Hey guys this took me wayyy to long to update! Wow. 0.0 anyways I hope next time I don't let this story go for too long. Here's Chapter 13!

I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, I'm too poor for that.

LuLuCrazeD – Your welcome, although this one was a little delayed…

Foxgoddess07 – I kno I kno, but that's all I can give without going too OOC

Yurushihe – hahaha poor Yusuke, its not his fault he was born…I don't think. 0.o…? and ya I love the beach scene too

Cowgirlkitten2000 – Ya, I benefit from their embarrassment.

Shori Yume – VERY

Rhianna224 – thanks

j.d.y. – ya you cant help but love it

ShiTsukisama – wellll, they don't ALWAYS get interrupted. Only twice out of three times…or did you forget the ice-cream scene? ;p

Music ADD – ya I guess, I just thought It'd be cute with mr. big (Hiei)

Blueyedevil586 – haha yes I was hoping you'd catch onto that. And its ok, im always late updating so I forgive you

SuicidalxDolly - …ok? Lol

Pouting person (who are you?!?!) –thanks a lot, im glad to hear that. Lol, I try.

WildIrishRose31 – but its just so much fun torturing them! .

KagomexSesshomaru123321 – Ah thank you

OoOlady heatherOoO – yay glad you like it

loretta537 – mayyyybe…maybe not haha

Rhiannon's blackbird – thank you I heard the pity approach was in lol

Tsuki no Echo – ah yes well eventually they'll get down to the dirty lol

kagome1312 – hehe, well…I tried but failed at the update soon part….

Foxluna – haha thanks for the animated review and I'll have to take in account the marking and other males taking her part. Oh! And good observation I'm still debating the Sess koga thing.

angeltsuki – hehe ya well like I told other ppl…I tired to post but other stuff got in the way! Hope I don't let this story go too long next time

ryuuhime88 – yay thanks here's your update!



'/Hiei's telepathy/'

'Youko's thoughts'

------------------~*Chapter 13*~------------------

The walk back to the hotel was uneventful, as both Hiei and Kagome pointedly ignored the stares their conjoined hands brought them. They had no problem ignoring Yusuke as well, considering he hadn't the guts to even look their way anyhow, and after a decent meal and a good nights rest the group was off and ready for their first fight. Kagome and Kurama led the way with Yusuke and Kuwabara following close behind. Hiei still preferred to walk a short distance behind to keep an eye on the rear…or at least somebody's rear.

To say Kagome's fighting clothing were form fitting was like saying Kuwabara liked cats, he was obsessed with them. Tight black spandex shorts that showed off her long shapely legs and a black sports bra were about the only real clothing she had on. White bindings around her forearms, calves and upper stomach/chest covered what the clothing did not. She carried no other weapons besides the bow slung over her shoulder and a sword he had never seen her carry before. The hilt was wrapped in bindings hinting at its old age.

'/Damn that onna. What does she think she's doing wearing such revealing clothing? Even if she dubs it 'comfortable' and 'flexible' I still believe it shows way too much of her luscious-gah! Stop it. We need to teach her a serious lesson…soon./'

'Whats wrong Hiei-kuuuuun? You seem distracted.' Youko's voice teased.

'/Hn. You know exactly 'What's wrong.' How are you allowing the miko outside in such provocative clothing?/'

'Hiei, If it bothers you that much why didn't you say anything about it earlier?' Kurama's voice cut in before Youko could retaliate.

'Well I happen to think it looks darling on her…'

'Shut up you before you piss Hiei off, you know how it is with mates.'

'/She is not my mate/'

'Ah, so that explains why Yusuke came back to the room blushing like a tomato and hasn't been able to look the two of you in the eyes ever since…'


'Damnit Youko, you know how sensitive he is about his relationships, leave it alone.'

'/Are you trying to dig yourself a deeper hole?/'

Not allowing a response from the kitsune Hiei quickly shut off all communication between the two, instead focusing himself on keeping an eye on both Kagome and their surroundings. Noticing how her shoulders stiffened once the arena came into view, he was put slightly on edge. His attitude turned annoyed but grateful when Kurama seemed to notice as well and quietly took her hand in his for a comforting squeeze, taking most of the tenseness out of her shoulders.

