Wow. I've had a weird day.
First off, Mum and Dad drove us off to the station to catch the train. We were running late and got there at 10:58 so we had to say goodbye and promise to write quickly before boarding the train, since it leaves at exactly 11 o'clock.
Albus went off to find Rose, so I decided to go look for Hugo. I found him in the very last compartment on the left, sitting on the bench with his face in his hands, sobbing.
I went and sat next to him.
"Hugo?" I asked, putting my hand on his arm. "Hugo, what's wrong?"
"Michelle," he sobbed. "She dumped me. Just now. Said she had a new boyfriend. Brandon Thomas, that dick."
"God, why would someone as pretty as Michelle date that son of a bitch when she could have you. She's an idiot Hugo. You'll find someone better. Any girl would be lucky to have you, Hugo," I assured him.
"Really, Lily?" He asked.
"Of course," I said honestly. "You're cute, smart, funny. You can have any girl you want. All you have to do is pick one."
The next words he said truly changed our lives. Forever.
"I want you, Lily," he replied.
I gasped, and in an instant he had his lips on mine. I was shocked, absolutely shocked.
"Hugo!" I said, pulling away.
"What is it Lily-Goat?" he asked as if he had not just kissed me, his own cousin.
"We can't-"
"We can!" he interrupted.
"No, Hugo." I told him firmly. "We can't."
"Why not?" he asked.
"Well, because. Just because. We're goddamned cousins, Hugo."
"So what?"
"So," I said exasperated. "No."
I didn't really want to be near him after that, so I went to find Colin.
Colin is my best friend. He and Hugo are, at any rate. We met in first year, in transfiguration class, and bonded over the fact that we were both named for dead people, and hated it, as he was named after his father's dead brother, Colin, who had been a friend of my dad's.
I found his sitting with Lorcan Scamander, his twin brother Lysander, and Ellie Corner.
"Hey, guys." I greeted them. "Can I come in?"
They all agreed, so I took a seat next to Colin.
"Where's Hugo?" Lorcan asked me.
"Oh," I stuttered. "He's, um, around. Somewhere."
Colin seemed to notice that something was up.
"I, um, have to pee," he said.
"Oh! Me too," I said, catching on because of the look he gave me.
Instead of going to the bathroom, Colin pulled me in to an empty compartment next to the one we had been in.
"Spill," he demanded.
"I don't know what you mean," I said, playing innocent.
"I know something's up Lily. Something that's bothering you. I'm your best friend, Lily-Goat. You can tell me anything. You know that, right?"
"Yeah, I know, Colin. It's just something that's hard for me to say."
"Well spill."
"I have a secret boyfriend," I lied. "I wasn't going to tell anyone, but you dragged it out of me. So there."
"Well?" he said expectantly.
"Well what?" I asked him, puzzled.
"Well, who's the lucky guy?"
"Colin, I can't tell-"
"Yes, Lily-Goat. You can."
"Fine, Colin." He looked pleased with himself. "But you have to swear on your life that you won't tell a soul. Not Ellie or Lorcan or Lysander or Hugo or anyone. Okay?"
"Of course, Lily. Anything," he said sincerely.
"It's Juan Lopez," I said, picking a random classmate.
"Oh, him," Colin said. "I knew he liked you."
"Yeah, and I like him too. But remember, you aren't to tell a single soul.
"Okay, fine," he agreed.
I felt bad, honestly. I had just lied to my best friend.
"Let's go back now," I prompted. "You can tell me about your summer."
"And you can tell me about your's too," he said.
"Of course," I agreed.
Colin, Ellie, Lorcan, Lysander, and I talked and laughed the whole train ride, and continued the talking and laughing through the carriage ride and until we sat down for the start of term feast.
We watched the sorting ceremony, and clapped when Ellie's sister, Kayla, became a Gryffindor.
"So, who are the other prefects?" I asked Ellie.
"Well, Juan Lopez and I for Gryffindor of course." I winced hearing my fake boyfriends name on the list. "Danny Flint and Lois Zabini for Slytherin. Kyle Corner and Michelle Jordan for Hufflepuff, and Polly Longbottom and Evan Warwick for Ravenclaw."
"Flint and Zabini are going to milk it for sure," I said.
"No doubt," Ellie said with a laugh.
Just then, I noticed Hugo walking over from where he had been sitting with his friend Alec Rhodes, who is a year below us.
"Hey Lily-Goat," he greeted me casually, as if nothing awkward had happened.
"Um, hi, Hugo," I said rather rudely, hoping he would get the message.
