AN: I did say I would try and update this faster, and I somewhat succeeded! I'm glad to have heard from people that this story hasn't completely fallen through the cracks, and it's an enjoyable read! I'm hoping to release another chapter before the year is out, and to speed the story's plot up a bit.
This next chapter let's the readers finally know what Aizen's intentions are, and a bit of his dark past and heritage! Two new characters are brought in, and I sprinkled in some IchiRuki moments in there as well. The next chapter will be where more of the 'romance' begins, and we get to see Rukia and Ichigo in some ninja action :D
Please enjoy this chapter, and thank you for reading!
Disclaimer: Bleach doesn't belong to just kidding!
As Aizen exits the meeting room, he fights the urge to smirk victoriously over the results of his words of persuasion towards Byakuya. Once again, the young lord has proven that he could be easily manipulated to work in Aizen's favor. Aizen combs his brown locks back as he enters a secluded hallway towards the back of the palace and heads towards an old and decrepit looking statue.
His hand glows with a soft and dark green color as the statue's eyes open up and a passageway is revealed as the statue moves to the left end of the wall. The councilman looks behind him, his glowing green hand ready to attack should he spot any followers. His brown eyes search thoroughly, and when he's satisfied no one's near him, the man enters the dark passageway.
He removes the standard councilman cloak and the robes underneath reveal a red symbol etched into the dark blue kimono top issued to all members of the Kuchiki council. The red symbol seems as sinister as the man wearing it, and the symbol is painted on every corner of the passageway as Aizen uses a small fire jutsu to light every torch he passes by.
The symbol is Aizen's former clan's emblem; the dark art nins who would've ruled the Kuchiki territory as their own domain had those bastards not learned his clan's one weakness and used it to defeat them. The man's fists clench tightly as he recalls his clan's dark and horrible demise.
Nearly two centuries ago, when what is now Kuchiki territory was still open to be taken by those strong enough to obtain it, his clan fought a ferocious war to win it. It was land that was theirs by birthright. In the many prophecies written in scrolls and books he has collected in his years of researching and plotting, he knew his clan was always meant to have this land. Yet, those damn Kuchiki, noble and true as they supposedly tried to be, came in and thought to take it as their own. To make this a kingdom for all people to live and thrive equally and peacefully, with a mixture of all types of nin to help balance it into a great land.
Aizen scoffs as he nears an enormous ancient throne room, his brown eyes narrowed in icy contempt. As if equality and prosperity was a gift to be given to all. The Kuchiki were blind idealists and bothersome righteous fools. This land was to be used for domination, to conquer all who opposed his great clan and to demonstrate to the world that they were the superior clan, and that the nin were meant to rule those who lacked the chakra to be useful nin themselves. Equality and prosperity were to be given to those with power; the weak did not deserve it, for they did nothing to move the world forward.
Of course, the Kuchiki saw that as enslavement of those innocent and those unable to defend themselves. Aizen still found nothing wrong with his clan's ideals though. The innocent and weak were but hindrances, so why not force them to submit to those superior to them? His scowl deepens as he lights the empty throne room, and his clan's symbols and old artifacts shine brightly in the now lit room.
His clan fought with this purpose in their minds. To show the world that not even the famous Kuchiki clan could defeat their power. Sadly, those damn Kuchiki discovered their one fault, the one thing his clan could not fight back with their ferocity, and in the last battles of the war between The Oscuridad clan and the Kuchiki that lasted ten years, those damn nin defeated his people. The Kuchiki clan claimed rights to the entire territory, and nearly wiped out his entire clan, with the idea that his clan must not be allowed to regroup and attempt to capture the territory again.
Aizen's hands gently glide over the last letter his father sent him nearly fifteen years ago, when he attempted to recapture the lands himself and failed, leading to his execution and the deaths of the small number of Oscuridad nins left in the territory. He and twelve members are all that are left of his father's failed attempt. His brown eyes look over the last part of his father's letter, the words being his constant motto since he became a councilman to the Kuchiki lord.
