Hello!!!!! Yay! This is my second Fanfic! Hopefully it will be a little better than the last one but who knows! It could be totally terrible and you could all hate it (though I hope not!). Also I have some things to say:

As I said on my profile, I closed the poll early. I'm really sorry but I had this storyline in my head and wanted to make this as soon as possible!!

It won't be as long as The Grim Adventures of Crash and Coco though so for those of you that want more stories about the bandicoots from me you will get one soon!

ANYWAY! Enough of me talking!! I'm sure you're very bored so on with the story!!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except Nina's friend from the Academy of Evil who's name will come up in later chapters.

Chapter 1: Story of my life.

The story of my life has been tragic from the beginning right through until now. Never knowing my parents, the whole 'modifications' thing my uncle put me through when I was only 7, and the recent events that have happened. Recent event's meaning: Evil Public School!!! I had a friend back at the Academy Of Evil. It doesn't seem like a lot but at the end of the day one friend is better than none! I never wanted to go to an evil school. It was never my dream to be anything like my uncle. In fact, back when I was little, I would always promise myself that I would be the exact opposite to him. He's a bad person who cares for nobody, not to mention he's failed at everything he's tried to do. However, somehow, here I am, following in his footsteps just like he wanted all along. How I became like this… I'm not even sure. It's all too complicated to remember. All I remember clearly was how I used to be. I used to have big dreams and ambitions of working with animals, saving them, helping them. I absolutely loved every animal in the world. If I so much as accidentally squished a bug I would cry. I know, it sounds so pathetic but remember I was young! I wouldn't have ever wanted to be working for a company that captures animals, takes them away from their family's and mutates them, forcing them to help to get world domination, but here I am!

It all started on a normal day. I was just casually hanging out with Dingodile and Tiny. They loved me back then. They thought I had a chance to get away from my uncle and live a good, normal life. They thought I had a bright future. They were wrong. This particular day was the day I was taken to get 'modifications'. I didn't have a clue what that meant at the time but judging by the worried expressions on Dingodile and Tiny's faces as my uncle lead me out of the room, I knew it would be bad. I remember my uncle telling me "this is for the best for all of us. You have to change your ways". All I could think was: why should I change my ways? It's you that should change your ways. I thought this but I was too frightened to speak. I was put on an operating table and put to sleep. I woke up to see my uncle grinning evilly and noticed that my hands were gone and in their place were horrible metal versions. He didn't tell me I that my hands would kill an animal if I hugged it. He decided that I should learn the hard way. I managed to kill my pet dog that day. I had never seen so much blood in my whole entire life. It was so disturbing that I was in shock for two whole weeks, but in the end, I decided that I would never touch an animal again. Of course, that is exactly what my uncle wanted. He wanted me to be evil like him and to stop me loving animals was step one. It didn't really stop me loving them, I just came to accept that it was for the best that I didn't. I never liked my uncle, but that was the day I could truly begin to say that I hated him. I still do. Every little thing he's put me through ruins my life more and more! He always act's so creepy around me, acting like he loves me and saying I'm his favourite niece and how he's so glad that I do the horrible things I do, thinking I'll take it as a compliment. Maybe he would but not me. Occasionally, to make me seem strong and powerful, I would answer "thanks" if he called me horrible but I would always regret it afterwards.

Being enrolled at the Academy Of Evil didn't exactly help either. They taught me to be… well… evil! They would harshly punish anyone who showed any sign of kindness. It completely ruined me. I may seem totally evil now but I know, deep down, the happy young girl that used to be me is still there, looking at what I've become and crying because I've let her down. She wanted me to be good. I refer to my younger self as she because it seems so far away and so different to how I am now that it seems like a completely different person. I guess in a way she is a different person. She didn't have a warped and twisted mind, she didn't have a burning desire to gain world domination, she didn't have metal hands. Come to think of it, she's not me. I'm the monster that others have made me become. I would rather be her.

She didn't have to go to Evil Public School either. She wasn't bullied every day. She wasn't beaten up and called ugly. The reason people treat my like this is simple: I'm a Cortex. Our family goes back in history as one of the most dangerous group of people on the planet. Everyone's scared of what I could do to them. They do have reason though. If I was to so much as touch them I would hurt them severely. But guess who's the root of all my trouble at school… my uncle. If he wasn't the person he was, people might believe that I was an acception to the family but, because I live with him, no one would believe that. If he hadn't given me these horrible hands, people wouldn't run away from me when they saw me. I know this a pretty stupid question to ask as nobody could ever answer but: why me? I would be a good person if all of this stuff hadn't happened to me.

So, as I speak right now, I am packing my suitcases and I'm off home for the summer. I'm not sure where I prefer being: here at school with everyone bullying me, or at home with my uncle. Who am I kidding, I'd prefer the bullies any day. The first thing I'll hear when I get home is shouting. I still haven't been properly told off for the 'Doominator' incident. But really, that's nothing compared to what he has done to me! He ruined my life at the very beginning. Now I have many long years of pain to come. So, as I finish packing and walk out of the school, I can't help but wonder: will it ever get better. Something is telling me yes, but deep down in my heart, I know it won't. At least not for a very long time.


Sorry, that was kind of sad. That is just how I've always figured Nina's life would be. Also it helped that I was listening to Evanescence while writing this!(love them!). Anyway! Tell me what you think and tell me if you like it more or less than The Grim Adventures of Crash and Coco or if you can't decide yet! I just love getting reviews so please review! Bye for now (I know I nearly always say bye for now! It's a bit strange but it's kind of my thing now! LOL!)