Title: Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Fandom: Hayate the Combat Butler

Characters/Pairings: Nagi, Hayate, with mentions of minor charcters, and Nagi/Hayate if you squint a bit

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hayate the Combat Butler.

Word Count: 400

Notes: In this story, Hayate never tried to "kidnap" Nagi. So, she isn't under the impression that he's in love with her. But, he's still her butler because he applied for the job.

Summary: Glimpses of the complexities of a non-relationship.



He was watching, always watching.



Maybe she loved him. Maybe she didn't.

It hardly mattered to her anyway.



"Oh, so are you two going out now?"

He didn't speak. Neither did she.

When the question was asked a second time, they merely left, feet moving in perfect sync.



He held out his hand for her to hold but immediately took it back when her eyes locked on his. Whether she would have taken his offer had he not taken it back, she herself wasn't sure.



The first time she met him, his bow was crooked.

"You should fix that."

The second time she met him, his bow was still crooked.

She fixed it herself.



"Excuse me sir, how much for that ring?"

"Oh, young man, I suggest you pick another. I doubt you'd be able to afford that."

He took out his wallet.



"You forgot already? But it was only yesterday when he told you that his mother was sick and he had to visit her."

"Oh, is that so?"

It never occurred to her that he had a life outside of her.




She could already feel the newly placed ring on her finger slowly chaining her, yet she had never felt freer in her life.



At night, he would always sit beside her, book in hand waiting for her to fall asleep. Not one touch or one glance.

She wasn't sure if this annoyed her, but the next night she wore that fancy negligee she refused to touch ever since she got it on her birthday.

"You know what, that color suits you."

She had a really good night's sleep that night.

She started wearing it more often.



She had long since wanted to ask him why he proposed to her but she never found the courage or the will.

She supposed he wouldn't have an answer anyway.



Her habit of snoring bothered him, but getting that chance to simply watch her outweighed his desire for a good night's sleep. So he said nothing.



Annoying suitors were always coming through her door, but she didn't mind. He was always there to show them back out.



He had his duties. She had her obligations.

His duties had everything to do with her. Her obligations had nothing to do with him.

Was he setting himself up for a letdown?

He clutched the box in his pocket. Time to find out.


Other notes:

1—I totally got my title from a Pussycat Dolls song.

2—The jumbled timeline number thing was inspired by Nayuki bunny-chan's xxxHOLiC story "Devil Theory."

3—I wrote Nagi as being a lot more passive because I think it worked better with the story and she's a lot more fun to write that way.

4—Why is it a non-relationship? Well, it's not really. It's more of a low-key relationship. I just used non-relationship because it sounded cooler that way.

Edit: Thyryam's review made me realize that there are two 4's and 9's in this story. That was carelessness on my part and I apologize for that. I have now changed it so that there are no doubles but that may change seeing as it did have an interesting effect on the story.