"If I do not return to you my boy, you must continue the legacy. Return our clan to glory; bring down the Kuchiki and show the world our strength. Sea como la oscuridad."
The man's brown eyes glow with growing anger and with a glint of desire, desire for revenge of the sweetest kind. His smirk turns devilish as he grabs the letter with care and makes his way over to the large throne chair centered in the room. He sits there and the letter is placed with reverence on his lap as he eyes the room he's in. He chuckles lowly, and the chuckle turns slightly maniacal as he can feel his father's will starting to come to fruition.
Two tall shadowy forms appear before him in a cloud of red smoke and bow at his feet. His laugh subsides and Aizen eyes his most loyal Oscuridad members, a brash blue-haired nin with the abilities to use speed to kill his enemy, Grimmjow. Next to him, a quiet, solitary man with pale skin and expressionless green eyes whose nin skill to regenerate his chakra quickly to defeat his chakra-worn enemies, Ulquiorra.
"We got your message to return to you Lord Aizen." Ulquiorra speaks softly as Aizen gives him permission to rise to his feet again.
"I thought we were supposed to be out trying to find a way to get rid of those annoying bastards of the Abarai and Shihōin clan, boss." Grimmjow's scratchy and overly-loud voice echoes across the ancient throne room.
The two men gaze with curiosity as their leader remains silent, and continues to look at the aged letter in his lap. Grimmjow scowls slightly and wants to ask to be allowed back out in the field, where he could possibly get a good fight. The other man silences his fidgeting with a sideways glance as he waits for Aizen to speak.
"It seems our clan will soon get the retribution I've longed for since as far back as I could remember my loyal nin." His voice quivers with hidden anticipation and with an air of confidence Grimmjow and Ulquiorra hadn't heard in his voice for many years.
"Sir…if I can inquire…?" Ulquiorra cautiously asks, as Aizen rises from his throne chair and walks back towards the letter's hiding spot.
"I met the lost Kurosaki prince today. He fed some absurd tale or other to Kuchiki's council to hide his identity and true intentions here." His brown eyes dance with amusement as he continues. "I'm honestly surprised Kuchiki and those idiot old men fell so easily for such an obvious farce…still," He places the letter back carefully and his attention goes to the two nin looking at him from the other end of the room. "It worked out in my favor. I've used that foolish boy's lies to keep him right where I want him."
"Eh, that annoying orange-haired brat that's been tryin' to find ya for years boss?" Grimmjow questions in disbelief, his scowl obvious on his face. "Last time I saw that brat he was a scrawny lil' thing with barely any skill, some heir to the Kurosaki clan he is." He scoffs.
"Ah, the same one my dear Grimmjow. He's improved with age though, from what I've heard his skill has surpassed his father's and he gets stronger everyday." This knowledge doesn't change his confident mood as he continues to walk calmly around the room. "His obsession with finding his mother's killer has led him right into the lion's den, and I plan to use his forced stay here to quicken my plan to take over the Kuchiki rule."
The two nin give each other confused glances and Ulquiorra speaks up quietly. "I don't mean to sound foolish Lord Aizen, but if he's as strong as you say…how does this help your plans to reconquer this land?"
"He does not yet know it was by my order that those nin invaded his home eight years ago and killed his beloved mother in front of him. He's so engrossed in finding vengeance he will fail to see those he's dragging down with him."
Aizen stops next to a dingy and dusty scroll of his clan hanging on a wall and gently glides his fingers down the aged paper. "The young Kuchiki princess is already in love with this fool, even if she does not yet know it. Her love for him will grow every day he is there by her side, and his deceit for his purpose here and his desire to find me and avenge his mother's death will consume them both in a violent bout of lovers scorn."
