Disclaimer: IOOMOC

J.L.: A recent idea and something needed to pull me back into the fanfic'ing ways, I present you this. The first chapter is basically going to be a bunch of events building up to the start of the story, which will be chapter two.

One night, I'm sneaking out of the house in a blue tube top and black mini skirt to party with my friends, and the next night my stuff is packed and I'm riding in the car to a new house and life with my Dad. I wasn't in trouble or anything, but somewhere in between those nights, my Dad sat me down and informed me that he was dating another woman and was moving in with her. I was completely caught off guard and couldn't even think to protest before the journey was being made. My protests would have gone unheard anyways, this being the only woman Dad's ever been happy about since Mom died.

During the car ride, Dad blabbered on about the upcoming wedding plans and his future wife's attributes. I tuned him out as best as I could, but a dead CD player would spare me no detail. It was when he mentioned the new wife having two children that my attention was caught, the thought of siblings being a new experience for me. He said the oldest was two years older than me and the youngest was four years younger than me. I was immediately curious, but withheld my questions.

After dawn broke again, Dad stopped the car in front of a white house with a blue picket fence. I almost hit the ground laughing at the color scheme, but bit my lip to remain polite as a woman in her early forties came out of the house rushing towards my father. This woman was presumably my future step-mother. Dad embraced her, and then backed away for introductions.

"Karen, this is my daughter, Jill. Jill, this is Karen." Dad said. Karen offered a hug, to which I lightly returned.

"Oh my gosh, Dick's told me so much about you Jill, I'm sure we'll get along just fine." Karen reassured me. I tried a grin on, and stepped back from the hug. The roar of a motorcycle started up, and from out of the garage pulled a large motorcycle with a rider in black leathers tearing away from the house like a madman.

"Now where is he going?" My father asked. Karen sighed.

"Chris…isn't happy about it. It's best to just let him ride it out right now, come on inside." Karen explained.

The day of the wedding came fast and I found myself standing beside the thirteen year old Claire Redfield, waiting for our turn to walk down the aisle. Claire was a bit more inviting than Chris was, and was friendly enough to at least learn my first name and what grade I was in. Not much time had been allotted for anything else, my dad and Karen eager to seal the deal. The song played and it was our turn to walk down the aisle together, Chris having opted out of the wedding entirely, not even bothering to show up for any part of it. I was beginning to feel a certain amount of disdain for the nineteen year old.

"Smile Jill, it's going to be fun." Claire whispered as we walked.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just a little aggravated by your brother's attitude about this." I replied.

"Don't worry; he's leaving for the Air Force in a month." Claire reassured me. I smiled at her, becoming warm to the idea of being sisters with this upfront girl.

Months had passed and it was time to see Chris's graduation from boot camp. Claire and I chatted back and forth as we watched the ceremony, making little inside jokes about the ridiculous motions the ceremony was displaying. Dad warned us politely to be respectful, but Claire and I shared a eye roll and quietly continued our mockery. The ceremony took a while to come to a close, and we were dragged along with Dad and Karen to go meet with Chris and congratulate him.

Chris hugged Claire and Karen tight but glared at Dad and I. Dad must have ignored the glare, because he offered Chris a hand shake while I stood back and watched Chris intently.

"Jill, what do you have to say?" Dad nudged. I drew a breath and stepped towards Chris, offering a handshake as well. He didn't take it.

"Chris…" Karen warned.

"No, it's fine Karen. If he doesn't want a handshake, I'm okay with it." I spoke up. Chris thrusted his hand to mine, a rough handshake and was done before the next breath. Karen and Dad smiled, turning to chat with Chris's sergeant.

"Don't get all giddy about, it was just for show." Chris growled.

"What the hell is problem?" I retorted, crossing my arms.

"You think you're all that don't you? Well guess what, you're just some dumb sixteen year old brat and I'm never going to call you sister." Chris replied. I felt like punching him, but withheld my fist. Claire was wide mouthed.

"I'm not asking you to. I'm seventeen by the way, and you know what, you're a nineteen year old asshole. Get over yourself, maybe you'd actually be more grateful that my Dad's making an attempt to get to know you." I challenged.

"I don't need some old man trying to be a father to me, and I don't need some little princess brat telling me off." Chris spat. I punched him square in the jaw, shaking my fist as he fell back on the ground.

"Let's get this straight Redfield, I'm not a little princess. I hope you never come home while I'm there, because I'll make sure you learn that." I shouted.

"Jill Valentine!" My Dad yelled out, and cuffed me by the ear.

Years had passed since that day, and I found myself cleaning my boots on my bunk when the Captain stopped before me.

"I have bad news Valentine." He reported. I looked up at my commanding officer.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"Your father was in a car wreck. He and his wife were both killed. You're going home." He said. My heart sank immediately.

Claire ran to me almost as soon as I walked in the door of the old house, hugging and crying. I comforted the eighteen year old as best as I could.

"Jill…I'm so glad you're home…" She sobbed brokenly, my sister holding tightly to me.

"I know…it's alright Claire, we'll get through this." I whispered to her. She pulled back and nodded. It was then I noticed that Chris was lying back on the couch, smoking. He had been discharged from the Air Force, and had been living here since. The man showed no sign of remorse.

"Hello Delta Force." He said. I glared at him.

"Hello bum." I replied. Claire lightly tapped my shoulder.

"You wound me." Chris retorted, not a bit hurt. My attention went back to Claire.

"Let's get started on the preparations, the sooner they're out of the way, the less we have to worry about." I offered. She nodded.

A year passed by, and I was happily back in Delta Force, preparing to leave for a mission. My captain grabbed my shoulder though.

"Not this time Valentine." He said.

"Why not, sir?" I asked.

"There's a phone call for you, and it is urgent." He reported. I sighed and made my way down the hall, running scenarios through my mind. The worst outcome would be that Claire was pregnant; the best would be that Chris had died.

"Valentine here." I answered after I picked up the phone.

"Don't hang up." Chris bid, his voice strained with plea. I was completely caught off guard.

"What is it Redfield?" I demanded.

"I need your help…Claire…she was on a college trip out to Scotland…and she's been kidnapped." Chris reported.

"You're kidding me." I protested.

"I wouldn't have bothered with you if I was." He replied.

I handed in my resignation from Delta force soon after hanging up and bought the first ticket back home.

J.L.: Ah, a good set up, at least from where I see it. I'm definitely going to chart a mainly untouched territory with this one (my fanfic material wise that is.), and go for a more resident evil feel. Yes, zombies, and yes, monsters. Do leave a review and tell me what you think, and I apologize if the characters are out of character. I'll work on that once I actually get to the story.