Tsk Tsk. You all are lucky that I'm updating, since I haven't gotten any reviews. No cupcakes for you. Anyway, I'm going to update now, in hope that you will review in gratitude…not gonna happen right? *sigh* I know how it is, I hate reviewing sometimes too. But it makes me happy! So please live through the pain. If not for me, for Edward! Or Jake! I'm personally team Switzerland like Bella, but I do lean toward Jacob a bit more. If I had to pick, I'd pick Jake. Edward is such a high stung, egotistical person sometimes, and obviously I consider him too over protective of Bella. Jake is more…realistic, like how I'd imagine a perfect guy. Minus the werewolf thing of course.
L(Lorianne) POV
I was lying in a hospital bed, that much I knew. I recognized the feel of scratchy sheets and the smell of heavy antiseptic. I also heard the steady bleep of the heart moniter, and the pricks of needles in my arm. But for some reason, I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't even remember what happened to me, only that Gram and I were driving up to Forks to visit my parents' graves and it was storming…but that's it. Now I was here, unable to get out of my own head and surrounded by fear and uncertainty, and pain.
The pain was the most intense sensation. I felt as if someone were inside my head with a sledge hammer, trying to get out. And my skin, I felt like a thanksgiving turkey with crispy outer skin, and juicy inner meat. But it hurt. I knew that I would be hooked up to morphine, they wouldn't let me suffer all the pain that I would be feeling, but it was still almost unbearable.
One constant I became aware of was a sweet voiced doctor that checked on me almost every half hour. He would ask the nurse at the desk outside my room how I was doing and he would come in to check my machines. I imagined him in my head, he seemed concerned about something, not me, but something else. I pictured one of those doctors from the soap operas, a real Dr. McDreamy. As if I should be so lucky!
One day he came in to sit in my room, and he just stayed there. I could practically feel his eyes studying me, but I couldn't return his gaze. I was lost inside my own head so far I couldn't bust out. He put a shockingly cold hand on my skin and whispered, "I must do it for my dear Amber Jane."
That perplexed me. I had absoloutely no idea who Amber Jane was. Or why he had to do something for her concerning me. He sounded sad and wistful as he left so quietly I didn't know he was gone until I heard some people loudly run down the hallway. I couldn't make out their words, but I recognized Dr. McDreamy's voice as he answered them. The only thing I could clearly hear was when a girl with a delicate voice yell 'Our new sister!' at the top of her lungs. His wife must have had a child, I realized. I was happy for him. It made me think of my own father, he had light blonde hair and china blue eyes, just like me. He was very handsome and my mother always said she was lucky to have snagged him up before someone else did. But she was beautiful too, with long, black curls and moss green eyes that sparkled. She looked just like my Gram.
I felt the sadness well up inside me. My Gram was dead. I knew it in the pit of my heart that she was dead. It suddenly came back to me. The volkswagon at the stoplight didn't see us, and it was raining so hard. We T-boned and slid and rolled into a deep, off road ditch. Then Gram's ancient car caught fire and it exploded. I told her to get the oil fixed before we left, but she didn't listen. She was too confident in God to save her if we got in trouble. I wasn't so trusting. I felt un wanted tears escape my painful eyes and burn my raw cheeks with their salt.
After the people visiting Dr. McDreamy left, he came back in. I could hear the smile in his voice as he said, "It won't be long dear, and your suffering will end." That made me cringe inside. He sounded like he was going to kill me and just end my misery, not like he was going to heal me. I didn't want to die! I fought to wake up, to move…something, to free myself from my own body. But I couldn't. I was helpless.
I didn't know what I was thinking. I knew what everyone else was thinking, but not what I could possibly be thinking. Bella was my only priority and I just agreed to let a newborn into our home that could possibly kill my only beloved. Perhaps what swayed me was my loyalty and debt to Carlisle. He saved my own life while dying in a hospital bed after all, and seeing as the impeccable odds that Carlisle would have human bloodline remaining were in his favor it was hard to refuse him. It was his own choice who and who wouldn't be changed around here, and he decided to put it to a vote like my dear Bella which wasn't exactly necessary except for the fact he cared about his family's happiness. So I simply couldn't refuse.
When we had left the hospital, Bella was fuming. She just didn't understand how fragile she was, and how much danger a newborn would put her in. But she couldn't believe that I would ask so much sacrifice from Carlisle for her. What she didn't know was that Carlisle was completely understanding of my objection and not expecting anything different that my reaction. But Bella made her frusteration known.