Ulquiorra's green eyes widen slightly as the implied intention of his master becomes obvious to him and he nods slowly. His master knew no boundaries to his malice and his passion to regain what he feels is rightfully his. His pale hands twitch slightly; if he only understood these emotions more….maybe he could then see why his master is going so far for a long-time grudge that spans centuries.
"I still don't get it…so we're not killing the other Kuchiki guy? The leader or whatever the fuck he is?"
Grimmjow flinches as Aizen is suddenly before him, his cold fingers clenching his chin tightly to look right into his burning brown eyes. "Let me explain once more my foolish follower. I intend to use the Kurosaki boy as a distraction. Make a silly little relationship form between him and the Kuchiki princess, which will in turn distract Byakuya as he continues his suspicion of the Kurosaki boy. I'll rip his authority and his country from right under his nose as he's too busy protecting a useless girl from an equally useless boy."
Aizen releases the blue-haired nin and walks away with the same calm aura as before. Grimmjow lets out quick breaths and tries to hide his fear with a scowl and glares at a wall. "Understand now…Grimmjow?" Aizen questions him as he sits back down on the throne chair.
"Y-Yes, Lord Aizen." The man mumbles as he controls his shaky breathing.
"What is your will for us Lord Aizen?" Ulquiorra asks as he bows to his master. Grimmjow does the same and decides to keep his mouth shut and let his pale-skinned partner do the talking.
"Let's start the plans to sabotage the Kuchiki clan from the inside out…and I'll see if my matchmaking skills are any good." Aizen laughs lowly as his grin widens into a sadistic smirk.
oooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo ooooooo
Rukia's fingers are stiff and unmoving from their near death grip on her chair as she hears the click of Aizen leaving the room. Her inidigo eyes tremble slightly with the unnerving feeling that hasn't left her since she made eye contact with her brother's most trusted councilman. She doesn't dare turn to look at Ichigo again with fear she'll see her own troubled emotions reflect in his own brown eyes.
She can barely hear what sounds like one of the old councilman calling her name. Her troubled thoughts leave her deaf though, as she keeps replaying that moment Aizen turns to give her that look… a look that she can't name but leaves her with the feeling of utter dread.
"Lady Kuchiki!" Rukia jumps slightly as the councilman finally yells out her name to get her attention. She darts her head between the council members and her brother, and Ichigo, who's giving her a concerned but understanding look.
She smiles wearily at the orange-haired man and turns her attention back to the men in front of her. "I apologize councilman, what is it you were asking?"
The men eye her as they usually do, with impatience and growing contempt, at her lack of acting like the nobility she is. Byakuya sighs tiredly at her distracted behavior and answers for the councilman.
"Rukia, do not become lost in your own silly thoughts, you're an heir to a great country, be more responsible." His biting remark hits the young woman hard as she stares at him with a barely restrained pained expression, and she bows deeply in her seat as an apology. "As the councilman was saying, we'll be discussing with you further on the incident with those nin tomorrow since we have other business to attend to today."
Rukia raises back up and she nods slowly to her brother's words. "As for Kurogane, we'll be assigning him a new room near the training grounds he'll be using as the new tutor for our militia, and I'll expect you to show him the expectations and regulations to be followed as a guest in our home."
"Yes, nii-sama."
"I don't want you to forget your own obligations as well Rukia, the councilmen expect a progress report on your training now that you're well enough to pick up on it again. You'll also be resuming your courses on politics and diplomatic matters as well as studying on your elemental jutsus, your weak point."
Rukia nods to everything and acts so submissive to her brother's words Ichigo doesn't know if he should be angry at Byakuya for being such an ass to his own sister, or to Rukia for not defending herself with the fiery strength he's grown to see in her in the few days he's gotten to know her. He keeps his mouth shut though as the councilmen write down Byakuya's instructions as a reminder to keep the young woman in line and to make sure she doesn't fail her brother further.