Turning towards him she whispered a quiet 'Thank you' before throwing a look over her shoulder in Hiei's direction. Catching her gaze he gave her a comforting nod before crossing his arms over his chest and looking past her at the approaching arena. Again just like the day before they had no fuss in entering and quickly made their way to the arena floor.

A bright blinding light and the sound of cheering assaulted their senses as they entered the arena floor. As their eyes quickly adjusted to the outside light they casually walked up to the fighting ring, keeping a careful eye on their opponents. All of the demons from the other days fight were there waiting, the purple haired one, the brunette, and the twins. Looking closer Kagome spotted a fifth, a small girl no taller then four feet with bubblegum pink hair. Clutched in the child's arms was a torn and what she assumed was a thoroughly used teddy bear.

As innocent looking as the child was, Kagome could sense her powers and knew that she was the true leader of the team, her strength twice that of the others.

Coming to a halt a few feet from the ring the group patiently waited for the crowd to die down as the announcer lifted the mike and introduced both teams.

"On this side we have the Ku team! With one win under their belt already, they are going to have to fight hard to make it to the finals against our defending team…"

Turing her body in their direction the announcer, Koto she found out her name was, her face brightened as she announced their presence.

"…Urameshi! Defending champions, last tournaments winners! Demons and humans alike who are sure to bring the excitement and shed blood for your entertainment!...Now! let today's fight begin! Team captains please enter the staging area to discus rules!"

Everyone from the Urameshi team looked at Yusuke expectedly as he kept his head down. Finally coming to a conclusion he turned and walked over to Kagome stopping in front of her, causing everyone to look at him in question. Raising his head he looked her straight in the eyes.

"Look, I know I'm not the most powerful on this team anymore, and so I was thinking that the title of team leader should go to someone more deserving so…would you-"

"No. Yusuke, you are the team leader and I have no right to take that from you. I don't know anything about this stuff anyways, ni?" Kagome's soft voice cut into his short speech, leaving no room for argument.

There was a short pause of silence before chuckling was educed from the boy as he smiled lifting his hand to scratch the back of his head in an embarrassed manor.

"Yeah, what ever you say Kags..." turning towards the arena he threw a quiet "thanks" her way before stepping up and walking towards the center where the announcer and the pink haired child awaited him.

" Yusuke-chan! How nice of you to join us, I'm Miku!" came the childs innocent sounding voice as she smiled and clutched the bear to her chest.

"yeah yeah kid so whats the rules? How about we fight individually like usual, no need to mix things up so early in the game."

Giggling the girl nodded before jumping backwards off stage landing next to the tall brunette.

"There you have it folks! One on one fight! The winning team needs at least 3 wins or for the opposing team to be terminated! Alrighty each team send up your first competitor." As the announcer said this Yusuke turned towards his team asking silent permission as to whether or not he should stay and fight this round. Earning a nod from each he turned back facing the brunette haired demon as he stepped up on to the stage.

"Fight one!...Begin!" Running off to the side of the stage Koto watched as the two began battle.

Yusuke quickly took a defensive stance as the demon charged at him hoping to make a frontal attack.

"A little cocky don't you think?"(Yusuke speeking)

"oh, why yes thank you for noticing."(Ranku speeking)

Swiping his hands at him a glowing green light emitted from them, but was easily blocked by Yusuke's own blue glowing ones. Continuing a quick swipe after swipe motion the demon Ranku backed Yusuke quickly around the arena floor.

As a particularly fast jab came his way Yusuke quickly dodged before going to hit Ranku in the back of the head only to discover him gone.

'Wha? Wher'd he go?...'

He was caught of guard as he appeared behind him and took a direct hit instead. Being knocked to the ground he was slow to get up as he turned and looked at the demon. Throughout their fight so far he had yet to wipe that stupid smile off his face.

'That stupid smile…' "You're faster then I first expected…but not faster then me!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

As he said this Yusuke disappeared using his youki only to appear right in front of the demon sending him an uppercut. As his fist grazed his chin the demon disappeared, reappearing to his left where he swung his leg planning to catch him off guard again.

