Disclaimer: Do I really have to say it? (Please don't read if you like Twilight)
The sky was turning a dark color and the Cullen family wondered what it was all about. The wind picked up and the trees twisted like dolls being thrashed around by little children. Violent bolts of lightning raced across the sky followed closely by loud booms. These booms shook everything in the house. Pictures fell from the walls and glass shattered as it hit the floor.
This storm was enormous. It seemed almost God-like. It seemed as though someone was very angry with things in the world and was determined to put a stop to it.
Renesme was clutching Edward in a death grip while screaming feverishly. Bella stood with Alice as they watched the violent display that was transpiring in the sky.
Then it stopped. All the rain that fell held off. The wind died. Everything was normal.
The Cullens stepped wearily outside to gaze about in wonder. What had happened? Weather didn't normally act that way.
Then rocks fell and everyone died.