Yo! It's been a while, huh? I want to thank EVERYONE! who reviewed this story, faved it and it put on alert! You guys are fantastic and I love you!

This chapter isn't much, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway. And I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes.

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T own Mai-HiME blablabla yadda yadda, you get it. Mai-HiME © Sunrise.

It was pleasantly quiet in the garage. Everyone was working peacefully at their own pace. Nao was working under a slightly older, orange car. Akira was rummaging in her toolbox. Miyu was, as always, rapidly typing on her laptop. Chie was taking a break and sat down at the same table as Miyu was sitting at. And our dynamic duo, Shizuru and Natsuki, were working on a Minivan. The blunette was working under the lifted hood of the Minivan. And Shizuru handed her the tools she needed from time to time.

"Ne Shizuru, I wanna if see this baby does her thing again, can you start the motor?" Natsuki asked, moving away from under the hood. Shizuru got into the van and started the engine. The blunette grinned at her own handiwork as motor started and roared like it should. "Okay, that's enough!" [1]

The honey brunette got out of the van again and walked back to the other mechanic. "Good job, Natsuki." Shizuru said, smiling warmly. The other mechanics held their breath as they heard Shizuru say the blunette's first name, knowing what would follow if you called her by it. Natsuki, however, just nodded at the older woman and smiled as well, "Thanks."

CLUNK! Akira dropped the screwdriver back into her toolbox. TONK! Nao hit her head and rolled out from under the car, cursing as she held her head in pain. PFFFT! Chie just spat out the gulp of soda she just took all over Miyu. Miyu just blankly stared at Shizuru and Natsuki while the drink dripped of her face slowly. "DID SHE JUST CALL YOU NATSUKI AND DIDN'T GET HIT IN THE HEAD FOR IT?"

Natsuki shrugged and handed Miyu an old towel. " Yeah, what of it?"

" What of it?" Chie managed to squeak out. "Mutt, you never let anyone call you that! Not without at least yelling at them.. Hell! I've known you since I was six and even back then you gave me a black eye the first time I called you that!" Nao yelled, still holding her head. Miyu wiped her face with the towel Natsuki just handed her and blankly stated, "Nao-san has a point, Kuga-san." Akira and Chie nodded in agreement.

Again Natsuki shrugged. "Yeah, so?"

"Well nothing really, but.. How come Fujino-san can call you by your first name and we can't?" Chie asked as a sly grin appeared on her face. Nao, who caught on quickly, grinned too and taunted, "Oi Kuga, you are so whipped!"

Natsuki blushed and was about to yell something in response when Midori, who heard the commotion, walked in to check on the team. "Guys, is everything alright in here?"

Chie spoke up first, "Yeah.. But I think it's better if Nao here visits Youko.."

"No shit, Sherlock.." Nao said, wincing as she held her head.

"So.. Are you guys gonna tell me what happened or what?" Midori asked crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Ara, Nao-han hit her head." Shizuru started.

The beer-loving redhead raised an eyebrow. " How? Did she and Kuga get in an argument again?" She asked, eyeing the other redhead and the blunette suspiciously.

The blue-haired mechanic rolled her eyes. " No. That stupid spider decided to sit up while she was working under a car." Natsuki said, snickering. Chie and Akira chuckled, Shizuru giggled softly behind her hand and Miyu had a tiny smile on her face.

Nao glared at them. "Shut up, mutt! It was your fault after all.."

Midori had a confused look on her face. "How can it be Kuga's fault if you sit up while working under a car?" Nao sweatdropped while Natsuki laughed.

"The same would've happened to you, if you heard Fujino calling Kuga by her first name without getting yelled at or getting hit in the head, Midori.." Nao retorted.

Midori stared in shock at Nao. " What?" The green-eyed redhead smirked as Midori desperately looked at the other crewmembers as if she was asking ' She's joking, right?'. The other girls shook their heads. "Holy Warsteiner!"[2] She took the can of soda from Chie, took a big gulp and.. PFFFT! ..Spat it out like grayish-haired girl did earlier. The soda slowly dripped of Chie's face. Her eyebrow twitched slightly as the icy-blue-haired girl handed her the towel she wiped her face on earlier.

After Midori had calmed down, a sly smirk crawled its way onto her face. In just a moment, the beer-loving redhead appeared in front of Shizuru. She took the honey brunette's hands in her own.

"Keep up the good work, Shi-chin!" Midori stated.

Shizuru blinked. "O-ookini..?" She said, still slightly surprised.

Nao rolled her eyes. "What good work? She didn't do shi—OOF!"

Midori smacked the other redhead. "What the hell, you alcoholic? You're supposed to help injured people! Not hurt them more!" The older redhead waved her hand dismissively at the younger one. "Details, details, Nao-chin. Just get your cute butt over to Youko.."

Nao blushed slightly and glared at Midori while Natsuki and Chie snickered.

"S-shut up, you two.." She muttered, "Anyone going with me?"

Miyu closed her laptop and quietly got off her chair. "I-I'll go with you, Nao-san.. That is, if you don't mind, of course.." She stated, a hint of light red making its way onto her cheeks; much to everyone's surprise. Nao grinned and got up, "Of course, I don't mind! I would be honored if you did, Mi-yu-chan~" She walked up to Miyu and wrapped an arm around the girl's waist. "Let'su go~!"

Midori stared at Miyu and Nao as they walked away and shook her head, "I don't think I'll ever figure out how those two manage to work so well together.."

The rest just let out a grunt in agreement.

[1] I don't know anything about cars etc, even though I'm writing a story about people working in a garage (Yeah very smart ._.).. So sorry if I'm not going into detail very much when it comes to the work stuff -sweatdrops-

[2] German beer! One tasty bastard! In my opinion Germany has the best beer, then comes Belgium and then zhe Netherlands. Not that anyone of you guys really cared about that.. *awkward turtle*

Normally, I would write a small bit that will happen in the next chapter. Unfortunately, I'm completely out of ideas for this story.. So now I want to hear if you guys have any idea/suggestions. Just leave put them in a review or send me a PM with 'Pass me that wrench, will ya?' as the title. If any ideas/suggestions inspire me, I'll let you know and I'll give the full credit for the idea! So please, leave me a message :) Okay, that was it guys! Bye for now.