Run Away

*NOTE!! Enjoy at your own risk! I'm probably not going to be writing any more!

This is a crossover between Dark Angel and Supernatural. It takes place in March 2009, when Sam and Dean are driving to a hunt, they pass through northwestern Wyoming. Ever wondered what would have happened if the Winchester boys had found Max instead of Hannah? Even if you aren't a Dark Angel fan, you'll probably enjoy this story!

March 2009

Chapter 1:

The vines of the forest grabbed at Max's ankles as she ran, but they were unable to hold her for even the smallest amount of time. The force that her feet propelled her forward with was so strong that she was nearly flying through the darkness of the night. The tears streaming from her eyes barely had time to exist before the wind in her face flew them away. Her path was only lit by the moon, shadows chasing her as she went.

A sob emerged from her throat and put a hitch in her step. Max tripped, falling to the ground, tumbling over herself several times before she came to a stop against a tree. She was unhurt physically, but her heart ached from the loss of her siblings and the fear that she didn't know where she was supposed to run.

When a girl is seven, she should be playing with her Barbie doll and talking to her mom about how boys are icky and begging her dad to get an adorable little puppy for her birthday. When Max was seven she was having military training.

Her parents weren't twisted schizophrenics. No, she didn't have any parents. Not any real ones. She was born and raised in a lab as a soldier. And she'd finally escaped. Not that she knew what she was escaping to. But Zach had told them that they needed to split up. That had been an order. And Zach was the leader. With that, Max wiped the tears angrily from her face, got to her feet, and made her way toward the nearest road.

It was only a few minutes before she reached the road, but she wasn't sure what to do. She stood in the shadows, looking out at the world. She would have to run. Run as fast as she could as far as she could.

The road wasn't a main one, which was good she supposed. After a few minutes, a black car came driving down the road. Max heard music playing loudly, the volume increasing as it came closer. She slowly came out from the shadows. Trust no one. Suspect everyone.

You have escaped from enemy territory. What will you do?

Return to base of operations.

What if there is no base?

The question echoed in Max's head as the glow of headlights bathed her in light. She stood on the side of the road, knowing that Manticore employees probably would have had headlights scanning the forest, trucks instead of regular cars, or something else that she would have picked up on. She would attempt to make an ally.

Zach would say no. Survive on your own. Salvage for food, rob houses, whatever you need to do, but don't risk exposure. Zach had never been in the real world before, though. And Max knew he hadn't been afraid when he'd given them the signal to split up. He was never afraid.

Max was.

The car stopped a few feet after it passed her, the music turning way down. The door opened and a young man slowly got out of the car. She saw the driver lean over to get a better look at her.

Enemy. Attack. Fight. Get away.

Max's instincts screamed not to trust him, so she didn't. She told herself that she'd use him as an asset, to survive, and that was it. There would be no trust involved.

"Are you all right?" As he approached her, worry on his face, Max backed up, scanning him up and down. He stopped, his shoulders falling a little, and his face softened. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Were you…in an accident? Did you run away from home? What are you doing out here?"

He asked so many questions that she wasn't sure which ones to answer.

"What's your name?" he finally settled on.

She blinked at him. Her mouth opened to say X5-452, but she realized that wasn't the name he wanted. He wanted the name the others gave her. "Max," she finally whispered.

"Max. I'm Sam," he said. "Do you need a ride?" Shifting her weight uneasily, she hesitated. "If you want, she can call the police. They can—."

"No police," Max snapped, taking another step back.

Sam blinked at her, surprised. "Alright. Ah…you aren't really dressed for the weather. I'm sure you're cold." Max remained silent, determined not to show weakness to him. His eyes narrowed slightly. "You're soaking wet," he pointed out. She didn't reply. Obviously she knew that, since she'd just hidden under the ice covering a pond to hide from the Manticore employees chasing her. "Look, we aren't just going to leave you out here. You need help."

Do I? The fact that Zach would say she didn't, she shouldn't accept help from someone who could be an enemy, occurred to her again. But then a shiver rippled through her and, as the adrenaline started to fade from her system, Max realized how cold she really was. And she saw Sam swallow anxiously, realizing that he could tell she was reluctant, untrusting, but he didn't want to push her.

That's when they heard the faint sound of a helicopter approaching. Sam looked toward it, eyes narrowed, surely spotting the searchlight, and looked back to Max, raising his eyebrows. "Looks to me like you need to get out of here," he said softly.

Forcing herself to make a decision, Max walked quickly forward toward the car.