Uhura opened the door to the classroom gingerly. Save for a few students her professor was no where to be found. Uhura was relieved for this, considering she wasn't quite sure what Spock's problem earlier in the hallway was. It was her plan to just avoid the issues between them and focus on the class, then subsequently on grading papers.

She took a seat in the back, wishing to go as unnoticed as possible. As the room filled up with other cadets Uhura was unable to fight down the rising uneasiness. She shifted uncomfortably as the door opened one last time and Spock strolled in, he immediately went to the whiteboard at the front, and began erasing the already present writing.

Class went by normally but Uhura noticed that Spock studiously avoided glancing at her, even going so far as to ignore her out stretched arm in response to a posed question.. Uhura huffed to herself for a second before putting his nonsensical attitude to the back of her mind and focusing on getting the most out of the lesson.

By the time the class wrapped up Uhura had almost forgotten about Spock being upset with her, she was steadfast reminded when a large stack of papers were placed in front of her. "Grade these Cadet, I will be in my office."

Uhura went to protest but was met with the distinct sound of a closing door. Trying to shrug it off she focused on the grading and ignored the returning feelings of uneasiness. When she was about halfway done with the grading she was unable to stem the annoyance of Spock's actions.

"What are you grumbling to yourself about, eh?" Came a voice from the direction of the door.

"Leonard, hello. What brings you here?" Uhura was genuinely surprised.

"Well I was looking for you my dear. I was thinking that maybe we should do something about our two lovebird friends. Maybe you could invite Gaila to dinner, I could invite Kirk. . .and it could be a double date."

Uhura just scoffed and rolled her eyes.

He began again, "Or we could just try to get them to meet up so they can work through this as opposed to being two big stubborn babies."

"Where do you want me to try and get her to meet up with him?"

"No don't tell her he is going to be there, that's the beauty of my awesome plan, she won't know so she will actually want to go."

"Awesome plan? They haven't even been fighting longer than a day."

Leonard winked at her, "I'm a matchmaker in more ways than one."

Uhura just stared at him pensively.

"I'm bored. Lets just tell them to meet up at Llwellyns Pub around 7. Then we can hide behind trees like the responsible adults we are."

Uhura smiled deciding to prod him a bit, "Sounds like a date."

McCoy clutched at his chest, "A woman after my own heart."

"Bye Leonard, I'm working. See you then."

Not ten seconds after McCoy left, Spock reappeared through the same door a scowl marring those perfect features. Uhura barely restrained the eye roll and focused on grading papers until his lordship deigned to talk to her.

A good five minutes went by with Uhura barely finishing up with one paper due to the nervousness at being under such intense scrutiny. Finally she slammed her pen down on the desk and gave into her desire to snap at him, "What?"

"A date?"

Uhura resisted an urge to face palm, "No it's not a date I was just teasing him a bit."

"Teasing leads to connotations. You don't want to give the boy those connotations do you?"

"Connotations? What on earth?"

"Connotations of the sexual variety."

"Sexual variety?" She practically shouted.

"You know very well what I mean."

Uhura stood up so abruptly Spock almost looked startled. "No I do not know what you mean."

He took several steps towards her, "You're leading him on Cadet."

"For the last time, I can do what I want."

Spock hesitated before taking another step forward. "We've had this discussion before."

"I was going to suggest that we go to dinner, but frankly I'd rather not deal with any of this right now. I have enough going on, a harmless diversion with Leonard," Spocks eyes darkened. "Yes with Leonard, won't kill me. . .and it definitely won't kill you."

"But I like you." He almost sounded like a little boy for a second and Uhura's heart melted a bit before she remembered how difficult he was being.

"I like you too, you know that."

"No I don't know that."

Uhura took several steps forward before quickly moving into Spock, wrapping her arms around him. He was clearly and openly surprised this time, and it took him a few seconds to wrap his own arms around her. They stood in silence for a number of minutes enjoying the others warmth.

Finally Uhura pulled away and looked up at him. "I like you."

Spock met her eyes completely and said, "I like you too."

"Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow?"

"What about dinner tonight?"

"I said I would help McCoy with this convoluted plan of his."

Spock immediately took two distinct steps back, before clasping his arms together behind him. "I just said I like you, you told me you liked me too. Yet you still wish to cavort around with that Doctor?"

"We are not going to do any cavorting. I am trying to help him with his stupid plan to get our friends back to being happy with each other! It's just supposed to be mindless fun for us, and useful to them."

Spock just nodded at her once before disappearing through the closed door into the hallway once again.

Uhura went back to her seat and put her head in her arms, her sign reverberated throughout the empty room.

Please review, if half of you that subscribed bothered reviewing. . .well I would be a much happier person for it. I'd also have more of a desire to write if you all showered me with love. (Don't take any connotations from that though! Haha!)