'there he is! Heh, not gunna get me this time buddy'

Turing his body in mid air Yusuke charged up his shot gun before pointing his finger and letting loose right in the seemingly stunned demon. Ranku was blown back into the arena wall smoke and dust flying as Yusuke landed with a frown. 'that was too easy' Koto rushed to the edge of the stage counting down into the microphone.

"And Ranku is down for the count! 1!....."


As Koto started her counting Yusuke moved to walk off the stage.


Tuning to look back he stopped catching a glimpse of the rubble moving slightly. Smirking Yusuke took a defensive stance as Ranku suddenly burst from the wreckage. Landing across from him Yusuke took a moment to take in the damage he had inflected on him. He had a large gash on his face and blood was running down the side of his head, some escaping down into his still smiling mouth.

"Ow, that hurt."

"Obviously not enough!"

'Damn, what the fuck is up with this guy?'

A flash to his right was his only warning as a glowing fist was suddenly thrust in his face knocking his backwards, but still on his feet. Smirking at the dull pain he swung to his left catching the demon square in the jaw while taking a hit to the temple himself.

Sliding backwards from the hit he quickly retaliated pumping some of his renkai into his fists as he charged at the still recovering Ranku he took a double swing at his chest both making contact throwing his hard to the ground. Charging his shot gun again he thrust his fist into his stomach letting his power go in one blast.

"Oh! And it looks like Ranku is down for good, no use in counting this time, ne?" Came Koto's voice as she ran up beside the two grimacing at the bloody mess.

Getting to his feet Yusuke threw a glance at the broken demon, grimacing at the blood on his hands. Actually now that he thought about it his hands were really hurting.

'ow fuck what is this shit it burns like hell?'

Walking off stage he kept rubbing his hands wincing at the burning feeling, almost like his flesh was melting away. Looking up at the others he tried to keep the irritation off of his face, but couldn't seem to shake it.

Jumping down from the stage he quietly took a seat leaning against the wall. Silently nursing his hands he didn't hear anyone approach until his hands were lightly taken into a smaller, paler pair. Looking up into worried blue eyes Yusuke resisted jerking back as pressure was put onto his wounds making them sting even more then usual.

"Yusuke? What happened up their? Your hands are smoking." Concern laced her voice as she tried to assess his wounds without touching him too severely.

"Look its nothing I can take care of it Kags, k?"

Not believing him Kagome lightly traced over his wounds a light blue light emitting from her hands as she sent her miko powers in through his skin purifying the burning substance. 'so that's it, that demon was pure poison…so Yusuke must have come into contact with its insides somehow.'

"Yusuke, bear with me for a second did you get anything on you? Anything at all from that demon?"

Pulling himself away from the cool sensation in his hands traveling up his body Yusuke tried to answer Kagome thinking back to his fight moments ago.

"Yeah, some of that things blood got on my hands when I…when I killed it."

'that's it! Blood'

"ok, well that demon was a poison demon and when its blood touched you it ate through your skin and tried to work its way to your heart where it would have killed you. But, lucky enough if you give me a second longer….Yes! that's it! purified it. You should be all better in about five to ten minutes."

"oh, well thanks Kags that shit was really staring to hurt ya know?"

"Het-hem! Excuse me will each team send up their next opponent please? That means your team too Urameshi!" Koto's voice cut in as everyone turned towards Yusuke, wondering if he was up for another round. Just as he started to get up to head to stage Kagome rose putting a hand on his shoulder.

"No Yusuke, I know you don't feel hurt anymore but they're not worth risking it. Someone else is going to need to go up kay?" Kagome said glaring at Yusuke when he opened his mouth to go against her.

Flaming red hair was flipped over a clothed shoulder as Kurama stepped up to the call, "Then I guess it will be me next Gome, unless anyone else is up for it? No? ok then."

Turning to jump up onto the stage he was stopped be Kagome's voice. "Rama!...be careful"

"I'm always careful."

Haha well I'll end it here for now ran out of creative juice and patience for tonight. I was really hoping I'd get somewhere this chapter but I don't want to leave anything out so…it might take a while. Hehe I cant jiff anyone on their spotlight now can I?

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