But he hid it if he did.
"How's the chicken?" he asked, indicating my plate. "I've only had stew so far."
"It's fine," I said shortly.
He lowered his voice. "You're going to have to talk to me eventually, Lily-Billy. You know that."
"Not now, Hugo. Later, in private," I told him.
"Pinky swear?" he asked.
"I guess," I said, linking my pinky with his and shaking it.
After supper, I got Al to play chess with me in the common room, hoping that Hugo would leave me alone.
It didn't go so well. Al decided to go to bed halfway through the game, and Hugo came up and offered to take his place so I could keep playing.
"Great, Hugo thanks," Al said.
So I was stuck at the chess table, playing with Hugo.
"We don't have to play, Lily," Hugo said. "Let's talk instead. You pinky swore."
"Fine," I agreed bitterly.
We sat at a couch in the corner, far from anyone who could hear us.
"Lily," Hugo started. "About what happened on the train, I know you think it was wrong, but I don't."
"Well I do," I pointed out. "And it takes two to tango."
"But Lily, why is it wrong for to people to kiss if they want too?"
"Well it's not, but-"
"But it's not. And, Lily, we can do it again."
"No, Hugo. What if someone saw us? It would be horrible. Think of our parents."
"We'll be careful, Lily-Goat. No one will ever find out."
"Fine. Tomorrow. After dinner. Fluffy's old room. You know the story. We'll go into the former devil's snare room. Meet me there."
"Okay, Lily. And Lily?"
"You won't regret it."
Thankfully the next day was a Sunday, so I didn't have class. This was good, because it meant I could spend the day avoiding Hugo. It would just be weird seeing him, with our plans and such.
I told Ellie and my other roommates, Sal and Lottie, that I had plans to make out with a guy after dinner. I didn't tell them who though, so they kept guessing. They also insisted on picking out an outfit for me and doing my hair and makeup, since they didn't understand it was Hugo and I didn't need that stuff to impress him.
They put me in an old green tank top of Sal's, Lottie's skinny jeans, and my black ballet flats. I have to admit, it looked pretty good.
Lottie insisted on doing my makeup, and Ellie claimed my hair. The makeup was simple, really, just black eyeliner and mascara and a reddish lip-gloss. Ellie straightened my already pin-straight hair, I don't know why, she just insisted, and sprayed it with hairspray.
"Hot," Sal said when Ellie and Lottie asked her opinion. "You guys should open a salon or something."
I didn't feel like going to dinner, so instead I pigged out on some pretzels I had been hiding in my trunk under a spell that made them not go bad. I stock up every year. James did the spell for me, since he's of age. I would've asked Al, but he always has to follow the rules. He's what you could call "the good kid" in our family.
At quarter to six, I left the common room and went down to the third floor. I snuck along the corridor carefully, even though technically I wasn't doing anything wrong. Well, not yet. In a few mere minutes I would be kissing Hugo Weasley, my cousin.
I entered the room and pulled the trapdoor opened.
There was a ladder there, because Hugo had put it there in our first year, when we first discovered this place. Then it had just been a hangout, but now it would be haunted and scarred with incest. If cousins making out is considered incest, that is. Cousins getting married is perfectly legal, so I don't say why making out could be wrong.
Anyway, I climbed down the ladder and into the small room below. It didn't have much furniture, as Hugo and I had to get it ourselves with telling anyone. In first year we had actually stayed up until 3 one morning, until everyone had gone to bed, to get furniture. Hugo used a charm to shrink a sofa, and I did a lamp and table. We had hidden the stuff in our trunks and brought it to the room the next day, where we enlarged it.
So that was all the room had, but it filled it pretty well. The room was only about 2 meters by 3 meters or so. Not very large.
Anyway, I sat down on sofa, waiting for Hugo. It wasn't a long wait. He came in wearing muggle jeans and a white muggle t-shirt reading "Jack Willis" in blue letters.
"Hey, hot stuff," he greeted me flirtatiously.
"Hey," I said shyly.
He sat down on the sofa, and out his arm around me.
"I have a better way to say hello," he said, and put his mouth on mine.
It was a real kiss, and I don't know how to describe it. We both moved our lips a little, but we didn't open our mouth yet. After a second, I decided I wanted more, and pushed my tongue in between his lips. He parted them, welcoming my tongue into his mouth, caressing it with his.
He made the next move, running his hands through my straight red hair.
We kept kissing like this for a few minutes, and then Hugo backed away a little. At first I thought I had done something wrong, but he assured me of the opposite.
