I don't know how I ever doubted my friends, my truly good friends who received me with joy after I abandoned them to fight against them. I don't know how they can even forgive me let alone leave me in the care of the love of my life. I have to make it up to them. I have to make good with my people who I have helped oppress. God I feel so sick. How could I do this?


Cornelia. She's so beautiful…she really is and she's incredibly brilliant.

"Elyon. Berating yourself won't do anyone any good. You're incredible. You were tricked into believing in evil and came back from that. Not many people have the power to see past the guise of darkness. You've always seen the best in everyone and I love that about you."

She never gets this emotional around other people. As she walks across her dark bed room this weird hope manifests it's self within me. I really hope she's going to kiss me. Instead she wraps both arms around my shoulders and stands there. I'm kind of relieved that she's not kissing me in the middle of my breakdown but at the same time I've missed her. I've really missed kissing her….and and does this mean she doesn't want me to kiss her? Do I disgust her? But she said…

"Elyon. I'm glad you're back. I love you."

She whispers before kissing my forehead. Then she's standing next to her bed her face catching the moonlight as she looks in my direction. Wow.

"That's all that matters to any of us. That's what we fight for; Love ,and peace, and good. Elyon you are all of those things and so many more. We can work out whatever we need to in the morning because right now I know all I need. Love, come to bed."

"Will are you sure this isn't some sick attempt to trick us into allowing a spy amongst our midst?"

Will sighed as she dropped her head into her hands, her headache worsening. The other guardians had happily left content with believing that their good friend was back. Irma had been uncharacteristically quiet until they had left but once the others had, Irma shut the door behind them.

"Irma trust me, and Elyon, and your instincts. Has she ever been the enemy?"

"She became the enemy when she left with Cedric. Life is about choices."

Will walked across her living room bringing her had to Irma's face and cupping the other guardians cheek without breaking her eye contact.

"Life holds many choices, but they don't define all of who we are. Choices aren't what we live for, aren't what we breath for, aren't what we'll die for. There are always choices Irma and we can only hope to make the right ones. When we show our humanity we have a choice to ask the people that we wronged for forgiveness, we can choose to give forgiveness. But Irma, love, life isn't only about choices. When we fight, the battle is not only about swords. Look for the meaning not the tools."

Irma shifted so that Will's back was against the wall and whispered into the redheads ear.

"Then what is life about?"

"Right now? Love. You and Me. That's all that matters for the moment and we can deal with what ever comes next later."

Will whispered as she brought her lips to meet Irma's. They lost the world as their kiss deepened and when they broke apart to take a breath they both were stunned by the light. Along with the Oracle who hadn't been there a moment ago. Well Will rationalized that maybe the Oracle had been there since they weren't in her apartment anymore.

"Guardians we have a problem much larger than anything that I have ever seen before. A problem that I am not sure that we can face and survive."

"Are you sure we have all of the items that we need for the battle Markus?"

The small man nodded. Well if one could call Markus a man and not a mistake of the gods. He was as tall as midwaist, his wrinkled skin covered in stitches and scars. The blank spaces where his eyes should be seemed to penetrate the soul and though his mouth could open to show a void that many swore could suck the light from a sun, he had no voice.

"Very well. Markus continue gathering the ingredients for the final potion. We'll kill them all and when we do I shall end this wretched everything."

The cloaked figure rasped and before anyone could notice their presence Markus faded into the shadows that the moon lacked the strength to fight. The figure now standing alone in the dark area glided towards a stone with what appeared to have something carved into it. Kneeling down the figure placed a flickering shadow on the stone.

"I'll bring you back love I promise. Even if I have to sacrifice all of the worthless swine of this universe I will have you back."

The figure looked up at the castle shrouded in darkness before gliding once again out of that quadrant of the garden. Swiftly the shadow of the past slithered into the throne room. Looking up at the meaningless chair the figure flicked it's wrist causing the chair to be consumed within flame. Continuing it's search our figure found the private chambers for the royal family. This would be the first of many steps to rectify the wrongs that had been brought. Stepping into the room the figure glared at the now awake scrawny waste of humanity.

"What is the meaning of this? Guards!"

Before the blonde could move a dark mist covered him, after seconds of struggle he slumped his eyes closing.

"The meaning of this? The meaning of this is the destruction. Namely yours."

With a snap of it's fingers the figure watched as the 'prince' was transferred to where he truly belonged, his dungeon. With him gone the figure walked to the family tapestry holding the names of the royal family and the names of their loves. Noticing that three generations before the present one there was a name burnt off completely.


Turning around the figure glared at a shadow along the side of the room and watched as Markus slowly stepped out of it.

"The prince has been neutralized. An army with no leader is no threat to anyone. Now I need you to fetch the powerful entities that drew me to this time Markus."

The figure turned back to the window, gazing down at the garden and the graves connected.

"Soon love. I promise."

Ok so it's been a while

I Still own nothing.




trust me

you'll come to really love this story if you stick with it.

Oh yeah

The main pairings are WillXIrma

Cornelia X Elyon

thouse are the only two that tie into the plot. If you want any other pairings just ask...