Byakuya's attention goes to Ichigo and his grey eyes narrow into further annoyance. "As for you, my council and I have decided you'll get an introduction to our new nin and the training grounds tomorrow after Rukia has finished using it for her own training. You'll officially start your tutoring in a week, and we'll pay you at the end of each month. We'll expect progress reports from you as well a week before you are to be paid. We also expect a full detail of your abilities in swordsmanship, jutsu use, and physical abilities before you start training the recruits. Are you following any of this, Kurogane?"
Ichigo doesn't hide his annoyed scowl, and can tell the councilmen don't approve of his behavior towards the young lord. He bows his head slightly and leans back on the chair with feigned boredom. "Every word, my lord." Ichigo smirks at the way Byakuya's eye twitches slightly at his sarcastic reply, but the nobleman seems to let it go.
"My men will send you more elaborate details and documents for you to look over once my council is finished organizing your new job and duties." Byakuya rises from his chair as the other council members follow suit. "That's all for today. Any further matters involving Kurogane will be brought up another time. The council and I have a meeting to go with the Shihōin clan shortly."
Ichigo's expression turns serious as Rukia and he both stand up as well and bow in respect as the young lord and his council make their exit. Byakuya allows his council to go ahead of him as he stops in front of Rukia. She raises her head and waits anxiously as to why her brother stopped. His eyes seem to lose a bit of their mirth towards her earlier behavior and he gently places his hand on her shoulder.
"Do not let them catch you off-guard like that again Rukia. The council are already holding low opinions on you from this incident with that boy over there, don't give them more reason to lower it further." Rukia's indigo eyes cloud over slightly with shame and she looks down to avoid looking at her brother.
"I-I understand nii-sama."
His hand squeezes her shoulder slightly and he whispers something else. "I expect you to keep an eye on this young man. For some reason or another he trusts you the most. Make sure he has no ill-intentions. The council may not see it, but I trust your judgment, act like the leader you'll become."
The sudden turn-around from criticizing to complimenting from her brother catches the young woman off-guard and her eyes look up with child-like awe as her brother gives her a slight smile. "Understood?" He whispers, and she nods again her voice unable to work at his random change of behavior. "Now take this foolish boy to his rooms, and get some rest yourself…I don't want you to overdo it."
With that, he bows his head to her and swiftly makes his exit, leaving Ichigo and her alone. Rukia's indigo eyes stay focused in the direction her brother disappeared from and she trembles slightly as she recalls the last words Byakuya said to her.
'He had that same look when Hisana-neechan was sick and she'd get tired from walking too long. Is…is he worried about my well-being as well?'
She hears a cough from behind her, and she turns around to see Ichigo giving her a sheepish expression as he folds his arms across his chest. Rukia smirks and puts her previous thoughts in the back of her mind as she approaches the young man.
"Well, that didn't go as I expected. I was kinda hoping to go home and hitch a place with Ishida, not work for your brother." Ichigo says as Rukia motions for him to follow her out the doors to the meeting rooms.
His somewhat annoyed expression amuses her and she hits his arm playfully. "You shouldn't be complaining idiot. It's a job, which let's face it, your hopeless self needs right now if you're going to be in an unknown territory. I'd say you should be grateful."
He growls slightly at her insult, but lets it slide as they exit the meeting room doors. Combing through his hair in agitation he resigns to her logic. "Fine, fine, I need the job I'll admit that, but why under these bothersome circumstances? Your brother thinks I'm some terrorist, and that Aizen guy just creeps me out."
At the mention of Aizen, both of them freeze in place and their expressions turn dark. Rukia is the first to speak as she feels the shivers from earlier return. "So, I'm not the only one who felt he was hiding something further by requesting you to stay here?"
Ichigo scoffs and shakes his head. "Of course not, the moment that creepy bastard made eye contact with me, I felt a horrible sense of foreboding…like there's something off with him."
Rukia's eyes gleam with slight hope at his words. Was it possible she wasn't the only one who felt Aizen wasn't what he seemed? That it went further than him being a loyal councilman to her brother?
