See first chapter for information!
A/N: Ok, because of my excitement about tomorrow's DVD release I feel compelled to wrap up this story. So, instead of writing my Psychology research paper I'm writing this chapter. Hope you enjoy it!
One Week Later
Bones was sitting at his desk, looking at the incredible amount of reports that had piled up in his absence that needed his approval. It was his first day back to work since being sick, and the paperwork was already giving him a headache.
He had been released from sickbay two days after Jim and Spock had been cleared from isolation, but had been given strict orders to rest in his quarters for the rest of the week. He had almost gone crazy. Jim had stopped by after every shift to visit, and occasionally brought other members of the bridge crew with him, although that only relieved his boredom for a few hours. Dr. Oberon had not allowed him to take any of his paperwork back to his quarters to work on; he had even tried to bribe both Chapel and Jim to retrieve some of the PADDs for him, but they had both refused. Apparently everyone thought that seeing the paperwork from work would stress him out.
And they were right. Apparently the sickbay had been completely crazy in his absence. He didn't know if that made him feel needed, or annoyed. Sure, Oberon was a good doctor, but he was new and didn't have a feel for running a sickbay on a starship. McCoy sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and then sat back in his chair. He needed a drink. And a nap. He may not be sick anymore, but his body was still recuperating from his illness, and he tired easily. Not that he'd admit that to anybody.
He grabbed a PADD of the top of the "need to be reviewed" stack and started reading the report when he heard familiar footsteps and a whistled tune enter sickbay. He looked up just in time to see Jim step inside his office and lean up against the door jamb.
"Hey, Bones, how ya doing?" he inquired as he sunk down into one of the chairs in front of the doctor's desk.
"I'd be fine if it wasn't for all this damn paperwork," he growled lightly.
Jim just grinned. "Ah. One of the many dangers of being a CMO," he quipped.
"Well, if that pile gets any bigger it could collapse on you." Bones shot him a glare, but it had no effect on the Captain. He simply laughed and stood up. "Let's go get some lunch."
Bones scribbled his signature on the report and placed it on the much smaller "finished" stack and grumbled. "I have a lot of work to do, Jim. You were just pointing that out, remember?"
"Oh, come on. Wouldn't you rather have a nice lunch in the Captain's mess with me?"
Bones rolled his eyes but stood up anyways. Jim turned and headed out the door. "Jim?"
Jim spun around to face the doctor again. "Yeah?" Bones pulled his hand from his pocket and jammed a hypo into the side of Jim's neck, deploying the plunger. The Captain yelped. "What the hell was that?"
"That was the inoculation Oberon says you so conveniently keep forgetting to drop by and get."
"That was a cheap shot."
"Yeah, well you let that hobgoblin carry me through the ship. In my underwear!" Bones hollered as they headed out of sickbay. The one patient in sickbay, a science ensign, looked slightly frightened at the doctor's outburst.
"Oh, you heard about that, did you?" Jim asked, a little worried about what might be in the doctor's other pocket. "You were sick, and they needed to get you to sickbay fast, and…"
"Shut up, Jim." By now they were in the turbo lift and Jim hit the button for the mess. The rode in silence for a few moments. "Jim?"
"Yeah, Bones?"
"Thanks." Jim smiled at him, and he smiled back, draping one of his arms around the younger man's shoulders as they rode the rest of the way in silence.
A/N: Ok, I know it's incredibly short, but I didn't really know what else to do with it. I hope it ended ok. I want to thank everyone who followed this story, especially the ones that left reviews! It all means a lot to me!