Star Trek does not belong to me.
The first time they had sex was on the 21st day of the Enterprise's Five year mission. Nyota was not surprised to find out that Spock was the romantic girl's dream lover: Due to his different physiology, it took him considerably longer to get aroused, but once he did, it was there to stay.
Their lovemaking therefore comprised of prolonged kissing, petting and rubbing against each other until Spock declared himself "fully prepared to engage in coitus."
No such luck tonight, though.
"Spock, what's the matter?" she addressed the outline of his back, perfectly still in the dimmed artificial light.
She waited, patiently. Then, she waited some more, and finally, she reached out to touch his shoulder, meaning to caress his arm.
But as soon as her fingers brushed his skin, Spock flinched away. She quickly retracted her arm, and laid on her back, frowning.
Silence ensued. Then:
"I do not know what the matter is," came the belated, somewhat strained response.
Regaining her resolve, Nyota moved to embrace him again, shifting the sheets minutely. This alerted him to her intention:
Long, uneasy minutes passed. Spock continued to lie frozen in the position on his side with his back turned to her. Nyota stared at the dark ceiling, willing away the burning in her eyes. She suspected that sleep would not come to rescue either of them any time soon.
But then, there was a movement beside her and suddenly, Spock moved to lean over her.
"Nyota," he said, placing a hot kiss on her jaw. She reacted, stroking his hair.
"I shall endeavor to satisfy you in an alternative manner," Spock informed her, tracing his mouth down her body to her lap.
Perhaps she would not have to strive to forget this night, after all.
Thank you, Reader, please review :)