"So, you think he's…that he's hiding something as well?" The way her voice sounded so desperate and hopeful got Ichigo's full attention as he looks down at the shorter woman.
"He's always been this way?" He asks in disbelief as Rukia's grim expression seems to simultaneously answer his question. "Then…how come you haven't told your brother of your suspicions?"
Rukia breaks off the eye contact, and looks away with a troubled and saddened look. Ichigo looks on with confusion for a bit, but quickly realizes when he remembers Byakuya's earlier treatment of Rukia. His brown eyes look on with sympathy as he looks at her sulking form.
"I can't understand how you haven't lost your sanity with a brother that can be such an ass one minute, treat you kindly the next, and then goes back to being ass after that." His insulting remark earns him a smile from Rukia as she shrugs and keeps walking towards the direction where they left Inoue and Ishida.
"Comes with years of experience I suppose. All I know is that I can't go up to my brother about Aizen until I have enough proof. I'll make a fool of myself and him." She gives him a look of long-held isolation as she continues to speak. "I'll just have to keep hoping and trying on my own to find out the truth behind Aizen. Until then, I'll just tolerate him as best as I can."
Ichigo brown eyes hold a new conviction as he focuses on Rukia's almost lonely figure. 'If I'm gonna be stuck here under crappy circumstances, with even crappier people, and a crappy prospect of getting my goal done…I might as well do some good here while I'm at it.'
"You're not alone you know." At his response Rukia stops walking again and gives him a quizzical look. "I mean, I'm stuck here for who knows how long, and you're not that bad of a person to hang with, when you're not being a pain in people's asses." Rukia gives him an icy glare as he smirks before continuing. "And I believe you and your suspicion of Aizen…so if you…you know need back-up, you're not alone. I'll help you out too."
Rukia's expression is in growing surprise as her indigo eyes stare at Ichigo's flustered and almost embarrassed look, his body fidgeting lightly. She finds his growing blush endearing, and recalls mentioning he wasn't good with socializing with girls. Her smile widens and she feels the burden on her shoulders lighten a bit as she nods appreciatively and continues walking.
As Ichigo's ready to ask if she accepted his help or not, Rukia turns around and leaves him speechless with her twinkling eyes and her grateful smile, "Thank you, I mean it…it's nice to know…I'm not alone. I'm looking forward to your support."
He stands bewildered and with a flushed face as Rukia marches on quietly ahead of him, her black hair bobbing with her movements. He blinks, and lets out a breath he wasn't holding; sliding his hand down his face he begins to question his own sanity. 'What is this girl doing to me, seriously?'
ooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo ooooo
Ishida looks on with a warm expression as Inoue talks about the cake she wants for their wedding when Inoue and he both notice the two figures of their friends heading towards them. Inoue practically jumps from her seat as she hurriedly makes her way towards Rukia and Kurosaki. Ishida makes his way towards them as well, but keeps his pace slower and more cautious as he tries to make eye contact with his orange-haired friend.
His blue eyes widen slightly as he sees Rukia and Ichigo interacting with each other…oddly. Ichigo has a blush on his face that hasn't quite disappeared and is being somewhat teased by Rukia, who he hasn't seen smile that genuinely since the last time she spent time with Inoue. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and decides to keep a growing suspicion in his mind for another time and place.
When Inoue reaches Rukia and quickly embraces the shorter woman into another bone-crushing hug, Ichigo finally acknowledges Ishida, and the look he gives him doesn't reassure him completely. Ichigo lets Rukia calm Inoue's worry and curiosity down as he walks over to his friend and leans against the wall beside Ishida.
"Well?" Ishida begins as he makes sure Rukia is distracted by his bubbly fiancée.
Ichigo scratches the back of his head slowly and lets out a sigh. "Good news is, I've been cleared of any suspicions on my intentions and of my identity." Ishida can feel relief wash over him, before his friend yanks it back again. "Bad news is, I'm stuck living in the Kuchiki mansion as a tutor for that asshole Byakuya's new recruits until they see fit."