"Edward! I can't believe you did that!" She said, crossing her arms and looking away.
"Bella, it was for your own protection. And I agreed, did I not?" I asked. She wouldn't look at me.
"Your family has already given up so much for me, and risked so much and now you propose killing someone for me? That is murder Edward," she argued.
"I was simply suggesting that nature take it's own course rather that having you murdered." I said. She didn't have a rebuttal. I reached a hand over and put it under her chin, I pulled her gaze to mine and she instantly softened. "It was all for your own good." I reminded her. She smiled, no longer angry, and settled back into her seat.
Pulling up to the house I instantly was hit with Jasper's thoughts and a wave of panic. 'I already told everyone about the girl ,now Esme's on a cleaning rampage!" he thought frantically. I knew how Esme got when people we'd never met were to come over, she had to clean everything twice over to be satisfied. That included all of our rooms, all of our clothing and closets, and all the yard work. Jasper for whatever reason was usually slated as Esme's assistant so he was hiding somewhere. I shook my head once and led Bella inside.
When we stepped in, Esme was running back and forth, down the halls and up the stairs but she stopped abruptly in front of us. She smiled widely and asked, "Oh how is she?"
"Fine Esme, just fine." I encouraged. "You know, you have three days to clean everything." I mentioned.
"Yes, yes but I want everything to be perfect. We're going to be this girl's new family, and I don't want her to think that we're slobs." She said truthfully. She then turned to Alice, "Alice, I want you to handle shopping for her new bedroom, make sure it's something she will like." Alice's face lit up at the thought and took off toward the garage, and off to the mall.
I took Bella upstairs, and on the way ran into Emmett on the way. He was in the hallway, staring at a room that held all of his video games. All four walls were filled with games, much like my own musical collection, except Emmett had acquired many more games and systems that I had cared to. In his thoughts, he was mourning the loss of this space, which would become Lorianne's room. He would have to shove all of his video games into him and Rosalie's closet and they would probably be sold by the dozen if Rosalie had her way. Which she always did.
I took Bella into my room in an attempt to cheer her up, and make her forget the days earlier mishaps.
Edward called me that night after he had taken Bella back home. Jasper had apparently informed everyone of Lorianne's soon arrival, and my darling Esme felt the need to make our home presentable already. Mentally I hoped that this decision wouldn't prove to be the wrong one, seeing as I hadn't officially met this girl. But I was confident that if she were anything like Amber Jane, then she would be a lovely addition to our family.
The late hour of midnight approached and most of the staff had gone home save a few nurses and surgeons. I locked the door to Lorianne's room, as prepared as I'd ever be thanks to my many years of practice in restraint. I leaned over the poor girl, sad that this was her only choice opposed to death, and delivered the fatal bites to her neck, and wrists as swiftly as I could manage. Her exression didn't change, she was still unconscious, with any hope she wouldn't feel he pain. But I knew that wasn't the reality as I unhooked the morphine tubes and prepared for her vitals to become non-existant within the next seventy two hours.
Dr. McDreamy was on the phone again, but in my room this time. He must've had many kids since he was asking questions about a lot of them. Once I even heard him say my name, which I assumed he was explaining why he was still at the hospital so late. I felt vauge regret in making him stay so long. I wished I could help it. I knew it was so late because as nurses passed, they all made a point to say goodbye to Dr. McDreamy whom I learned, real name is Dr. Cullen. But they would linger in the doorway, hoping to strike up a conversation, or trying to invite him to parties and barbeques. He would quickly decline and mention his wife and kids ever so subtly.
When they all finally left him alone, he shut and locked the door of my room. He came over to stand by me and let out a quiet sigh, he seemed pained for some reason. Then, he leaned in close to me, so close I could feel his cool breath on my neck and without warning, he sunk his teeth into my neck. But they weren't teeth, they were razor blades! They punctured my neck in an eruption of fire and I tried to scream out in pain. But I was silent. Every fiber of me wanted to escape, but I was stuck. He proceeded to bite each of my wrists, which created a new flame in my blood, and it slowly engulfed my entire body.
