Loving Niece by Telemorphia

Disclaimer: I own no own in this story Kimmy

Some of this is told in Kimmy's point of view, also I kinda of need help

Chapter 1 (Kimmy's Pov)

I sit on my bed thinking about the recent thing I had yelled at my three uncles before they left. I had leaned out the window and yelled. "Go ahead! Go drink and party all night and then die AGAIN! See if I care!" Of course I shouldn't have yelled that. I am gonna be in so much trouble when they get back. I harer my Scare cell ring and float over to it. I answer it. "Hello" I hear a voice that isn't familiar. "Are you a relative of Fatso, Stinky, and Stretch?" I sigh. "Yes, I'm their niece. If they broke something ya should have kept it in extra protection." A small laugh comes from the other end. "No, they didn't break anything at all sweetheart. Before I tell you what happened can you answer a few questions about them for me." I swallow and lean against my dresser. "Of course." "Do your uncles have custody of you?" I nod and forget I'm on the phone. "Yeah, they do." "And do they have tendsy to drink?" "Some habits never break I guess." What did this have to do with anything? "And are they…" "Oh WILL YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" I hardly ever yelled at anyone. There was a long pause before the voice spoke again. "Honey, your uncles are at Underworld county hospital." "Why-why are they there? What happened?" "Apparently there was a fight and your uncles got heavily bruised." "How could they get injuries? They're freaking ghost for god's sakes!" "We don't know sweetie, but all three are in a coma. I read the records and it says here you have a little brother named Casper is that correct?" "Yes." And your name is Jakim." "My family call's me Kimmy or Kim" "Thank you. That will be all. We'll call you if there are any changes. Bye-bye" She hangs up and I lower my hand. Normally I would think that that woman was WAY too cheerful but my mind was on something else. I should have stopped my uncles beofre they went out drinking and now they're in the hospital because thay had gotton into a fight. I come to my seneses and float downstairs. I open the door and before I leave I yell upstairs to my little bro. "Casper, I'm gonna see-some friends! I won't be long!" I close the door. Wait a second. I'm a ghost. I could've floated through there. Whatever. I head for the hospital.

(Third person pov)

"WHAT DO YA MEAN I'M SUPPOSED TA BE HERE?!" Kimmy's violet eyes burned with anger. She was standing outside the door to her uncles room yelling at a teeage werewolf The young teenagershook his head. "Sorry miss but…" "I'll take it from here,Scary." Kimmy turned. It was the same voice she heard on the phone. The voice belonged to a lovely blound ghost. "Are you Kimmy?" "That's my name. I would like to see my uncles." "Kimmy how old are you?" "15" Kimmy was unsure what her age had to do with this whole thing. "Hmm, well, we can't let you in until morning." "BUT I WANT TO SEE THEM NOW!" That must have cracked something in the nurse because she suddenly grabbed Kim's wrist and forced her down the hall. Kimmy's feet floated helplessly behind her as if she were being dragged. The nurse floated through he front door and let her go. "See you in the morning. Then urse floated out the door. Kimmy nodded michevesly. Time for plan b.

That's as far as I got in my notebook. Could someone please help me?