Ishida can feel a sudden headache already forming as he knows the dangerous implications this new development has, and the problems that could arise if not handled delicately.
"You never make things easy for anybody do you Kurosaki?" Ishida angrily whispers out as he glares at his idiot of a friend. "I was hoping you'd word our little lie to the point that they'd let you out of these gates by the end of the day, not be their new little tutor."
Ichigo scowls at him before shrugging and crossing his arms together. "Look I worded it the best way I could without making it suspicious, I didn't expect it to turn around and bite me in the ass the way it did ok? It happened though, so I'm stuck here."
Ishida rubs his temples gently as he realizes his friend's lack of understanding on exactly how much danger he was in. He yanks Ichigo's sleeve closer towards him and whispers out harshly. "Let me put it more simply for you, you moron. You're a Kurosaki, to make it worse; you're the heir to the Kurosaki clan. You're a missing prince in the territory of a country that has never had a liking to your father's country, and would not like to find out his son is hanging around their mansion…interacting with their own heir Kuchiki-san."
Ichigo steals a glance back towards the girls, and still sees that Inoue is distracting Rukia as she tries miserably to calm the auburn-haired girl from making too much of a ruckus in the hallway. He pulls his sleeve from Ishida's hand and gives his friend a stern and grave expression that reminds the young man that Ichigo, though far from home, was still of royal blood through and through.
"I know that Ishida, don't think I'm naïve enough to forget my predicament. I knew the risks I'd bring to myself by making this journey to track down my mother's killers. I knew that entering somewhat hostile territory with the title that I hold puts me in constant danger. It's something I 've already contemplated on, and I know where I stand."
He places his strong calloused hands on his childhood friend's shoulders and gives him a tiny shake. "I can remain here and continue my mission. My determination to avenge my mother will keep my head clear and my body steady and ready." He gives Ishida his familiar smirk and slaps the man's left shoulder lightly. "As long as I have my loyal friend here to support me and keep me safe too…I have nothing to fear."
Ishida can't fight back his own smirk as he's yet again reminded of why he always knew Ichigo would be a great ruler, even if he acted idiotic from time to time. He had a way with words that always made anyone believe that he was unstoppable, that if you left things in his hands he'd never let you down. He agrees with a nod of his head and pats Ichigo's arm in comradeship. "I'll always support you, through every ridiculous plot that pops into that ignorant head of yours; I'll always be your brother-in-arms, your majesty."
Ichigo chuckles softly at the title he hasn't heard as referring to him since he left his country nearly a year ago. The two best friends stand back apart a bit, and their good mood turns down slightly as they returned to the problem at hand.
"They're going to give me more info on this new job thing before the end of the day. You think you can get a messenger boy out here so that you can view the papers as well?" Ichigo asks as he leans back on the wall again, and watches Ishida do the same.
"Ah. I can feign business with you so that we can keep in touch while I'm away. We'll discuss further on what we're going to do about your new job and your mission another day. The walls have ears after all."
Both men nod in agreement as the girls seem to have calmed down and begin to walk towards them. "We'll use our normal code as always Ishida?" Ichigo mumbles to him as he begins to get a bit fidgety with nervousness.
"Yes, we'll do all our discussing through that." As he finishes his last words, Inoue walks up to him and wraps her hand around his arm lovingly.
"Well, after much persuasion on my part Ishida-kun, I've convinced Kuchiki-chan to be my main lady for our wedding! Isn't that exciting?" She speaks happily with a glint of joy in her honey-colored eyes.
Rukia looks on with a tired and sheepish expression as she merely shrugs at Ichigo's inquisitive stare. Ishida laughs with amusement at his fiancée's behavior and pats her hand gently and with affection. "Ah, that is great news, especially after such a tense day with the council meeting and the fate of my friend. I'm honored that you'll be attending our wedding Lady Kuchiki." He bows with respect and Rukia returns the gesture with a bow of her head, a gracious smile on her face.
