It was Sunday, when ed and eddy convinced edd to come out to absorb some sunlight. They was outside Rolf's farm. Ed was holding a chicken in his hands which they had stolen from his Rolf's chicken coop. this was part of their scam of the day. They tried to sell him it back but Rolf knocked into senses and grabbed it back and the three as hard as he could with his frying pan and went off to milk the cows. With humiliation on their faces they walked over to the sidewalk and sat down at the edge of it.

"ah man, what are we meant to do to make a bit of cash around here I mean, jheeze Louise cant people open the piggy banks or something and give to someone who really needs it, like me!" said eddy

"how very selfish and inconvenient of you eddy" said edd

"put a sock in it, sock head" screeched eddy

Before edd could respond to eddy's remark, the kankers flew fight into them.

"AHH, KANKERS!" the ed boys screeched

"howdy boys, I hope you know what time of the year it is four weeks" said lee

"EASTER!" smiled ed

"no, its valentines day" smiled Marie

"and ill be expecting a lot of presents" laughed May

Edds face started to sadden. He wanted to shout out how much he loved her. But he couldn't, he was afraid of what his friends and enemy's would say. The biggest embarrassment would be if she did not like him back. What if she was to blurt out how much she hated him.

Suddenly the kankers pounced onto the ed boys. Lee on eddy, May on ed and Marie on Edd. The kankers started to kiss the boys in a struggle. Edd used all of his strength to get Marie off of him and he done it. He then ran over to may and ed and pulled ed away from her hands. then edd grabbed may and then he started to kiss her. May was in complete shock but she had got into the mood for it and stuck her tongue inside his mouth. Ed, Marie, Eddy and Lee watched in complete shock but before any more could happen Marie dragged May by her blonde hair across the road.

"stay away from my man hoe"