I laid there in agony for an eternity. The fires spread and coarsed through my entire body, singeing every nerve and blood cell inside me. I tried to fight it, but I could only succumb to it. Hours passed, and I couldn't move, I couldn't wake. But Dr. Cullen stayed there, holding my hand, muttering his apologies in a sickeningly sweet voice. I was beyond frightened, I was to the point of sheer panic as the pain coased through me endlessly. I could hear faintly the voices of the nurses return as the morning arrived, but the pain was hot in my ears and I strained to listen.
"You're in early Dr. Cullen," One of the nurses said. "The poor dear looks just the same as last night," another one said. I couldn't hear beyond that. I wished that someone, anyone would realize what was happening to me. But all the nurses did was check my machines every so often then leave as quietly as they came.
By the time night fell again I thought I would go insane. The flames wouldn't ease up, I wanted to tear off my flesh if that would ease it. But I was motionless. I couldn't even writhe, or move to extinguish the fire, which I was sure by now would help. Another night, Dr. Cullen had gone home briefly during the day but returned to sit by me in the night.
I considered what Dr. Cullen could possibly have done to me. He bit my neck, and of course the first notion in my head was 'vampire' but that seemed completely ridiculous. Why would he bite me and keep me alive even if he was a vampire. And a vampire doctor seemed kind of like an oxymoron. It was possible he didn't actually bite me but administer some type of shot, with two prongs. But I swore I felt his cold mouth on my neck. Soon, I couldn't even think well enough to deliberate anymore and I just fell into an unthinking state of fire and pain, so intense that I wanted to die, if I could just escape it.
It wasn't long before I heard my heart monitor flat line. So I was getting my wish after all, death! I mentally rejoyed. But a fleeting thought crossed my mind, why was I still thinking if I was dead? Shouldn't my soul be floating or something? What about the tunnel and the white light? I heard the nurses come in and check my pulse. I felt the jolts of electric shock on my chest but just barely. The fires started to recede slowly, and there was less and less pain. So I must be dying.
The nurse pronounced my time of death as exactly midnight. How interesting I would die the same as my parents had.
Dr. Cullen said that he would see personally to the body since I had no family left. But now I was incredibly confused. If I was dead, why could I feel Dr. Cullen shake my shoulder, and why…was…I…opening my eyes!
My eyelids fluttered open and I looked around startled. I was in the hospital room still, the sterile lights above me and green linens on the bed I was on. I saw blood on my hospital gown, and my heart and breath were still. I looked around and spotted a man right next to me. So I really was dead, since there was an angel standing next to me.
He looked just like I imagined angels to be, pale blonde hair, light-filled complextions, warm smiles, and sunny eyes. I had to do a double take to make sure the angel standing there wasn't my father. Though the man looked very similar, it wasn't my dad. All that was missing for this angel were the wings and the halo. The angel cleared his thoat and said softly,
"Hello Lorriane." He smiled again and held out a hand. I took it and stepped down. The floor felt solid under my feet.
"Hello angel," I said absentmindedly. The angel chuckled warmly.
"Dear girl, I'm not an angel, my name is Carlisle Cullen." He said gently. I pulled away and looked at him in horror.
"You are Dr. Cullen!" I said loudly. He put a finger to his lips. "You-you bit me! You killed me! I'm dead!" I said harshly but softly.
"No child, I saved you. Though your human life is gone." He said. I didn't follow. He sensed this and said,
"Come with me and I'll take you to my home. You will live with me and my family who are all just like you." He encouraged.
"They're all dead?" I asked. He laughed.
"No, vampires. Now all will be explained in due time, and if you'll follow me before the nurses spot a walking corpse that would be preferable." He asked. I didn't argue. For all I knew I was dead, and in hell or dreaming. I went along with it since I had no where else to go.
Dr. Cullen suddenly picked me up bridal style and started running through the hospital. He was running at an in-human speed. Faster than a car I'd bet, because he passed through the halls and outside undetected. He didn't stop running though. Down the street and out of town, toward a lush, green forest. There was a dirt path up ahead and he followed it all the way to a giant, and beautiful white house. He set me down, and offered a hand.
"Here is your home," he said. I was scared to see the people inside, I was still so confused as to what was going on, I was trembling.
I walked with him up to the front door, and as it opened, there was a surprisingly beautiful, and normal house inside. There were wide, picture windows that made the whole house seem part of the forest behind it. As we entered the large space I saw Dr. Cullen's family sitting in the living room. I looked at all the faces and noticed how incredibly beautiful each and every one was.