"Well, she thought it'd be the perfect remedy to lift up our spirits after a tough day dealing with my brother and his councilmen. I really couldn't say no, and I'm happy to be doing this anyways."
Inoue nods eagerly and motions at Rukia playfully as she speaks. "Besides our wedding is months away, plenty of time for you to prepare for the occasion." The young woman turns her and Ishida to look at Ichigo as she speaks to him as well. "I've heard you'll be staying here as a tutor as well Kurogane-kun, so I hope you'll come to our wedding too!"
Ichigo smirks with a teasing look in his eyes and replies. "Well he is an old friend of mine, how can I miss the chance to endlessly make fun of him?"
Ishida frowns disapprovingly and tugs Inoue closer. "I'll take that as a yes, Kurogane. It's getting late, it'd be best if Inoue and I made our way to our homes."
Inoue pouts slightly but doesn't disagree. "I'll be back before the end of the week to discuss the wedding plans further with you Kuchiki-chan ok?" She asks sweetly as she walks over and embraces her dear friend in farewell.
Rukia returns the hug and smiles up at her close friend, and nods her farewell to Ishida as he bows to her. "I look forward to your return Inoue. My guards will escort you safely to your carriage. Have a safe trip home."
Ishida and Ichigo share a strong handshake, and both look at each other with the same determination to set their plan in motion and keep everything that shouldn't be known a secret. Ichigo inclines his head slightly as a farewell to Inoue, and both he and Rukia watch as their friends make their way outside the mansion.
As they exit the large entrance doors, Inoue squeezes Ishida's arm slightly, and he looks down in surprise to see her usual happy face turn into one of seriousness and concern. "I'm not marrying you because I'm a complete stranger to you Ishida-kun. I know you and Kurogane-kun are up to something, and it's dangerous." She's proven right as Ishida's body tenses next to her. "I won't pry into what isn't my business, but please." She looks up at him and cups his cheek in her hand. "Don't be reckless. Do what's necessary of you safely, and keep Kurogane-kun safe as well. Always return to me, understood?"
Ishida's previous mood lifts and he again sees why he loves this woman so much. His smile is warm and full of love for her, and he gently hugs her as an agreement to her words. Inoue hugs him back, and is reassured her beloved will do as she asks.
Rukia waits for Inoue and Ishida's forms to disappear down the large hall of the mansion's meeting rooms before looking up at her companion and giving him a suspicious rise of her brow. "You and Ishida sure talked for awhile, mind telling me what it was about?"
Her tone isn't accusatory or even upset, her indigo eyes hold genuine curiosity. Of course, this doesn't stop Ichigo from tensing slightly, and coughing awkwardly from her direct questioning. He begins walking in a random direction, and isn't surprised to hear her smaller footsteps next to him.
"He was sort of nagging at me for getting myself a job here instead of getting released." He rubs the back of his head in feigned angered embarrassment. "He's always been the mother hen in our group of friends back home, so it shouldn't have surprised me that he was biting my head off for being reckless."
Rukia chuckles at Ichigo's answer and shakes her head at his behavior towards his friend. "Well, you see mother hen, I see a good friend. You should be grateful someone's concerned about you enough to nag at you constantly." Her humored tone lowers to that of melancholy, and the young woman walks a little faster to be ahead of him.
With sudden realization, Ichigo sees now that this young woman has been sheltered her whole life. Friends like Inoue are a rarity, and she must love every second she spends with her. Here he was complaining his friend was a pain to be around sometimes, while she must always want someone that nags at her constantly too.
He walks up to match her pace, and with his eyes looking towards the distant gardens he speaks softly, so only she can hear. "Sorry. I didn't realize I was sounding ungrateful, but…" His arms are folded behind him and his posture is awkward again, but he finishes his words. "I told you earlier, you're not alone. You…can see me as a friend too…if you want."