"Wow, Lily," he said.
I giggled. "I've never done that before," I confessed. "Just a peck, from Kevin Sanders."
"Well you're good," he told me. "Sanders didn't know what he was missing."
I giggled again. "Or Juan," I said.
"Lopez?" Hugo asked, "What do you mean?"
"Nothing," said with a laugh. "It's just, after that kiss on the train, when I left, Colin wanted to know what was up, so I lied and said I had a new, secret boyfriend, and he wanted to know who so I said Juan because he was the first person who came to mind."
"Wow. My little Lily-Goat, a liar" Hugo said.
I laughed. "You know I lie. It's one of my habits."
"No," he corrected. "It's one of your vices. One of the things that makes you special.
"Sure," I said, kissing him on the lips.
We used tongues again, but this time he pulled me onto his lap, and I could feel his hardness poking through his jeans. It grew increasingly harder as we went on.
I could feel myself getting wet, as well, and his erection touching my entrance through our clothes wasn't helping matters much.
"Hugo," I whispered, "I have to go soon. You do too. Our friends will be looking for us."
"Yeah, I suppose," he said.
"But first, let me take care of that for you," I said bravely, indicating his groin.
"You mean…?" he wondered.
"Yes," I said.
"Well, if you want, I'm not complaining," he said with a laugh.
"I want to," I assured him.
I brought my hand to the rim of his pants.
"No belt?" I asked.
"I was in a rush to get here and see you," he said.
I kissed him as I undid the button on his jeans, and slid them down his legs. He and I had both kicked off our shoes upon entering the room, so we didn't have to worry about that.
Next I tugged at the band of his black boxers, pulling them down as well.
Then I saw it. It was the first time I had ever seen a cock, live and in person, and I just stared for a second. But a promise was a promise.
"Help me with what to do," I whispered quietly.
He took my hand and moved it onto his shaft, using his own hand to close my fingers around it. He squeezed my hand slightly, then let go. I squeezed again, like he had showed me, and he moaned. I kept squeezing and eventually picked up the pace, which made his groan. After a minute, I quickened again, and a minute after that, he came. He groaned as he did, and thrusted his hips.
"Wow, Lily," he said. "Someday you're going to have to let me return the favor."
"Someday," I promised. "But second base comes before third. Though I skipped second with you." I laughed.
"What's second?" he asked in a typical guy fashion.
"Breast and chest," I said with a laugh.
"When do I get to that?" he said with a laugh.
"I don't know," I replied. "Maybe tomorrow."
"Let's walk down here from dinner tomorrow. First day of classes."
"Oh, I know, I agreed. I'm so worried."
"What about? You're as smart as Rose," he wondered.
"I'm not," I corrected him. "I don't have a gene for that like you. Mum and Dad were never spectacular students. Which is good, because they don't expect as much from me as I'm sure your mum does?"
"Yeah, she's pretty harsh on us. Or me, rather, Rose never does anything wrong," he said.
"Except fuck Malfoy's, "I told him.
"What?" he said harshly. "What do you mean, 'fuck's Malfoy's?"
"I mean exactly what I said," I informed him. "Rose had been secretly dating Scorpius for three years, and she shagged him when we were in our third year."
"What?" he roared. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I knew you'd overreact, like you're doing now," I said honestly.
He gave me a death glare.
"We have to go," I said.
"Fine," he agreed, slipping on his shoes.
'Listen, Hugo," I said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I should have, and I was wrong, but please don't hold a grudge against me for it.
"You're right," he said. "I forgive you."
He kissed me once more, a peck, before opening the door and stepping out into the corridor. He looked both ways, checking that no teachers were there, then said, "The coast is clear."
I stepped out and walked back to the common room with Hugo in silence.
When we got back to the common room, we found Rose sitting on the sofa, reading a book.
"Hey, sister," Hugo said coolly.
"Um, hi Hugo," Rose replied, unsure of what was going on. "What's up?"
"Nothing much," Hugo said. "I just found out something interesting about you and Malfoy, however."
"Let's go to the hall!" Rose said.
Hugo followed her through the portrait hole.
After a few minutes they both came back in, Rose's face streamed with tears, Hugo looking like he was about to break something.
Rose went up to bed, but Hugo plopped down next to me on the red sofa in the corner, where we had talked yesterday.
"Hey," I greeted him. "What happened?"
"Not much," he replied. 'I just confronted her about Malfoy. She said she loved him, but I said that was pure shit. That's messed up relationship, a Weasley and a Malfoy."
"We have a messed up relationship," I reminded him.