Title: Wolf's Retribution
Main pairing:Kakashi/Iruka, Genma/Radiou, Kotetsu/Izumo
Disclaimer:I don't own Naruto all characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto

It was a bright and early morning and Iruka had just woken up from a rather restful night of sleep. He sighed as he looked at the clock and realized he was late to the packs meeting.

Oh crap!!" Iruka said as he jumped out of bed and hurried around the room looking for cloths to wear.

He sighed as he realized what today was. It was the day that the leader of the Leaf pack Tsunade was planning on coming. Just recently after years of war between the packs from the Leaf and Mist a treaty was formed. Even though they hadn't had much contact with each other they had lived in peace for the last seven and a half years. A couple of days ago a fight had broken out between the borders were a couple of wolves from the Mist had killed three of the Leaves wolves. Days after the attack there had been many Mist wolves that had been worried about the consequences that killing would cause. They had loved the time of peace and didn't want to start another war since the last one had been a very a bloody one were they had lost many of their loved ones. It so happened that the three wolves that were killed had all been submissive males which meant that they could bare pups. To restrengthen the ties between the Leaf and Mist it was decided among the Mist pack leaders council that three of their young wolves would be given as retribution. Although it would be a great blow to the Mist since they didn't have many females or submissive males to help increase their number and help continue the existence of their pack. They believed it was more important to keep the peace.

Once Iruka had finished dressing he ran down stairs and out of the house. As he was running he heard his name being called out.

"Hey Iruka! Wait up."

Iruka stopped and turned around to see who had called him and realized it was one of his closest friends named Radiou. Just like him Radiou was a submissive male who wasn't happy with about the news of three of their pack being given to another.

"Hurry up I think the meeting already started." Iruka said as he waited for Radiou to catch up to him.
"Do you know who our leader has picked out to be given away?" asked Radiou has he ran with Iruka.
"From what I heard its Lady Tsunade herself who gets to choose which three will be taken." Iruka answered.
"I've got a very bad feeling about this." Radiou replied sounding rather anxious.

Finally reaching their destination they were told that their leader had given Lady Tsunade a list that had a picture and the age of every single submissive male they had. After hearing that they both turned to each other with wide frightened eyes.

"Iruka....you do know what that could mean for us right" asked Radiou nervously.

A pale faced Iruka nodded solemnly. Both Radiou and Iruka were single and they both were submissive males who didn't have any mates.

"The chance of us being picked is kind of scarce since there are a lot of us who are single at the moment." Izumo said trying to be optimistic as he appeared behind them.

Both Radiou and Iruka spun in surprise at the new person that had just spoken out.

"Oh it's just you Izumo don't sneak up on us like that you gave us a scare." Iruka said giving him a light hearted glare.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys it s just that you looked so worried." Izumo said laughing slightly at the looks he was receiving from his two friends.

Just then they heard hushed and excited whispers from the crowd around them. They turned to see the cause of the commotion and saw Lady Tsunade walking out of the meeting hall with their own leader.

"It has finally been decided which three will be taken." announced the leader of their pack. Turning toward Lady Tsunade he gave her slight nod.

Tsunade smiled and walked forwards towards the crowd. She knew many were not happy about the decision made to take three of them, but there was nothing that could be done about it. When her own pack found out about the deaths of their three submissives they had wanted to go to the Mist and take three of theirs. When she found out what many of the her packs alpha's had decided to do she had sent word to the leader of the Mist and together with their council had decided what to do.

"I have decided to take the following three." she announced scanning the crowd for the three she had chosen..

"Radiou Namiashi, Iruka Umino, and Izumo Kamizuki .

What! All three of them exclaimed sounding horrified. They looked at their leader in shock not wanting to believe what they had just heard.

You three come to the front. Their leader said looking straight at them.
The rest of you are dismissed. He said looking at the gossiping crowd.

As they walked towards the front were both leaders were waiting they could hear the crowd start to whisper amongst themselves as they left.

As you must have realized by now the three of you have been chosen to replace the three submissives Leaves lost. He told them. I hope you realize what a great honor it is to be handpicked by Lady Tsunade.

Before either of them could protest he continued on.

You will go home and pack your most important possessions and be back here in an hour.

As the two leaders turned and walked away Iruka, Radiou, and Izumo stood there trying to comprehend what had just happened them.

Well looks like you were wrong huh Izumo. Radiou said quietly.
I can t believe this just happened. Izumo said sounding like he was about to cry.
On the bright side at least we re all going together and not alone. Iruka replied trying to look on the positive side.
How can you sound so cheerful at a time like this? both Radiou and Izumo asked looking at Iruka as if he was crazy.
Hey I m not happy about this either, but I m trying to look at the bright side. Iruka said looking at his two friends.
Look guys there nothing we can do to change this, but at least we re stopping another war from starting. Iruka said trying to make is friends feel at least a little better.
I guess your right. Izumo said looking gloomy.
We should head home and pack our things. Radiou said already walking towards the direction of his home.

All three of them were reluctant about leaving there pack. Finding out that they were going to belong to a completely different one frightened them all. They would all being leaving their families behind and with them their entire lives.