Rukia abruptly stops walking, as does he, and she looks up with astonishment at the honesty in his words. He refuses to make eye contact with her, like before, but she can see the start of an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. She can feel her own face flush warm, and her indigo eyes dart away from his face. She has a thank you waiting on the tip of her tongue, but it refuses to come out.
She has a sudden onset of flashing memories, memories of a grand meeting room, and of twinkling brown eyes, and a boyish grin that always makes her heart beat faster. That young boy from her dreams returns, and his bright hair and his contagious smile leave her breathless again, and she can't help but speak out towards Ichigo. Ichigo, who looks so much like him, and…as she's starting to see, acts so much like him as well.
"You…You said you're f-from the Kurosaki country…" She's stumbling on her words and she can already feel the blush spread across her entire face. "I…was there ever a chance…you… did you ever visit the…"
Ichigo's own awkward position ends as he notices the nervous tone in her voice, and the way her indigo eyes won't make direct eye contact with his. He fully turns back towards her and raises a brow at the sudden change in topic, but lets her continue.
"Did…you ever visit the great countries' palace… the one u-used for the annual reunion of the countries' leaders? As…when you were younger I mean?"
Ichigo's utterly confused as he doesn't answer, his brow creases in concern and a bit of suspicion as to why she's bringing this up now. 'I told her I'd be her friend, where did this come out of, all of a sudden?' He wonders for a moment if she's figured something out about his identity, and grows more reluctant to answer.
Rukia takes his silence harshly, as the images of that little boy disappear again and she's left with that all too familiar feeling of longing and sadness. She turns away from him completely and begins to walk briskly towards her rooms. She can feel the indignant tears already forming and she doesn't want him to see. 'I was such a fool, of course he's not him! Ichigo's nothing like him, that little boy…that little boy surely grew up to be someone…much different than him. I should have never said anything. I let my love for that boy, and my gratitude towards Ichigo's friendship get the better of me. You're such an idiot Rukia.'
Ichigo's caught off guard at her sudden departure and tries to follow after her. "Oi, where are you going? I…uh, haven't answered your question!" He yells after her retreating form, and only manages to catch her tight frown as she speaks to him with curt words.
"It was nothing. Put it out of mind, it was a stupid thought anyways. The guards down the hall to your left will direct you to your new rooms. Someone will send you some dinner soon. Good evening…Kurogane-san."
The formal way she ends her sentence stops him in his tracks, and he watches Rukia's form disappear around a corner, and he's then left alone. Ichigo stands in the empty long hallway with the awkwardness of someone not familiar with a place, and his scowl tenses further with his thoughts of what just happened. His brown eyes linger at the last spot she was standing at before leaving, and he sighs heavily as he feels guilt bubble up inside him.
He's never been able to handle delicate situations, especially when it involved… women. He was barely seventeen, too young to understand when he's insulted or hurt a young woman's feelings unintentionally. He combs his fingers through his orange locks agitatedly and trudges slowly in the direction Rukia told him to take. He didn't know what else to do.
"So much for being a good friend to her Ichigo…geez why am I such an idiot?" He mumbles tiredly to himself as he heads towards what he hopes will be a comfortable bed that'll let him sleep this whole thing off.
That's the end of chapter 7! It was sort of a long chapter too, but I hope everyone liked reading through it either way! I enjoyed adding the bro-mance between Ishida and Ichigo since I think they're best friends whether they admit it or not.
I'm also hinting a lot on Rukia's memory of a young Ichigo, while neither of them realize it's him. It actually serves a bigger purpose later on, so the teasers I do on this issue are important ;)
Lastly, I'm considering a love triangle between certain characters, but it's still up in the air since the actual romance chapters aren't for awhile yet. Next chapter gets a bit serious with the politics and the ninja countries so bear with me on that as well
As always, reviews are appreciated but not expected.