"Lorianne, this is my family," he said, pulling me around to meet each one. "My darling wife Esme," a young woman with long brown ringlets, and a caring face pulled me into an enthusiastic hug and said "Welcome to the family!" she sounded like she would burst with joy. I didn't hug back, I was too shocked.
"And these are my children, Emmett," He pulled me over to a huge man who looked more like a professional wrestler than a teenager. He picked me up in a bear hug and tossed me in the air like a rag doll. "Hey little sis! We're going to have so much fun!" he put me down and patted my head. I only stared up at him wide eyed. " his wife Rosalie," the next girl was so shockingly beautiful that I wondered why she wasn't famous. She looked like a movie star. She gave me a small smile and a snobbish nod and I took that she was the family 'brat' I wasn't an insult, every family had one.
"This is Alice," Dr. Cullen said. A small, pixie like girl came over to me and embraced me. "Hi I'm Alice! We're going to be the best sisters!" she said excidedly. So I was the new sister! Dr. Cullen had this planned all along. But why me?
"And her husband Jasper," Dr. Cullen continued. There was a lovely man with golden hair that gave me a thin smile and a nod but unlike Rosalie's, his was friendly. I suddenly felt warm and happy, no longer scared, I felt…accepted. " Pleasure to meet you," Jasper said, he held out a hand. I noted the slightest southern accent in his speech. "And finally, my son Edward." Dr. Cullen said. I looked up at the most handsome boy I'd ever seen. He had bronze hair and a crooked smile. I was speechless. "Welcome to the family," he said. "Edward's fiancée you will meet a while later. She's human, and well, you need to learn control of your thirst first." He said. I had noticed how incredibly parched my thoat felt. Like sandpaper. It was painful.
"Carlisle, she looks so much like you!" the girl Alice squeaked.
"Yes, there is quite a family resemblance," Esme commented.
"Family resemblance?" I piped. Carlisle smiled,
"Yes, you see, vampires are immortal. They live forever, I myself have been alive for almost seven centuries. You and I are distant relatives. In fact, you are the last of our human bloodline. Well, not human anymore." He said. I guess that made sense.
"So I'm a…vampire?" I asked. Everyone nodded. I gulped. "So I have to drink…blood?" I asked horrified.
"Well, our family considers ourselves vegetarians. We only drink the blood of animals, never humans." He explained. I didn't feel any better. Everyone just watched me for a second, and the silence became drawn out until the pixie like girl, Alice spoke up.
"Mkay well, I'm going to show Lorianne her new room!" I mentally thanked her for saving me before I went insane and broke down in front of everyone. She seized my hand and started running. She was running with me so fast that I knew it wasn't possible. I blamed the scene of the house rushing passed me as vertigo and nothing more.
I was suddenly apprehensive, self conscious. An oddly timed, but all too familiar feeling. I realized that I was still wearing a hospital gown, and my hair must look like I'd never set a brush to it before. Alice suddenly opened a door and I saw a gorgeous room.
The walls were midnight blue, my favorite color, and there was a silken blue chaise lounge with small, embroidered pink flowers. Then across the walls were shelves that seemed to have been there previously, holding something else. My mind automatically thought of how many books I would be able to cram on those shelves and a healthy glow of excitement burned in my core for a second. There were sheer blue curtains, and the wall was facing west, giving me a wonderful view of their lush backyard and the sunset, also the moon. The room was large and beautiful, I was everything I'd wanted a room to be, from the oak floorboards and the wall moldings, to the antique desk and mirrors. To say the least, I was utterly speechless.
"Like it? I picked it all out especially for you." Alice said, while going to the closet. She pulled out some blue skinny jeans and a fitted black babydoll top. Very fashionable, very expensive. She motioned for me to try them on. Without thinking I stripped off the hospital gown and into the clothing. It fit perfectly. "Hm, pretty good," she hummed to herself. "Now for the fun part," she said, pulling me into the bathroom adjacent to my room.
When I looked at myself in the mirror I gasped. I had changed.
That is all you get until you review. If you want me to go on you have to tell me! Oh and I'm taking suggestions as to what Lorianne's real personality should be. I won't accept snotty though. One Rosalie is enough. So tell me what you think, as well as her favorite music, books, stuff like that.
Thanks a bunches!