! I'm right here. What's the problem?" she asked when she saw tears in Shampoo's eyes.
"Great Grandmother," she whispered as she dropped to her knees on the floor, "please… please, don't let Ranma… don't let Ranma die!" She held out the sword for Cologne to take from her.
Shampoo told Cologne every thing she heard Nodoka tell Ranma about being a man among men.
"Hmmmm…" Cologne said. She then thought, 'This could work to our advantage.' "Shampoo, Ranma isn't in any danger. So take that sword back to the Saotome woman."
"Yes Great Grandmother." Shampoo sniffed slightly before she left to take the sword back.
Cologne walked to the back of the room where she took out a bunch of herbs, and started mixing them together. "All that Son-in-Law has to do is drink this…" She looked inside her cooking pot, where the ingredients had liquefied, and looked just like water. 'He'll never tell who he truly loves, so the only way for him to change back is to marry an Amazon.' "He'll be stuck in the form he hates most." She then began to laugh maniacally.
Good? Bad? Please tell me