Soul society successfully defeated Aizen, along with his espada.
Aizen actually exploded, which caused an array of fireworks to fill the sky. Everyone cried for joy. Some captains even brought sake for the celebration that was to be taken place in soul society.
It was short notice, but everyone involved in the war was invited for a nightlong celebration.
Orihime's Pov
I didn't want to hear any of these loud noises; instead, I planned on telling Ichigo how I finally felt. I was searching for his riatsu, which surprisingly, he felt far away from the party, and it was as if he was trying to hide it.
I made it to the squad 13 barracks, and felt him right behind the door. I took a deep breath, finally ready to let out my feelings. My hand slowly reached for the doorknob, and then I flew it open.
The two figures in the room stopped what they were doing and turned to face me. I just stood there, shocked, and filled with hurt.
I saw Rukia pressed against the wall, with Ichigo devouring her lips.
"I-I'm sorry." I muttered, and ran as far away as I can, so that they wouldn't have to see my pathetic weak tears.
I had to leave, I didn't want to be here with everyone who were all so happy, while I wasn't.
As I turned the corner, I bumped into something.
"Orihime, whats wrong?" asked, the energetic voice. I looked up, and there was Rangiku, holding a couple of bottles of sake.
"N-nothing," I muttered, "Can I go home?" Rangiku furrowed her eyebrows, "Why?" she asked, "The party is just getting started!"
"Please." I begged, as more tears made it's way to my eyes. She sighed and nodded. "Follow me."
Surprisingly she was still sober enough to walk. "Are you sure you want to leave?" she asked as we stopped in front of the senkai gate. I slowly nodded and took a deep breath.
"Alright." Rangiku replied as the gate opened, and I walked through.
I was back in Karukura Town, back in front of my house. Tears still terrorized my eyes. I decided not to go exactly back to my house; I planned to just walk the town. I knew it was pretty late, but I didn't care. I had to relieve my mind
I walked for what seemed around an hour, block after block, street after street, not knowing exactly where I was going, but that whole time I still cried.
'I…..I don't know what to do. He loves Rukia, there's nothing I can do.'
"Why are you crying woman?"
That voice, it echoed through my head. Why was I hearing his voice in my head. I must be going crazy. I continued walking.
"Did you not hear me? And why are you leaving?
I heard it again. Now I really was going crazy. "Just leave me alone." I muttered under my breath to no in particular, just the voice I heard in my head.
Suddenly, a pair of arms embraced me from behind, and his voice whispered something in my ear. "I'm afraid I can't do that woman."
His hot breath tickled my ears, and his lips that awarded me with hot kisses across my neck, causing me to gasp.
I had no idea who this person was, I couldn't see his face, and I could only hear his voice. But only one option lifted it's way to my mind.
His arms wrapped around me tighter. "You know my name. Why do you ask?"
Suddenly, I was spun and his hands grasped my forearms. We were now facing each other. I gasped again. His vivid green eyes stood out from his shadowed face. My lips parted, but before I could ask anything, his lips crashed down on mine.
He took advantage of my lips being parted as he slid his tongue through and wandered my cavern. In between his kisses, he whispered in his huskily voice, "Forget that strawberry. You have me woman."