Phoenix: Rise from the Ashes

By: Mia Yagyu

Disclaimer: I do not own Aquarion or any of its characters. They belong to Kawamori Syoji and all of Project Aquarion.

Note: I have not seen the OVA yet. I will not use the Japanese terms (for all I have is the Funimation channel and my series DVDs are on the way ^_^;; ), so please bear with me. But, I am back to writing fanfiction! I hope you all enjoy this.


Everything was quiet, almost too quiet…

The white virgin snow lay still on the ground, untouched by human hands. As the sun rose, its rays danced across the snow, causing the snow to sparkle with an array of colors. It was definitely a sight to see, if one was lucky enough to be awake. But, the one soul who was awake to see nature's marvelous splendor did not feel as if she was so fortunate.


Her deep blue eyes filled with tears as she choked out his name. Apollo – the boy who had helped her keep her dreams, who helped her rise against many enemies; including her brother. Yet, that boy was gone, sealed inside Aquarion, which was buried deep within the earth's crust. There had been many times that she had foolishly considered taking a shovel and digging until she found that sacred mechanical beast, but those had been the days that she did not have any strength to even get out of bed, let alone dig until her hands bled.


Large tears spilled from her eyes onto the railing that she was leaning on, down the poles, and eventually dripped onto the snow below her. Everything would be easier if she could just forget her beloved brother and the boy who had stolen her heart and her soul. But, it just wasn't that easy. Her hand lightly brushed the necklace around her neck, woven with red feathers – her only physical reminder of the brief love that they had shared, not as Apollonius and Celiane, but as Apollo and Silvia.

Twelve thousand years was too long to wait. Just thinking that made Silvia wish to end this cycle of life and hurry to speed up the reincarnation process, just so she could see him again. Her gripped tightened on Apollo's necklace. No, she had to live; to take care of the one's left behind. Her eyes drifted to Chibiko, who slept soundly on a trundle bed next to Silvia's bed. It had been two years since that fateful night where she had lost Sirius and Apollo to save humanity. Chibiko was well on her way to growing up, and Apollo's other friends had started lives outside of Deava. But, what about her? When was her heartache supposed to end and her life supposed to restart?


Her head jerked back, unsure she heard what she thought she had just heard. Was it just her imagination that the wind had just called her?


No, it wasn't. Silvia quickly picked herself up from the cold concrete patio and dashed into her room, grabbing her cloak and running outside, away from Deava. If circumstances were different, she would regret making the first footprints in the untouched snow. Silvia let her legs guide her, running towards where she thought the call for her came.

The wind picked up, the snow hitting her legs, as if it was trying to stop her. Silvia pushed through the blurring snow, ignoring the freezing pain that was shooting up her legs. She had to find that voice. Maybe it would lead her to Sirius or…. Silvia clutched her chest, her fingers wrapping around the rope of the necklace.

Finally, Silvia gave into her pain and collapsed. The wind calmed down and the snow storm around her ceased. Silvia opened her eyes to see that she sat on the edge of an iced over lake. She looked back to see that her footprints were gone; the snow was looked as if it was never ruined by her footsteps. She turned back around and leaned over the lake's edge, seeing her reflection. Then she blinked, and saw Celiane staring back at her. Her eyes widened, "Apollo…" Silvia breathed as she rose to her feet. Silvia took a step onto the lake, forcing her heart to lead her. In her reflection, Celiane walked the same way, her slender arm reaching out, her fingers outstretched.

"Apollo…" No, not loud enough, "Apollo," Louder, "Apollo!" Louder still, "APOLLONIUS!" Silvia cried out, tears falling from her eyes as she collapsed, "Come back to me! Apollo!"

The earth seemed to shake with her cries. The lake cracked with the sudden earthquake, Celiane disappearing as the ice broke under Silvia. Immediately, Silvia was surrounded in the lake's icy water and the light from the sun was slowly disappearing from her view. She was drowning, but she could not move. In fact, Silvia did not want to move. She wanted to see Apollo, to be in his embrace again, to feel his lips on hers, and that would not happen in this lifetime. She would have to wait 12,000 years to feel that warmth again.


Her eyes shot open long enough to see a flash of gold and she fell into a pair of arms, warmth surrounding her. Silvia cautiously reached out her hand, 'Apollo?' She was answered by another hand wrapping around hers.

Silvia, Another warm hand brushed against her face, and a light brushing against her lips, you must live Silvia.

'Not without you, Apollo,' Silvia responded, her eyes opening to see the face of the boy she fell in love with, 'You must come back with me. I need you,' She pleaded, her hand tightening around Apollo's, 'Please!'

I want to, damnit, but not now, Apollo pulled Silvia into his embrace, Not until it's time.

'But,' Silvia tried to protest, but her body was beginning to lose consciousness. She was falling too deep into the water. Apollo noticed this and white wings wrapped around Silvia, 'Don't leave me, Apollo. I can't wait another 12,000 years!'

Another kiss silenced her pleas, and she finally collapsed in his embrace, Don't worry, Silvia. It won't be that way… just wait a bit longer.


"Apollo!" Silvia cried out, quickly rising up and smacking her head against something, "Ow!" She cried out, falling back. Silvia quickly realized that she was inside a pod in Deava's infirmary. She shook her head and began to unhook herself from the tubes. After she removed the mask, Silvia pushed open the glass and quickly made her way back to her dorm. She ignored the protests from the doctors and nurses that discovered her, rushing down the hallway.

How many days had she been asleep? Did she really see Apollo, or was that just a dream? Her hand automatically went to her neck, only to find that the necklace wasn't there. Tears filled her eyes at the thought of the final physical separation from Apollo, but when she rounded the corner to her dorm, Chibiko stood there, her eyes wide. In her hands was the necklace, "He's here," Chibiko whispered, taking a step toward Silvia to hand her the necklace.

Silvia took the necklace, quickly putting it on, "Here?" She looked down at Chibiko, who nodded and pointed towards the patio. Silvia quickly made her way to the patio, her heart picking up speed. She leaned over the railing to see footprints around the patio, melted. She quickly hopped over the railing, barely landing on her feet, and followed the footprints. Silvia rounded the corner of Deava in time to see the sun rise, and with it, a figure rose up from the snow. Her eyes widened as she took a cautious step forward, "Apollo? Is that you?"


End Chapter 1