I AM SOOO SORRY! I HAVE BEEN REALLY BUSY! With school, work, my Great Grandpa dying, helping with plays, field trips, etc…life has been crazy! But I'm back with chapter 5! YAY! Chapter 6 should be up within a few weeks! Final exams are next week then I have a few weeks off! I plan on at least getting 2 more chapters up! Again so sorry for the long wait!

I do not own anything but this idea!

Chapter 5

Meanwhile at Hogwarts

As soon as Melinda disappeared in the swirl of flames along with the boy that was trespassing. The hall erupted into chaos. The younger students were scared and the older students were trying to figure out what was going on. Some were trying to calm the students but not succeeding.

Finally the Headmaster stood and yelled, "SILENCE!"

Everyone quieted down immediately and sat in silence waiting for him to continue talking.

"Prefects lead your houses back to the dorms. If the Head boy and Head Girl could stay behind, as well as the staff, thank you," the Headmaster sat back down and watched as the prefects sprang into action gathering up the students and leading them out of the hall. Only when the hall was cleared and only the staff and head boy and girl remain did the Headmaster speak.

"While on patrol tonight check the castle and see if they are still on the grounds. If not we will alert the aurors that a student was taken."

"But Headmaster, we don't even know if she was taken against her will or not!" One of the teachers stated.

"None the less, Miss Warren was taken off school grounds without permission. That is against school rules." The Headmaster stated before waving the others off to start the search.

Minerva McGonagall and Tom Riddle as head boy and girl walked out of the Great Hall to start their rounds. An hour later as they reached the entrance hall to head back to their dorms they saw Melinda Warren walking in through the doors. Melinda looked up when she heard the footsteps.

"Oh hello, so I'm guessing dinner is done right?" Melinda asked she had after all missed dinner.

"Where have you been?" Minerva screeched as she grabbed Melinda by the arm and started to drag her to the Headmasters office.

"McGonagall let her go you are hurting her," Minerva dropped Melinda's arm like it was on fire as she turned to Tom, she had forgotten he was there, "Don't you think that Melinda should be allowed to rest, we can tell everyone tomorrow that she is back, besides no one would be in their offices now, we would have to wake them. It can wait till morning."

Minerva flushed at the reprimand. While Melinda stood and watched the scene plays out. Tom stood there smirking superiorly. Minerva knew she wouldn't win against him so she just huffed and turned and stalked off to her dorm.

Tom turned to Melinda, "Your welcome." He said to her before he started to lead the way to the dorms.

Melinda just rolled her eyes and followed him, "I never asked for your help, I could care less what happened."

"We'll see if you feel the same after you talk with the teachers and Headmaster."

"Ooh! Scary! The big bad teachers, I'm shaking in my shoes now."

Tom just sniffed angrily at her before they reached the entrance to the dorms, after saying the password and slipping inside they both went their separate ways, not bothering to acknowledge the other.


The Next Morning

Melinda was shaken awaken by Walburga Black.

"Wake up! The Headmaster wants to see you!"

Melinda groaned as she rolled out of bed. 15 minutes later she was showered and dressed into the Slytherin uniform. She made her way up into the common room and ignoring Tom Riddle and his group she walked out the common room. Once she reached the Headmasters office, which she found by asking the ghosts as she past them.

The gargoyle jumped to the side letting her pass and up the stairs into the office. She knocked on the door and waited to be told to enter. This came a second later.


She pushed the door open, and sitting behind the desk was the Headmaster and standing beside the desk was Professor Albus Dumbledore, Deputy Headmaster and Transfiguration teacher.

"Please sit down, Miss Warren, we have much to discuss," said the Headmaster.