The two sixth years glanced sheepishly up at their Headmistress. She glared down at them accusingly through her small glasses as a smile tried valiantly to fight its way onto her face. She fought the urge and settled for reprimanding them again.

"Honestly I don't know what possessed you two to dress like this for a quidditch game. In the muggle world there is such a thing called indecent exposure, although I suppose this kind of team spirit is acceptable there. Here it is not. Now explain yourselves!"

"Well you see Headmistress McGonagall, we lost a bet." Albus Potter offered as an explanation.

Both boys looked hopeful that this would be enough to satisfy their headmistress. They were sorely mistaken. "Who did you lose this bet to? And what were the stakes? How did you lose? You see I need to know all of the details so when I owl your parents they can fully understand."

The two boys groaned but froze when they heard a peal of laughter from around the corner. The laughter was quickly muffled but McGonagall went to investigate anyways. Scorpius and Al waited for her to return around the corner with whoever the laughter belonged to.

"Miss Weasley! I should have known, I shouldn't have had to ask these two who they were in cahoots with." As she said all of this she dragged the young Gryffindor out to join the two Slytherins. The three teenagers nearly burst out laughing when they heard the word cahoots come from their ancient headmistress. This only caused her to try and look more severe. "Why is it always you three? You would think that by your sixth year you would have learned." She sighed. "I suppose I don't have to owl your parents, although I'm sure that the Weasleys and the Potters would find this quite entertaining. The three of you have a weeks detention with me. 8 o'clock sharp. Do not be late!" With that, she left them to collapse into a fit of laughter.

Rose snuck in between her two best friends and bewitched a camera to take a picture of the three of them. They started laughing again once they saw their laughing picture. It showed Rose standing in her Gryffindor quidditch gear, the number 16 displayed on it, laughing as she threw an arm around the shoulders of the two shivering boys. Albus was on her right standing in his boxers with one of her Gryffindor ties tied around his head, one gold mitten and one red mitten, and the number one painted on his chest. Scorpius was on her left, also in his boxers, with one of her Gryffindor scarves wrapped around his neck, a gold mitten and a red mitten to match Albus', and the number six painted on his chest. The two boys had become Rose's cheerleaders. The three friends laughed and made their way down to the kitchens to grab a snack and some hot chocolate.

* * * * * *

Never again would the two Slytherins make a bet with the Gryffindor in the middle of winter when they knew that they had a very good chance at losing.